module InMemoryLoggedDB export Buffer, flush!, restore using MsgPack mutable struct Buffer{T} size::UInt32 # Save transactions when buffer is full delay_ns::UInt64 # Force save transactions after this period io::IOStream # File handle (or other stream where data is saved) transactions::Array{T} # Circular buffer position::UInt32 # Position of next element in the buffer last_ns::UInt64 state end function Buffer(size::Int, filename::String, sttype::DataType, delay_ns = 10^9) log = Array{sttype}(undef, size) Buffer{sttype}(size, delay_ns, jlopen(filename, "a"), log, 0, time_ns(), []) end function Base.push!(buffer::Buffer, element) # Store element in the buffer, taking care of saving it to file if needed buffer.transactions[buffer.position+=1] = element @debug "Stored element" e=element pos=buffer.position flush = false # If buffer if full, go back and save buffer.position >= buffer.size && (flush = true) # If enough time passed, we save the data # flush || (((time_ns() - buffer.last_ns) > buffer.delay_ns) && (flush = true)) flush && flush!(buffer) nothing end function flush!(buffer::Buffer) wrote = 0 @debug "Flush!: " pos = buffer.position for p in 1:buffer.position @debug "writing" p=p el=buffer.transactions[p] # TODO: This convertion to string must be removed wrote += write(, pack(buffer.transactions[p])) end buffer.last_ns = time_ns() buffer.position = 0 wrote end Base.flush(buffer::Buffer) = (flush!(buffer); flush( function Base.close(buffer::Buffer) flush(buffer) close( empty!(buffer.transactions) buffer.position = 0 end function restore(file, T) out = [] open(file) do io while !eof(io) push!(out, unpack(io, T)) end end out end end # module