#+TITLE: Writing a Thesis with Org Mode #+latex_class: mimosis #+latex_header: \KOMAoptions{headings=small,fontsize=12,DIV=12} #+setupfile: ./thesis.setup #+latex_header: \bibliography{./thesis} #+EXCLUDE_TAGS: journal noexport * Acronym and Glossary :ignore: # {{{glossaryentry(LaTeX,\LaTeX,A document preparation system,LaTeX)}}} # {{{glossaryentry(Real Numbers,$\real$,The set of Real numbers,Real Numbers)}}} # #+latex_header: \makeglossaries * Frontmatter :ignore: #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex \frontmatter #+END_EXPORT #+INCLUDE: ./title.org * Mainmatter :ignore: #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex \tableofcontents \mainmatter #+END_EXPORT * A General Introduction This work demonstrates how to use Org Mode to write a Ph.D. thesis. #+INCLUDE: "./introduction/introduction.org" :lines "2-" * A Research Chapter :PROPERTIES: :ALT_TITLE: Research Chapter :END: #+INCLUDE: "../research-chapter/manuscript.org::*Abstract" :only-contents t {{{fourstar}}} #+latex: \noindent #+begin_small Junior Author & Senior Author. #+end_small #+latex: \vspace*{\fill} #+begin_flushright /Contents published as Author et al., Org Science 2019/ #+end_flushright {{{clearpage}}} #+INCLUDE: "../research-chapter/manuscript.org" :lines "6-" * Summary and general discussion #+INCLUDE: "./summary/summary.org" :lines "2-" * Bibliography :ignore: #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex \begingroup \sloppy \setstretch{1} \setlength\bibitemsep{3pt} \printbibliography \endgroup #+END_EXPORT * Backmatter :ignore: #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex % This ensures that the subsequent sections are being included as root % items in the bookmark structure of your PDF reader. \bookmarksetup{startatroot} \backmatter % \begingroup % \let\clearpage\relax % \glsaddall % \printglossary[type=\acronymtype] % \newpage % \printglossary % \endgroup % \printindex #+END_EXPORT * Appendix :ignore: #+latex: \appendix * COMMENT Acknowledgments :PROPERTIES: :UNNUMBERED: t :END: * Build :noexport: Bind derivatives change variable values *locally* on export. These two are because I'm defining the title and toc manually using latex, so I don't want org-latex to take care of that. #+BIND: org-latex-title-command "" #+BIND: org-latex-toc-command "" This is so that src code blocks get src highlighting from the minted package. #+BIND: org-latex-listings minted This beautifies table borders. It will only work if the booktabs package is loaded, which I do in the setup file. #+BIND: org-latex-tables-booktabs t And this configuration increases the default width of images, so that they are larger and more readable on print. #+BIND: org-latex-image-default-width ".97\\linewidth" # Local Variables: # mode: org # org-export-allow-bind-keywords: t # End: