#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # import argparse import enum import logging import sys import time try: from gi.repository import GObject, GLib except Exception as e: print(f'************ Importing gi.repository failed **********') print(f'* This is an issue with the gi module, not with tuhi *') print(f'******************************************************') print(f'The full exception is below:') print(f'') raise e from tuhi.dbusserver import TuhiDBusServer from tuhi.ble import BlueZDeviceManager from tuhi.wacom import WacomDevice, DeviceMode from tuhi.config import TuhiConfig logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(name)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%H:%M:%S') logger = logging.getLogger('tuhi') WACOM_COMPANY_IDS = [0x4755, 0x4157] class TuhiDevice(GObject.Object): ''' Glue object to combine the backend bluez DBus object (that talks to the real device) with the frontend DBusServer object that exports the device over Tuhi's DBus interface ''' class BatteryState(enum.Enum): UNKNOWN = 0 CHARGING = 1 DISCHARGING = 2 __gsignals__ = { # Signal sent when an error occurs on the device itself. # Argument is a Wacom*Exception 'device-error': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)), } BATTERY_UPDATE_MIN_INTERVAL = 300 def __init__(self, bluez_device, config, uuid=None, mode=DeviceMode.LISTEN): GObject.Object.__init__(self) self.config = config self._wacom_device = None # We need either uuid or registered as false assert uuid is not None or mode == DeviceMode.REGISTER self._mode = mode self._battery_state = TuhiDevice.BatteryState.UNKNOWN self._battery_percent = 0 self._last_battery_update_time = 0 self._battery_timer_source = None self._signals = {'connected': None, 'disconnected': None} self._bluez_device = bluez_device self._tuhi_dbus_device = None @GObject.Property def dimensions(self): if self._wacom_device is None: return 0, 0 return self._wacom_device.dimensions @GObject.Property def mode(self): return self._mode @mode.setter def mode(self, mode): if self._mode != mode: self._mode = mode self.notify('registered') @GObject.Property def registered(self): return self.mode == DeviceMode.LISTEN @GObject.Property def name(self): return self._bluez_device.name @GObject.Property def address(self): return self._bluez_device.address @GObject.Property def bluez_device(self): return self._bluez_device @GObject.Property def dbus_device(self): return self._tuhi_dbus_device @dbus_device.setter def dbus_device(self, device): assert self._tuhi_dbus_device is None self._tuhi_dbus_device = device self._tuhi_dbus_device.connect('register-requested', self._on_register_requested) self._tuhi_dbus_device.connect('notify::listening', self._on_listening_updated) self._tuhi_dbus_device.connect('notify::live', self._on_live_updated) drawings = self.config.load_drawings(self.address) if drawings: logger.debug(f'{self.address}: loaded {len(drawings)} drawings from disk') for d in drawings: self._tuhi_dbus_device.add_drawing(d) @GObject.Property def listening(self): return self._tuhi_dbus_device.listening @GObject.Property def live(self): return self._tuhi_dbus_device.live @GObject.Property def battery_percent(self): return self._battery_percent @battery_percent.setter def battery_percent(self, value): self._battery_percent = value @GObject.Property def battery_state(self): return self._battery_state @battery_state.setter def battery_state(self, value): self._battery_state = value @GObject.Property def sync_state(self): return self._sync_state def _connect_device(self, mode): if self._signals['connected'] is None: self._signals['connected'] = self._bluez_device.connect('connected', self._on_bluez_device_connected, mode) if self._signals['disconnected'] is None: self._signals['disconnected'] = self._bluez_device.connect('disconnected', self._on_bluez_device_disconnected) self._bluez_device.connect_device() def register(self): self._connect_device(DeviceMode.REGISTER) def listen(self): self._connect_device(DeviceMode.LISTEN) def _on_bluez_device_connected(self, bluez_device, mode): logger.debug(f'{bluez_device.address}: connected for {mode}') if self._wacom_device is None: self._wacom_device = WacomDevice(bluez_device, self.config) self._wacom_device.connect('drawing', self._on_drawing_received) self._wacom_device.connect('done', self._on_fetching_finished, bluez_device) self._wacom_device.connect('button-press-required', self._on_button_press_required) self._wacom_device.connect('notify::uuid', self._on_uuid_updated, bluez_device) self._wacom_device.connect('battery-status', self._on_battery_status, bluez_device) self._wacom_device.connect('notify::sync-state', self._on_sync_state) self._wacom_device.connect('notify::dimensions', self._on_dimensions) if mode == DeviceMode.REGISTER: self._wacom_device.start_register() elif mode == DeviceMode.LIVE: self._wacom_device.start_live(self._tuhi_dbus_device.uhid_fd) else: self._wacom_device.start_listen() try: bluez_device.disconnect(self._signals['connected']) self._signals['connected'] = None except KeyError: pass def _on_dimensions(self, device, pspec): self.notify('dimensions') def _on_sync_state(self, device, pspec): self._sync_state = device.sync_state self.notify('sync-state') def _on_bluez_device_disconnected(self, bluez_device): logger.debug(f'{bluez_device.address}: disconnected') try: bluez_device.disconnect(self._signals['disconnected']) self._signals['disconnected'] = None except KeyError: pass def _on_register_requested(self, dbus_device): # FIXME: this needs to throw an exception/return the value if self.mode == DeviceMode.LISTEN: return self.register() def _on_drawing_received(self, device, drawing): logger.debug('Drawing received') self._tuhi_dbus_device.add_drawing(drawing) self.config.store_drawing(self.address, drawing) def _on_fetching_finished(self, device, exception, bluez_device): if self.live: return bluez_device.disconnect_device() if exception is not None: logger.info(exception) self.emit('device-error', exception) def _on_button_press_required(self, device): self._tuhi_dbus_device.notify_button_press_required() def _on_uuid_updated(self, wacom_device, pspec, bluez_device): self.config.new_device(bluez_device.address, wacom_device.uuid, wacom_device.protocol) # FIXME: we have registered and that *should* set us to listen. But # the ManufacturerData doesn't update until (some time into) the # next connection request. self.mode = DeviceMode.LISTEN def _on_listening_updated(self, dbus_device, pspec): # Callback when a DBus client calls Start/Stop listening self.notify('listening') def _on_live_updated(self, dbus_device, pspec): if self.live: self._connect_device(DeviceMode.LIVE) else: if self._wacom_device is not None: self._wacom_device.stop_live() def _on_battery_status(self, wacom_device, percent, is_charging, bluez_device): if is_charging: self.battery_state = TuhiDevice.BatteryState.CHARGING else: self.battery_state = TuhiDevice.BatteryState.DISCHARGING self.battery_percent = percent # If we don't get battery updates for a while, switch the state # to unknown if self._battery_timer_source is not None: GObject.source_remove(self._battery_timer_source) self._battery_timer_source = \ GObject.timeout_add_seconds(self.BATTERY_UPDATE_MIN_INTERVAL, self._on_battery_timeout) self._last_battery_update_time = time.time() def _on_battery_timeout(self): if self._last_battery_update_time < time.time() - self.BATTERY_UPDATE_MIN_INTERVAL: self.battery_state = TuhiDevice.BatteryState.UNKNOWN self._battery_timer_source = None # gets auto-destroyed return False class Tuhi(GObject.Object): ''' The Tuhi object is the main entry point and glue object between the backend and the DBus server. ''' __gsignals__ = { 'device-added': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)), 'device-connected': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)), 'terminate': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()), } def __init__(self): GObject.Object.__init__(self) self.server = TuhiDBusServer() self.server.connect('bus-name-acquired', self._on_tuhi_bus_name_acquired) self.server.connect('bus-name-lost', self._on_tuhi_bus_name_lost) self.server.connect('search-start-requested', self._on_start_search_requested) self.server.connect('search-stop-requested', self._on_stop_search_requested) self.bluez = BlueZDeviceManager() self.bluez.connect('discovery-started', self._on_bluez_discovery_started) self.bluez.connect('discovery-stopped', self._on_bluez_discovery_stopped) self.config = TuhiConfig() self.devices = {} self._search_stop_handler = None def _on_tuhi_bus_name_acquired(self, dbus_server): self.bluez.connect_to_bluez() for dev in self.bluez.devices: self._add_device(self.bluez, dev) self.bluez.connect('device-added', lambda mgr, dev: self._add_device(mgr, dev, True)) self.bluez.connect('device-updated', lambda mgr, dev: self._add_device(mgr, dev, True)) def _on_tuhi_bus_name_lost(self, dbus_server): self.emit('terminate') def _on_start_search_requested(self, dbus_server, stop_handler): self._search_stop_handler = stop_handler self.bluez.start_discovery() def _on_stop_search_requested(self, dbus_server): # If you request to stop, you get a successful stop and we ignore # anything the server does underneath self._search_stop_handler(0) self._search_stop_handler = None self.bluez.stop_discovery() self._search_device_handler = None unregistered = [addr for (addr, d) in self.devices.items() if not d.registered] for addr in unregistered: del self.devices[addr] def _on_bluez_discovery_started(self, manager): # Something else may turn discovery mode on, we don't care about # it then if not self._search_stop_handler: return def _on_bluez_discovery_stopped(self, manager): if self._search_stop_handler is not None: self._search_stop_handler(0) # restart discovery if some users are already in the listening mode self._on_listening_updated(None, None) def _add_device(self, manager, bluez_device, from_live_update=False): ''' Process a new BlueZ device that may be one of our devices. This function is called once during intial setup to enumerate the BlueZ devices and for every BlueZ device property change. Including RSSI which will give you a value every second or so. .. :param from_live_update: True if this function was called from a BlueZ device property update. False when called during the initial setup stage. ''' # We have a reverse-engineered protocol. Let's not talk to anyone # who doesn't look like we know them to avoid potentially bricking a # device. if bluez_device.vendor_id not in WACOM_COMPANY_IDS: return # check if the device is already known to us try: config = self.config.devices[bluez_device.address] uuid = config['uuid'] except KeyError: uuid = None # if we got here from a currently live BlueZ device, # ManufacturerData is reliable. Else, consider the device not in # register mode # # When the device is in register mode (blue light blinking), the # manufacturer is merely 4 bytes. This will reset to 7 bytes even # when the device simply times out and does not register fully. if from_live_update and len(bluez_device.manufacturer_data or []) == 4: mode = DeviceMode.REGISTER else: mode = DeviceMode.LISTEN if uuid is None: logger.info(f'{bluez_device.address}: device without config, must be registered first') return logger.debug(f'{bluez_device.address}: UUID {uuid} protocol: {config["Protocol"]}') # create the device if unknown from us if bluez_device.address not in self.devices: d = TuhiDevice(bluez_device, self.config, uuid, mode) d.dbus_device = self.server.create_device(d) d.connect('notify::listening', self._on_listening_updated) self.devices[bluez_device.address] = d d = self.devices[bluez_device.address] if mode == DeviceMode.REGISTER: d.mode = mode logger.debug(f'{bluez_device.objpath}: call Register() on device') elif d.listening: d.listen() def _on_listening_updated(self, tuhi_dbus_device, pspec): listen = self._search_stop_handler is not None for dev in self.devices.values(): if dev.listening: listen = True break if listen: self.bluez.start_discovery() else: self.bluez.stop_discovery() def main(args=sys.argv): if sys.version_info < (3, 6): sys.exit('Python 3.6 or later required') desc = 'Daemon to extract the pen stroke data from Wacom SmartPad devices' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Show some debugging informations', action='store_true', default=False) ns = parser.parse_args(args[1:]) if ns.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: mainloop = GLib.MainLoop() tuhi = Tuhi() tuhi.connect('terminate', lambda tuhi: mainloop.quit()) mainloop.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass