update readme to current version

master v0.1
nixo 2020-10-30 22:31:18 +01:00
parent b03c65f782
commit fe40aee9ad
1 changed files with 17 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -17,33 +17,33 @@ using Gemenon
Then, setup the SSL config
#+begin_src julia
ctx = Gemenon.OpenSSL.SSLContext()
Gemenon.OpenSSL.ca_chain!(ctx, "./cert.crt", "./key.key")
const verify_callback(preverify_ok, x509_ctx)::Cint = 1
Gemenon.OpenSSL.set_options!(ctx, Gemenon.OpenSSL.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3)
function init_ssl_context()
ctx = Gemenon.OpenSSL.SSLContext()
Gemenon.OpenSSL.ca_chain!(ctx, "./cert.crt", "./key.key")
verify_callback(preverify_ok, x509_ctx)::Cint = 1
Gemenon.OpenSSL.set_options!(ctx, Gemenon.OpenSSL.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3)
const accept_all = @cfunction(verify_callback, Cint, (Cint, Ptr{Cvoid}))
Gemenon.OpenSSL.set_verify_mode(ctx, Gemenon.OpenSSL.VERIFY_PEER, accept_all)
accept_all = @cfunction(verify_callback, Cint, (Cint, Ptr{Cvoid}))
Gemenon.OpenSSL.set_verify_mode(ctx, Gemenon.OpenSSL.VERIFY_PEER, accept_all)
You are ready to listen for connections! You can do this with a do block
You are ready to listen for connections!
You can do this like in Mux.jl
#+begin_src julia
Gemenon.listen(ctx, verbose = true) do conn::Connection, request::Request
cert = Gemenon.OpenSSL.get_peer_certificate(conn.client)
if cert != C_NULL
@info "This client is providing a certificate"
Response(Status("20", "text/gemini"),
@app test = (
req -> document(req.conn, """
# Welcome to Gemenon!
You can discuss about this on
=> gemini://nixo.xyz/b/gemenon The Gemenon-Powered Board
=> gemini://nixo.xyz/ The Gemenon-Powered Anonymous Board
serve(test, init_ssl_context, Gemenon.Sockets.ip"", 1999)