using Test unescape_expected = [ "String without percent" => "String without percent", "String%20with%20spaces" => "String with spaces", "String%20with some spaces" => "String with some spaces", "String%20with invalid end%" => "String with invalid end%", "String%20with invalid end%a" => "String with invalid end%a", "String%20with valid end%aa" => "String with valid end\xaa", "String%20with invalid%-- data" => "String with invalid%-- data", "Lech_Kaczy%C5%84ski" => "Lech_KaczyƄski" ] @testset "Unescape Query String" begin for t in unescape_expected @test unescape(t[1]) == t[2] end end function test_request(input::String, params) url = Request(input) @test url.protocol == params[1] @test == params[2] @test url.port == params[3] @test url.path == params[4] @test url.query == params[5] end @testset "Parse urls" begin @testset "Complete url" begin test_request("https://hostname:999/a?b", ("https", "hostname", 999, ["a"], "b")) end @testset "Defaults" begin @testset "Default protocol" begin test_request("hostname:999/a?b", ("gemini", "hostname", 999, ["a"], "b")) end @testset "Default port" begin test_request("gemini://hostname/a?b", ("gemini", "hostname", 1965, ["a"], "b")) end end @testset "Paths" begin test_request("hostname/a/b/c?b", ("gemini", "hostname", 1965, ["a", "b", "c"], "b")) test_request("hostname/a/./c?b", ("gemini", "hostname", 1965, ["a", "c"], "b")) # Not sure if this is expected or if we should remove empty... test_request("hostname/a/b/c/..?b", ("gemini", "hostname", 1965, ["a", "b", ""], "b")) end @testset "Query" begin test_request("hostname/a/b/c", ("gemini", "hostname", 1965, ["a", "b", "c"], nothing)) test_request("hostname/a/b/c?example", ("gemini", "hostname", 1965, ["a", "b", "c"], "example")) test_request("hostname/a/b/c?percent%20encoding", ("gemini", "hostname", 1965, ["a", "b", "c"], "percent encoding")) end end @testset "Request to string" begin @test string(Request("gemini://host")) == "host" @test string(Request("https://host")) == "https://host" @test string(Request("host:1965")) == "host" @test string(Request("host:1965/")) == "host" @test string(Request("gemini://host:1965/")) == "host" @test string(Request("host/a/b")) == "host/a/b" @test string(Request("https://host/a/b")) == "https://host/a/b" @test string(Request("https://host:1965/a/b?test")) == "https://host/a/b?test" end @testset "Requests format enforced" begin @test_throws OverflowError Gemenon.get(Request("a" ^ 1025)) end