Move activity data values into a separate struct ()

- saves some memory
- allows us to show the toast for the first chunk only
This commit is contained in:
cpfeiffer 2015-07-21 22:25:26 +02:00
parent b3a04f7afb
commit 76fcbfcb52
1 changed files with 53 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -58,23 +58,28 @@ import static nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.miband.MiBandConst.getNotific
public class MiBandSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MiBandSupport.class);
//temporary buffer, size is a multiple of 60 because we want to store complete minutes (1 minute = 3 bytes)
private static final int activityDataHolderSize = 3 * 60 * 4; // 8h
private byte[] activityDataHolder = new byte[activityDataHolderSize];
//index of the buffer above
private int activityDataHolderProgress = 0;
//number of bytes we will get in a single data transfer, used as counter
private int activityDataRemainingBytes = 0;
//same as above, but remains untouched for the ack message
private int activityDataUntilNextHeader = 0;
//timestamp of the single data transfer, incremented to store each minute's data
private GregorianCalendar activityDataTimestampProgress = null;
//same as above, but remains untouched for the ack message
private GregorianCalendar activityDataTimestampToAck = null;
private static class ActivityStruct {
public byte[] activityDataHolder = new byte[activityDataHolderSize];
//index of the buffer above
public int activityDataHolderProgress = 0;
//number of bytes we will get in a single data transfer, used as counter
public int activityDataRemainingBytes = 0;
//same as above, but remains untouched for the ack message
public int activityDataUntilNextHeader = 0;
//timestamp of the single data transfer, incremented to store each minute's data
public GregorianCalendar activityDataTimestampProgress = null;
//same as above, but remains untouched for the ack message
public GregorianCalendar activityDataTimestampToAck = null;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MiBandSupport.class);
private volatile boolean telephoneRinging;
private volatile boolean isLocatingDevice;
private boolean startFetchingActivityData;
private ActivityStruct activityStruct;
public MiBandSupport() {
@ -477,6 +482,7 @@ public class MiBandSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
public void onFetchActivityData() {
try {
startFetchingActivityData = true;
TransactionBuilder builder = performInitialized("fetch activity data");
// builder.write(getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_LE_PARAMS), getLowLatency());
builder.add(new SetDeviceBusyAction(getDevice(), getContext().getString(R.string.busy_task_fetch_activity_data), getContext()));
@ -623,6 +629,11 @@ public class MiBandSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
private void handleActivityNotif(byte[] value) {
boolean firstChunk = activityStruct == null;
if (firstChunk) {
activityStruct = new ActivityStruct();
if (value.length == 11) {
// byte 0 is the data type: 1 means that each minute is represented by a triplet of bytes
int dataType = value[0];
@ -643,26 +654,26 @@ public class MiBandSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
// after dataUntilNextHeader bytes we will get a new packet of 11 bytes that should be parsed
// as we just did
if (dataUntilNextHeader != 0) {
if (firstChunk && dataUntilNextHeader != 0) {
GB.formatDurationHoursMinutes(dataUntilNextHeader / 3, TimeUnit.MINUTES),
GB.formatDurationHoursMinutes((totalDataToRead / 3), TimeUnit.MINUTES),
DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(timestamp.getTime())), Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO);
}"total data to read: " + totalDataToRead + " len: " + (totalDataToRead / 3) + " minute(s)");"data to read until next header: " + dataUntilNextHeader + " len: " + (dataUntilNextHeader / 3) + " minute(s)");"TIMESTAMP: " + DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(timestamp.getTime()).toString() + " magic byte: " + dataUntilNextHeader);
this.activityDataRemainingBytes = this.activityDataUntilNextHeader = dataUntilNextHeader;
this.activityDataTimestampToAck = (GregorianCalendar) timestamp.clone();
this.activityDataTimestampProgress = timestamp;
activityStruct.activityDataRemainingBytes = activityStruct.activityDataUntilNextHeader = dataUntilNextHeader;
activityStruct.activityDataTimestampToAck = (GregorianCalendar) timestamp.clone();
activityStruct.activityDataTimestampProgress = timestamp;
} else {
LOG.debug("activity data: length: " + value.length + ", remaining bytes: " + activityDataRemainingBytes);
LOG.debug("activity data: length: " + value.length + ", remaining bytes: " + activityStruct.activityDataRemainingBytes);
if (this.activityDataRemainingBytes == 0) {
sendAckDataTransfer(this.activityDataTimestampToAck, this.activityDataUntilNextHeader);
if (activityStruct.activityDataRemainingBytes == 0) {
sendAckDataTransfer(activityStruct.activityDataTimestampToAck, activityStruct.activityDataUntilNextHeader);
@ -680,25 +691,25 @@ public class MiBandSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
private void bufferActivityData(byte[] value) {
if (this.activityDataRemainingBytes >= value.length) {
if (activityStruct.activityDataRemainingBytes >= value.length) {
//I don't like this clause, but until we figure out why we get different data sometimes this should work
if (value.length == 20 || value.length == this.activityDataRemainingBytes) {
System.arraycopy(value, 0, this.activityDataHolder, this.activityDataHolderProgress, value.length);
this.activityDataHolderProgress += value.length;
this.activityDataRemainingBytes -= value.length;
if (value.length == 20 || value.length == activityStruct.activityDataRemainingBytes) {
System.arraycopy(value, 0, activityStruct.activityDataHolder, activityStruct.activityDataHolderProgress, value.length);
activityStruct.activityDataHolderProgress += value.length;
activityStruct.activityDataRemainingBytes -= value.length;
if (this.activityDataHolderSize == this.activityDataHolderProgress) {
if (this.activityDataHolderSize == activityStruct.activityDataHolderProgress) {
} else {
// the length of the chunk is not what we expect. We need to make sense of this data
LOG.warn("GOT UNEXPECTED ACTIVITY DATA WITH LENGTH: " + value.length + ", EXPECTED LENGTH: " + this.activityDataRemainingBytes);
LOG.warn("GOT UNEXPECTED ACTIVITY DATA WITH LENGTH: " + value.length + ", EXPECTED LENGTH: " + activityStruct.activityDataRemainingBytes);
for (byte b : value) {
LOG.warn("DATA: " + String.format("0x%8x", b));
} else {
LOG.error("error buffering activity data: remaining bytes: " + activityDataRemainingBytes + ", received: " + value.length);
LOG.error("error buffering activity data: remaining bytes: " + activityStruct.activityDataRemainingBytes + ", received: " + value.length);
@ -707,21 +718,21 @@ public class MiBandSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
ActivityDatabaseHandler dbHandler = GBApplication.getActivityDatabaseHandler();
try (SQLiteDatabase db = dbHandler.getWritableDatabase()) { // explicitly keep the db open while looping over the samples
for (int i = 0; i < this.activityDataHolderProgress; i += 3) { //TODO: check if multiple of 3, if not something is wrong
category = this.activityDataHolder[i];
intensity = this.activityDataHolder[i + 1];
steps = this.activityDataHolder[i + 2];
for (int i = 0; i < activityStruct.activityDataHolderProgress; i += 3) { //TODO: check if multiple of 3, if not something is wrong
category = activityStruct.activityDataHolder[i];
intensity = activityStruct.activityDataHolder[i + 1];
steps = activityStruct.activityDataHolder[i + 2];
(int) (activityDataTimestampProgress.getTimeInMillis() / 1000),
(int) (activityStruct.activityDataTimestampProgress.getTimeInMillis() / 1000),
activityDataTimestampProgress.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1);
activityStruct.activityDataTimestampProgress.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1);
} finally {
this.activityDataHolderProgress = 0;
activityStruct.activityDataHolderProgress = 0;
@ -764,13 +775,18 @@ public class MiBandSupport extends AbstractBTLEDeviceSupport {
//The last data chunk sent by the miband has always length 0.
//When we ack this chunk, the transfer is done.
if(getDevice().isBusy() && bytesTransferred==0) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.error("Unable to send ack to MI", ex);
private void handleActivityFetchFinish() {
activityStruct = null;
private void handleBatteryInfo(byte[] value, int status) {
if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
BatteryInfo info = new BatteryInfo(value);