33d86de923move external receivers to externalevents/ directory
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-20 22:39:35 +0200
93b18d0d0blog when receivers are enabled/disabled
2015-04-20 22:04:14 +0200
515c456605#15 keep the broadcast receivers enabled when device uses autoconnect
2015-04-20 22:02:06 +0200
4bdeabf4easet deviceSupport to null after disposing it
2015-04-20 21:45:52 +0200
5487dfd348Pebble app installation: Only enable install button when device is connected, for firmware also check hardware revision
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-20 20:49:14 +0200
412c771d59fix crash
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-20 20:48:52 +0200
a12a76313cdo not append Miband to device list if it has already been added as the connected device before
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-20 19:32:12 +0200
16ea52e83cadd hardware revision string to GBDevice, get and display HW Revision from Pebble
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-20 12:48:32 +0200
fbbc808ca8Make GBDevice parcable to make passing it via Intents more convinient
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-20 11:58:59 +0200
cd0139cd7cadd isConnecting() method to GBDevice
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-20 10:50:30 +0200
4a1a1d59bebattery info hooked in, dummy for pebble
2015-04-19 22:31:09 +0200
686ed312d6#15 properly return firmware version
2015-04-19 22:23:53 +0200
2dcd95a1f5#15 support for reading firmware version and battery info
2015-04-19 22:20:47 +0200
d0ff14bc0eAlso move the resource management into DeviceSupport classes
2015-04-14 01:39:00 +0200
1f31c1d79cNext refactoring: the road to support BT and BT LE
2015-04-14 01:24:03 +0200
fad59e218dupdate README.md
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-13 22:31:00 +0200
0cec658c3aImplement volume control for Pebble
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-13 22:25:23 +0200
40438ebe0eRevert to previous state if connection fails, this fixes multiple bugs when pebble is reconnecting
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-13 13:26:22 +0200
bb44cb1e19reformat code with androidstudio
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-13 11:22:03 +0200
62a41ac5beFix manual input of bluetooth MAC address
2015-04-13 01:07:46 +0200
09bb5d4a3eRefactoring: extracted inner GBDeviceIOThread classes to own files
2015-04-13 01:01:52 +0200
b3c036ef3badd missing files
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-11 01:08:02 +0200
4a697edcedadd icon for activity tracker type apps. Thanks xphnx!
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-10 22:26:52 +0200
521dad8c14Mention the original cpp source from which STM32CRC.java was ported.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-10 22:10:55 +0200
4ff57dfdabFeedback for failed and successful installations. Closes#19.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-09 18:48:52 +0200
3355be79e6Filter notifications from com.android.systemui. Should fix#20.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-08 22:11:56 +0200
9eea17d5f5update README.md and CHANGELOG.md, bump version (not yet release time)
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-08 00:28:43 +0200
90fe75e044get free slot always before actually installing a pbw. fixes#17 and #18
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-07 23:57:12 +0200
ebdf514c0ePebble app installation: first successful installation :)
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-07 19:33:23 +0200
3498ddfc7aPebble: progress with app installtion (CRC, complete install of pebble-app.bin)
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-06 23:37:17 +0200
2c1cacedb3Pebble: working on app installation (WIP, do not use)
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-06 20:58:35 +0200
1766c82ab8In NotificationListener return early if BluetoothCommunicationService is not running
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-04 23:20:28 +0200
74f2b8c1c2fix crash on some devices when creating a test notification in debug menu
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-03 22:39:25 +0200
a36885bcd5add license for icons
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-01 23:25:25 +0200
45631fb14bworkaround for missing Miband pairing (assume Miband when device name is not set)
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-01 23:15:08 +0200
13d734b0f1add development option to set a miband device address so it appears in our list.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-01 23:00:05 +0200
71c201beafadd GBDeviceIoThread class for further device abstraction
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-01 19:11:18 +0200
ed2e177fcbRemove direct PebbleProtocol usage. Add GBDeviceProtocol as a base class for all protocols.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-04-01 18:34:52 +0200
9d74cee093add icons for pebble and watchfaces. Store app type in GBDeviceApp. Store device type in GBDevice.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-31 23:34:19 +0200
2b31d4b359fix refresh of device list when bluetooth gets turned on
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-29 23:43:05 +0200
a9c6ca79bcAdd license information for the F-Droid button.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-29 22:35:03 +0200
263f6ae784add f-droid logo and link. Thanks to "ghost" for the suggestion.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-29 22:22:03 +0200
f2d0765fecbump version
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-29 17:12:45 +0200
d9a2d85f6dFix for DST (summer time), option to sync time on connect (enabled by default)
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-29 17:12:06 +0200
4117444c26Display app name, company and version when opening a .pbw file from a filemanager
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-28 23:23:10 +0100
d4ff94da4aBack button for SettingsAvtivity. Remove tablet specific code.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-28 20:39:46 +0100
b3251a33f2show hint at the bottom of the Main Activity, update README.md, bump to 0.1.4
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-27 12:33:51 +0100
0dacc1f9c7make sure Intent broadcasts do not leave Gadgetbridge, add missing xml file
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-27 12:13:19 +0100
b20aaf59a8enable back navigaton in AppManager and Debug activitys ActionBar
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-27 11:23:30 +0100
6ec1fa9e23use LocalBroadcastManager
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-27 10:56:08 +0100
42e53c3c8dsupport removing apps/watchfaces
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-26 18:11:47 +0100
67a5917597Change the way how device commands or replys to information requests are passed back to the App
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-26 12:06:26 +0100
0ccb818f58Added AppManager, does not do anything useful yet. Only lists installed Apps.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-25 22:23:45 +0100
2e7f45433adisplay connection status in the device list
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-22 23:38:51 +0100
ecb7a9f3b5Remove quit button from the service notification, put a quit item in the context menu instead. Closes#12
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-22 13:10:45 +0100
79c7085264refresh list of paried devices when bluetooth gets turned on
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-22 12:46:28 +0100
05c07aa611Get and display Pebble firmware version when connected.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-22 00:34:54 +0100
4e465928e6List all suported devices and connect on tap. Remove the connect button.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-21 18:18:07 +0100
f9166735adbump version, update README.md and CHANGELOG.md
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-18 12:31:33 +0100
a746ed4a2breconnect support. Closes#10
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-18 12:29:10 +0100
d1ea1b9915quit Gadgetbridge when bluetooth gets turned off
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-17 22:03:54 +0100
a971eca6fdpreparations for acceppting calls
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-17 21:42:31 +0100
c56194c0e5* Add option to start Gadgetbridge and connect automatically when bluetooth is turned on.
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-17 21:41:58 +0100
0f3cd9b7c7add CHANGELOG.md
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-16 19:34:58 +0100
d6e5f0a9f8bump version to 0.1.1
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-16 19:26:46 +0100
2260d60bacK-9 Mail notifications: Hopefully fix#7 and #8
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-16 16:18:11 +0100
eeb74b4c61Preferences: "Generic Notification Support" is no longer a checkbox - it now opens the Android Notificaion Permission Dialog
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-15 21:36:39 +0100
3e4922a4ebrevert some useless changes in gradle files
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-11 21:46:01 +0100
326e079068fix crash when no Pebble was paired, change version to 0.1.0, build tweaks
Andreas Shimokawa
2015-03-11 12:40:59 +0100