protocol: rm unused class WacomPacket

Taihsiang Ho (tai271828) 2020-04-16 22:18:08 +02:00
parent 72d9dee37a
commit 99350a6438
1 changed files with 0 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -268,78 +268,6 @@ class DataLogger(object):
self._in_context = False
class WacomPacket(GObject.Object):
A single protocol packet of variable length. The protocol format is a
single-byte bitmask followed by up to 8 bytes (depending on the number
of 1-bits in the bitmask). Each byte represents the matching bit in the
bitmask, i.e. the data is non-sparse.
If the bitmask has 0x1 and/or 0x2 set, those two bytes make up the
opcode of the command. So the possible layouts are:
| bitmask | opcode1 | opcode2 | payload ...
| bitmask | opcode1 | payload ...
| bitmask | opcode2 | payload ...
| bitmask | payload
On most normal packets containing motion data, the opcode is not
bitmask .. single byte with a bitmask denoting the contents
opcode ... the 16-bit opcode or None for 'special' packets. Note that
the opcode is converted into an integer from the
little-endian protocol format
bytes .... a list of the payload bytes as sent by the device. This is
a non-sparse list matching the number of set bits in the
bitmask. it does not include the bitmask.
args ..... a sparse list of the payload bytes, expanded to match the
bitmask so that args[x] is the value for each bit x in
bitmask. it does not include the bitmask.
length ... length of the packet in bytes, including bitmask
def __init__(self, data):
self.bitmask = data[0]
nbytes = bin(self.bitmask).count('1')
self.bytes = data[1:1 + nbytes]
self.length = nbytes + 1 # for the bitmask
idx = 0
# 2-byte opcode, but only if the bitmask is set for either byte
opcode = 0
if self.bitmask & 0x1:
opcode |= self.bytes[idx]
idx += 1
if self.bitmask & 0x2:
opcode |= self.bytes[idx] << 8
idx += 1
self.opcode = opcode if opcode else None
self.args = []
vals = self.bytes.copy()
mask = self.bitmask
while mask != 0:
self.args.append(vals.pop(0) if mask & 0x1 else 0x00)
mask >>= 1
def __repr__(self):
debug_data = []
debug_data.append(f'{self.bitmask:02x} ({self.bitmask:08b}) |')
if self.opcode:
debug_data.append(f'{self.opcode:04x} |')
debug_data.append(f' |')
for i in range(2, 8): # start at 2 to skip the opcode
if self.bitmask & (1 << i):
debug_data.append(' ')
return " ".join(debug_data)
class WacomProtocolLowLevelComm(GObject.Object):
Internal class to handle the communication with the Wacom device.