module I18N using Dates language_map = include("codes.jl") translationpath(langcode, domain = "base") = joinpath(realpath("."), "locales/$(langcode)/LC_MESSAGES/$(domain).pot") macro __str(phrase) push!(Main.i18n_cache, (file = __source__.file, line = __source__.line, strid = phrase)) return esc(quote get(get(i18n, @language, Dict()), $phrase, $phrase) end) end macro translations(languages...) return esc(quote i18n = Dict{String,Dict{String,String}}() # (lang, file.jl, line) => translation i18n_cache = Any[] # lang => [(name, mail, year)] i18n_translators = Dict{String,Array{Tuple{String,String,String}}}() for language in $languages i18n[string(language)] = Dict{String,String}() end end) end macro translate(lang, id, translation) return esc(:(i18n[string($lang)][$id] = $translation)) end function translator_list(translators) join(map(t -> string("# ", t[1], " ", "<", t[2], ">", " ", t[3], "."), translators), "\n") end function po_header(LANG, PROGRAM, VERSION, C_YEARS, C_AUTHORS, TRANSLATORS) """# $LANG translation for $PROGRAM $VERSION # Copyright (C) $C_YEARS $C_AUTHORS # This file is distributed under the same license as $PROGRAM. $(translator_list(TRANSLATORS)) # msgid "" msgstr "" """ end function format(file, line, phrase, translation = "") string("#: ", relpath(string(file)), ":", line, "\n", "msgid ", "\"", phrase, "\"", "\n", "msgstr ", "\"", translation, "\"", "\n\n") end lang_expand(lang) = language_map[lang] current_year() = |> year macro write_po_files(name = nothing, version = nothing, authors = nothing, year = nothing) return esc(quote unique!(i18n_cache) # Sort by line & by file sort!(i18n_cache, by = x -> x[2]) sort!(i18n_cache, by = first) # Write to file for language in keys(i18n) translationfile = I18N.translationpath(string(language)) mkpath(dirname(translationfile)) open(translationfile, "w") do io translators = get(i18n_translators, language, []) write(io, I18N.po_header(lang_expand(language), something($name, uppercasefirst(basename(realpath(".")))), something($version, "0.1.0-dev"), something($year, I18N.current_year()), join(something($authors, first.(translators)), ", "), translators)) for tr in i18n_cache translation = get(get(i18n, language, Dict()), tr.strid, "") write(io, I18N.format(tr.file, tr.line, tr.strid, translation)) end end end end) end macro translator(lang, name, email, copyright) # @show $lang return esc(quote if !($lang in keys(i18n_translators)) i18n_translators[$lang] = [] end push!(i18n_translators[$lang], ($name, $email, $copyright)) end) end macro language() "en" end export @__str, @translations, @translate, @translator, @write_po_files, lang_expand end # module