i18n ==== This directory contains the translations of Tuhi For errors in translations, please [file an issue](https://github.com/tuhiproject/tuhi/issues/new). New or updated translations are always welcome. To start a new translation, run: $ meson translation-build $ ninja -C translation-build tuhi-pot # Now you can optionally remove the build directory $ rm -rf translation-build $ cp po/tuhi.pot po/$lang.po where `$lang` is the language code of your target language, e.g. `nl` for Dutch or `en_GB` for British English. Edit the [LINGUAS](https://github.com/tuhiproject/tuhi/blob/master/tuhigui/po/LINGUAS) file and add your language code, keeping the list sorted alphabetically. Finally, open the `.po` file you just created and translate all the strings. Don't forget to fill in the information in the header! To update an existing translation, run: $ meson translation-build $ ninja -C translation-build tuhi-update-po # Now you can optionally remove the build directory $ rm -rf translation-build and update the `po/$lang.po` file of your target language. When you are done translating, file a pull request on [GitHub](https://github.com/tuhiproject/tuhi) or, if you don't know how to, [open an issue](https://github.com/tuhiproject/tuhi/issues/new) and attach the `.po` file there.