__precompile__() module JlSonic using Beets using LightXML import UUIDs import HTTP using JSON2 # # Playlist cover art support # The idea is to sum all the album arts in some way. But it's easier to get one random # using FileIO, Images include("types.jl") export Playlist, Album, Artist const domain = "nixo.xyz" const users = User[] const user_playlists = Vector{Playlist}() include("api.jl") export ping, getLicense, # Browsing getMusicFolders, # getIndexes, getMusicDirectory, getGenres, getArtists, getArtist, getAlbum, getSong, # Album/song list getAlbumList, getAlbumList2, getRandomSongs, getSongsByGenre, getNowPlaying, getStarred, getStarred2, # Searching search3, # Playlists getPlaylists, getPlaylist, createPlaylist, updatePlaylist, deletePlaylist, # Media retrieval stream, # download, hls, getCaptions, getCoverArt, # getLyrics, getAvatar, # User management getUser # getUsers, createUser, updateUser, deleteUser, changePassword include("errors.jl") export auth_failed include("beethelpers.jl") include("beet2xml.jl") include("login.jl") end # module JlSonic