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#!/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import calendar
import os
import pytest
import sys
import time
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/..') # noqa
from tuhi.protocol import *
SUCCESS = NordicData([0xb3, 0x1, 0x00])
class TestUtils(object):
def test_hex_string(self):
values = [
([0x00, 0x12], '00 12'),
([0x00], '00'),
([0xab], 'ab'),
([0x00, 0x12, 0xab, 0xdf], '00 12 ab df'),
((16).to_bytes(1, byteorder='little'), '10'),
((1024).to_bytes(2, byteorder='little'), '00 04'),
([], '')
for v in values:
assert as_hex_string(v[0]) == v[1]
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_protocol_version(self):
values = [
('INTUOS_PRO', ProtocolVersion.INTUOS_PRO),
('intuos_pro', ProtocolVersion.INTUOS_PRO),
('intuos-pro', ProtocolVersion.INTUOS_PRO),
('SLATE', ProtocolVersion.SLATE),
('slate', ProtocolVersion.SLATE),
('SPARK', ProtocolVersion.SPARK),
('spark', ProtocolVersion.SPARK),
for v in values:
assert ProtocolVersion.from_string(v[0]) == v[1]
# No real reason we couldn't support those but right now they
# aren't, so let's test for it.
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_little_u16(self):
values = [
(1, [0x01, 0x00]),
(256, [0x00, 0x01]),
for v in values:
assert little_u16(v[0]) == bytes(v[1])
assert little_u16(v[1]) == v[0]
invalid = [0x10000, -1, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00]]
for v in invalid:
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
def test_little_u32(self):
values = [
(1, [0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]),
(256, [0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]),
(0x10000, [0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00]),
(0x1000000, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]),
for v in values:
assert little_u32(v[0]) == bytes(v[1])
assert little_u32(v[1]) == v[0]
invalid = [0x100000000, -1, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]]
for v in invalid:
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
class TestProtocolAny(object):
protocol_version = ProtocolVersion.ANY
def test_get_protocol(self):
assert Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=None) is not None
def test_has_all_messages(self):
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=None)
for m in Interactions:
# Some messages expect an argument and fail, that's fine for
# this test. We're looking for KeyErrors here if a message
# doesn't exist so we try each message with one of the likely
# arguments that will pass
args = [None, '101010', [0x12], Mode.LIVE]
for arg in args:
if arg is None:
p.get(m, arg)
except TypeError:
except ValueError:
def test_connect(self, cb=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xe6
assert request.length == 6
return SUCCESS
if cb is None:
cb = _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
p.execute(Interactions.CONNECT) # missing argument
uuid = 'abcdef123456'
msg = p.execute(Interactions.CONNECT, uuid)
assert msg.uuid == uuid
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
p.execute(Interactions.CONNECT, 'too-long-an-id')
with pytest.raises(binascii.Error):
uuid = 'uvwxyz123456'
p.execute(Interactions.CONNECT, uuid)
def test_get_name(self, cb=None, name='test dev name\x0a'):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xbb
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x00
return NordicData([0xbc, len(name)] + list(bytes(name, encoding='ascii')))
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.GET_NAME)
assert msg.name == name
def test_set_name(self, cb=None, name='test dev name'):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xbb
assert request.length == len(name) + 1
assert request[-1] == 0xa # spark needs a trailing linebreak
assert bytes(request[:-1]).decode('utf-8') == name
return SUCCESS
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
p.execute(Interactions.SET_NAME, name=name)
def test_get_time(self, cb=None, ts=time.time()):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xb6
assert request.length == 1
t = time.strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime(ts))
t = [int(i) for i in binascii.unhexlify(t)]
return NordicData([0xbd, len(t)] + t)
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.GET_TIME)
assert msg.timestamp == int(ts)
def test_set_time(self, cb=None, ts=time.time()):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xb6
assert request.length == 6
str_timestamp = ''.join([f'{b:02x}' for b in request])
t = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(str_timestamp, '%y%m%d%H%M%S'))
assert int(t) == int(ts)
return SUCCESS
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
p.execute(Interactions.SET_TIME, timestamp=ts)
def test_get_fw(self, cb=None, fw='abcdef-123456'):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xb7
assert request.length == 1
data = [int(c, 16) for c in fw.split('-')[request[0]]]
return NordicData([0xb8, len(data) + 1, 0x00] + data)
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.GET_FIRMWARE)
assert msg.firmware == fw
def test_get_battery(self, cb=None, battery=(1, 78)):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xb9
assert request.length == 1
return NordicData([0xba, 2, battery[1], battery[0]])
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.GET_BATTERY)
assert msg.battery_is_charging == battery[0]
assert msg.battery_percent == battery[1]
def test_get_width(self, cb=None):
# this is hardcoded for the spark
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=None)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.GET_WIDTH)
assert msg.width == 21000
def test_get_height(self, cb=None):
# this is hardcoded for the spark
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=None)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.GET_HEIGHT)
assert msg.height == 14800
def test_get_point_size(self, cb=None):
# this is hardcoded for the spark
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=None)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.GET_POINT_SIZE)
assert msg.point_size == 10
def test_unknown_e3(self, cb=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xe3
assert request.length == 1
return SUCCESS
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
def test_filetransfer_reporting_type(self, cb=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xec
assert request.length == 6
assert request, [0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 == 0x00]
return SUCCESS
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
def test_set_mode(self, cb=None):
for mode in Mode:
mode = Mode.LIVE
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xb1
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == mode
return SUCCESS
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
p.execute(Interactions.SET_MODE, mode)
def test_get_strokes(self, cb=None, count=1024, ts=time.time()):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
# this is a weird double call, see the protocol
# We reply 0xc7 first, and then 0xcd
if request is not None:
assert request.opcode == 0xc5
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x00
data = list(count.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big'))
return NordicData([0xc7, len(data)] + data)
t = time.strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime(ts))
data = [int(i) for i in binascii.unhexlify(t)]
return NordicData([0xcd, len(data)] + data)
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.GET_STROKES)
assert msg.count == count
assert msg.timestamp == int(ts)
def test_available_files_count(self, cb=None, ndata=1234):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xc1
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x00
data = list(ndata.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big'))
return NordicData([0xc2, len(data)] + data)
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.AVAILABLE_FILES_COUNT)
assert msg.count == ndata
def test_download_oldest_file(self, cb=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xc3
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x00
return NordicData([0xc8, 1, 0xbe])
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
def test_delete_oldest_file(self, cb=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xca
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x00
# no reply
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
def test_register_complete(self, cb=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xe5
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x00
return SUCCESS
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
def test_register_press_button(self, cb=None, uuid=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xe3
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x01
# no reply
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.REGISTER_PRESS_BUTTON, uuid=uuid)
assert msg.uuid == uuid
def test_error_invalid_state(self):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
return NordicData([0xb3, 0x1, 0x1])
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=_cb)
# a "random" collection of requests that we want to check for
with pytest.raises(DeviceError) as cm:
p.execute(Interactions.CONNECT, uuid='abcdef123456')
assert cm.value.errorcode == DeviceError.ErrorCode.GENERAL_ERROR
with pytest.raises(DeviceError) as cm:
assert cm.value.errorcode == DeviceError.ErrorCode.GENERAL_ERROR
with pytest.raises(DeviceError) as cm:
p.execute(Interactions.SET_MODE, Mode.PAPER)
assert cm.value.errorcode == DeviceError.ErrorCode.GENERAL_ERROR
class TestProtocolSpark(TestProtocolAny):
protocol_version = ProtocolVersion.SPARK
def test_register_wait_for_button(self, cb=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request is None
return NordicData([0xe4, 0x00])
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.REGISTER_WAIT_FOR_BUTTON)
assert msg.protocol_version == self.protocol_version
class TestProtocolSlate(TestProtocolSpark):
protocol_version = ProtocolVersion.SLATE
def test_get_width(self, cb=None, width=1234):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xea
assert request.length == 2
assert request[0] == 3
data = [0x03, 0x00] + list(width.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))
return NordicData([0xeb, len(data)] + data)
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.GET_WIDTH)
assert msg.width == width
def test_get_height(self, cb=None, height=4321):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xea
assert request.length == 2
assert request[0] == 4
data = [0x04, 0x00] + list(height.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))
return NordicData([0xeb, len(data)] + data)
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.GET_HEIGHT)
assert msg.height == height
def test_get_strokes(self, cb=None, count=1024, ts=time.time()):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xcc
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x00
c = list(count.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))
t = time.strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime(ts))
t = [int(i) for i in binascii.unhexlify(t)]
data = c + t
return NordicData([0xcf, len(data)] + data)
super().test_get_strokes(cb or _cb, count=count, ts=ts)
def test_available_files_count(self, cb=None, ndata=1234):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xc1
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x00
data = list(ndata.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little'))
return NordicData([0xc2, len(data)] + data)
super().test_available_files_count(cb or _cb, ndata=ndata)
def test_delete_oldest_file(self, cb=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xca
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x00
return SUCCESS
super().test_delete_oldest_file(cb or _cb)
def test_register_press_button(self, cb=None, uuid='abcdef123456'):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xe7
assert request.length == 6
# no reply
super().test_register_press_button(cb or _cb, uuid)
def test_register_wait_for_button(self, cb=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request is None
return NordicData([0xe4, 0x00])
super().test_register_wait_for_button(cb or _cb)
class TestProtocolIntuosPro(TestProtocolSlate):
protocol_version = ProtocolVersion.INTUOS_PRO
def test_connect(self, cb=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xe6
assert request.length == 6
return NordicData([0x50, 0x06] + request) # replies with the uuid
super().test_connect(cb or _cb)
def test_get_name(self, cb=None, name='test dev name'):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xdb
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x00
return NordicData([0xbc, len(name)] + list(bytes(name, encoding='ascii')))
super().test_get_name(cb or _cb, name=name)
def test_set_name(self, cb=None, name='test dev name'):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xdb
assert request.length == len(name)
assert bytes(request).decode('utf-8') == name
return SUCCESS
super().test_set_name(cb or _cb, name=name)
def test_get_time(self, cb=None, ts=time.time()):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xd6
assert request.length == 1
t = list(int(ts).to_bytes(length=4, byteorder='little')) + [0x00, 0x00]
return NordicData([0xbd, len(t)] + t)
super().test_get_time(cb or _cb, ts=ts)
def test_set_time(self, cb=None, ts=time.time()):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xb6
assert request.length == 6
t = int.from_bytes(request[0:4], byteorder='little')
assert int(t) == int(ts)
return SUCCESS
super().test_set_time(cb or _cb, ts=ts)
def test_get_fw(self, cb=None, fw='anything-string'):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xb7
assert request.length == 1
data = bytes(fw.split('-')[request[0]].encode('utf8'))
return NordicData([0xb8, len(data) + 1, 0x00] + list(data))
super().test_get_fw(cb or _cb, fw=fw)
def test_get_strokes(self, cb=None, count=1024, ts=time.time()):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xcc
assert request.length == 1
assert request[0] == 0x00
c = list(count.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))
t = list(int(ts).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))
data = c + t
return NordicData([0xcf, len(data)] + data)
super().test_get_strokes(cb or _cb, count=count, ts=ts)
def test_register_wait_for_button(self, cb=None):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request is None
return NordicData([0x53, 0x00])
super().test_register_wait_for_button(cb or _cb)
def test_get_point_size(self, cb=None, pointsize=12):
def _cb(request, requires_reply=True, userdata=None, timeout=5):
assert request.opcode == 0xea
assert request.length == 2
assert request[0] == 0x14
ps = little_u32(pointsize)
return NordicData([0xeb, 6, 0x14, 0x00] + list(ps))
cb = cb or _cb
p = Protocol(self.protocol_version, callback=cb)
msg = p.execute(Interactions.GET_POINT_SIZE)
assert msg.point_size == pointsize - 1