package nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.content.Context; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.UUID; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.impl.GBDevice; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.Alarm; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.NotificationSpec; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.ServiceCommand; /** * Wraps another device support instance and supports busy-checking and throttling of events. */ public class ServiceDeviceSupport implements DeviceSupport { enum Flags { THROTTLING, BUSY_CHECKING, } private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServiceDeviceSupport.class); private static final long THROTTLING_THRESHOLD = 1000; // throttle multiple events in between one second private final DeviceSupport delegate; private long lastNotificationTime = 0; private String lastNotificationKind; private final EnumSet flags; public ServiceDeviceSupport(DeviceSupport delegate, EnumSet flags) { this.delegate = delegate; this.flags = flags; } @Override public void setContext(GBDevice gbDevice, BluetoothAdapter btAdapter, Context context) { delegate.setContext(gbDevice, btAdapter, context); } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return delegate.isConnected(); } @Override public boolean connect() { return delegate.connect(); } @Override public void dispose() { delegate.dispose(); } @Override public GBDevice getDevice() { return delegate.getDevice(); } @Override public BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothAdapter() { return delegate.getBluetoothAdapter(); } @Override public Context getContext() { return delegate.getContext(); } @Override public boolean useAutoConnect() { return delegate.useAutoConnect(); } @Override public void pair() { delegate.pair(); } private boolean checkBusy(String notificationKind) { if (!flags.contains(Flags.BUSY_CHECKING)) { return false; } if (getDevice().isBusy()) {"Ignoring " + notificationKind + " because we're busy with " + getDevice().getBusyTask()); return true; } return false; } private boolean checkThrottle(String notificationKind) { if (!flags.contains(Flags.THROTTLING)) { return false; } long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((currentTime - lastNotificationTime) < THROTTLING_THRESHOLD) { if (notificationKind != null && notificationKind.equals(lastNotificationKind)) {"Ignoring " + notificationKind + " because of throttling threshold reached"); return true; } } lastNotificationTime = currentTime; lastNotificationKind = notificationKind; return false; } @Override public void onNotification(NotificationSpec notificationSpec) { if (checkBusy("generic notification") || checkThrottle("generic notification")) { return; } delegate.onNotification(notificationSpec); } @Override public void onSetTime() { if (checkBusy("set time") || checkThrottle("set time")) { return; } delegate.onSetTime(); } // No throttling for the other events @Override public void onSetCallState(String number, String name, ServiceCommand command) { if (checkBusy("set call state")) { return; } delegate.onSetCallState(number, name, command); } @Override public void onSetMusicInfo(String artist, String album, String track, int duration, int trackCount, int trackNr) { if (checkBusy("set music info")) { return; } delegate.onSetMusicInfo(artist, album, track, duration, trackCount, trackNr); } @Override public void onInstallApp(Uri uri) { if (checkBusy("install app")) { return; } delegate.onInstallApp(uri); } @Override public void onAppInfoReq() { if (checkBusy("app info request")) { return; } delegate.onAppInfoReq(); } @Override public void onAppStart(UUID uuid, boolean start) { if (checkBusy("app start")) { return; } delegate.onAppStart(uuid, start); } @Override public void onAppDelete(UUID uuid) { if (checkBusy("app delete")) { return; } delegate.onAppDelete(uuid); } @Override public void onAppConfiguration(UUID uuid, String config) { if (checkBusy("app configuration")) { return; } delegate.onAppConfiguration(uuid, config); } @Override public void onFetchActivityData() { if (checkBusy("fetch activity data")) { return; } delegate.onFetchActivityData(); } @Override public void onReboot() { if (checkBusy("reboot")) { return; } delegate.onReboot(); } @Override public void onHeartRateTest() { if (checkBusy("heartrate")) { return; } delegate.onHeartRateTest(); } @Override public void onFindDevice(boolean start) { if (checkBusy("find device")) { return; } delegate.onFindDevice(start); } @Override public void onScreenshotReq() { if (checkBusy("request screenshot")) { return; } delegate.onScreenshotReq(); } @Override public void onSetAlarms(ArrayList alarms) { if (checkBusy("set alarms")) { return; } delegate.onSetAlarms(alarms); } @Override public void onEnableRealtimeSteps(boolean enable) { if (checkBusy("enable realtime steps: " + enable)) { return; } delegate.onEnableRealtimeSteps(enable); } }