#OSC.jl #Copyright (c) 2014, Mark McCurry, All rights reserved. # #This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public #License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either #version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # #This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU #Lesser General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public #License along with this library. module OSC import Base.show export OscMsg macro incfp(x) quote begin local gensym_ = $(esc(x)) $(esc(x)) = $(esc(x))+1 gensym_ end end end type OscMsg data::Array{Uint8} end function stringify(data::Array{Uint8}) zeroInd = find(data.== 0) if(length(zeroInd) == 0) return string(map(char, data)...) elseif(zeroInd[1] == 0) return nothing else return string(map(char, data[1:zeroInd[1]-1])...) end end function names(msg::OscMsg)#::ASCIIString pos = 1 while(msg.data[pos += 1] != 0) end #skip pattern while(msg.data[pos += 1] == 0) end #skip null return stringify(msg.data[pos+1:end]); #skip comma end strip_args(args::ASCIIString) = replace(replace(args,"]",""),"[","") function narguments(msg::OscMsg) length(strip_args(names(msg))) end has_reserved(typeChar::Char) = typeChar in "isbfhtdSrmc" nreserved(args::ASCIIString) = sum(map(has_reserved, collect(args))) function argType(msg::OscMsg, nargument::Int)#::Char @assert(nargument < narguments(msg)); return strip_args(names(msg))[nargument+1] end align(pos) = pos+(4-(pos-1)%4) function arg_off(msg::OscMsg, idx::Int)#::Int if(!has_reserved(argType(msg,idx))) return 0; end #Iterate to the right position args::ASCIIString = names(msg); argc::Int = 1 pos::Int = 1 #Get past the Argument String while(msg.data[pos] != ',') pos += 1 end while(msg.data[pos] != 0) pos += 1 end #Alignment pos = align(pos) #ignore any leading '[' or ']' while(args[argc] in "[]") argc += 1 end while(idx != 0) bundle_length::Uint32 = 0; arg = args[argc] argc += 1 if(arg in "htd") pos +=8; elseif(arg in "mrfci") pos += 4; elseif(arg in "Ss") while(msg.data[pos += 1] != 0) end pos = align(pos) elseif(arg == 'b') bundle_length |= (msg.data[@incfp(pos)] << 24); bundle_length |= (msg.data[@incfp(pos)] << 16); bundle_length |= (msg.data[@incfp(pos)] << 8); bundle_length |= (msg.data[@incfp(pos)]); bundle_length += 4-bundle_length%4; pos += bundle_length; elseif(arg in "[]")#completely ignore array chars idx += 1; else #TFI end idx -= 1 end pos; end #Calculate the size of the message without writing to a buffer function vsosc_null(address::ASCIIString, arguments::ASCIIString, args...) pos::Int = length(address)+1 pos = align(pos) pos += 1+length(arguments) pos = align(pos) arg_pos = 1; #Take care of varargs for(arg = arguments) if(arg in "htd") arg_pos += 1 pos += 8; elseif(arg in "mrcfi") arg_pos += 1 pos += 4; elseif(arg in "sS") s::ASCIIString = args[@incfp(arg_pos)]; pos += length(s); pos = align(pos) elseif(arg in "b") i::Int32 = sizeof(args[@incfp(arg_pos)]) pos += 4 + i; pos = align(pos) end #other args classes are ignored end return pos-1; end function rtosc_amessage(buffer::Array{Uint8}, len::Int, address::ASCIIString, arguments::ASCIIString, args...) total_len::Int = vsosc_null(address, arguments, args...); for(i=1:total_len) buffer[i] = 0 end #Abort if the message cannot fit if(total_len>len) return 0; end pos::Int = 1; #Address for(C = address) buffer[@incfp(pos)] = C end pos = align(pos) #Arguments buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ','; for(A=arguments) buffer[@incfp(pos)] = A; end pos = align(pos) arg_pos::Int = 1; for(arg = arguments) @assert(arg != 0); if(arg in "htd") d::Uint64 = reinterpret(Uint64, args[@incfp(arg_pos)]); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((d>>56) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((d>>48) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((d>>40) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((d>>32) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((d>>24) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((d>>16) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((d>>8) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = (d & 0xff); elseif(arg in "rfci") i::Int32 = reinterpret(Int32, args[@incfp(arg_pos)]); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((i>>24) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((i>>16) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((i>>8) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = (i & 0xff); elseif(arg in "m") m = args[@incfp(arg_pos)]; buffer[@incfp(pos)] = m[1]; buffer[@incfp(pos)] = m[2]; buffer[@incfp(pos)] = m[3]; buffer[@incfp(pos)] = m[4]; elseif(arg in "Ss") s = args[@incfp(arg_pos)]; for(C = s) buffer[@incfp(pos)] = C end pos = align(pos) elseif(arg == 'b') b = args[@incfp(arg_pos)]; i = sizeof(b); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((i>>24) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((i>>16) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = ((i>>8) & 0xff); buffer[@incfp(pos)] = (i & 0xff); for(U = b) buffer[@incfp(pos)] = uint8(U); end pos = align(pos) end end return pos-1; end OscMsg(address, arguments, args...) = message(address, arguments, args...) function message(address::ASCIIString, arguments::ASCIIString, args...) len::Int = vsosc_null(address, arguments, args...); data::Vector{Uint8} = Array(Uint8, len); rtosc_amessage(data,len,address,arguments,args...); return OscMsg(data) end function rtosc_argument(msg::OscMsg, idx::Int) typeChar::Char = argType(msg, idx); #trivial case if(!has_reserved(typeChar)) if(typeChar == 'T') return true elseif(typeChar == 'F') return false; end else arg_pos::Int = arg_off(msg, idx) if(typeChar in "htd") t::Uint64 = 0 t |= (uint64(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)]) << 56); t |= (uint64(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)]) << 48); t |= (uint64(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)]) << 40); t |= (uint64(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)]) << 32); t |= (uint64(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)]) << 24); t |= (uint64(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)]) << 16); t |= (uint64(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)]) << 8); t |= (uint64(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)])); if(typeChar == 'h') return int64(t) elseif(typeChar == 'd') return reinterpret(Float64, t); else return t; end elseif(typeChar in "f") return reinterpret(Float32,msg.data[arg_pos+(3:-1:0)])[1] elseif(typeChar in "rci") i::Int32 = 0 i |= (uint32(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)]) << 24); i |= (uint32(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)]) << 16); i |= (uint32(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)]) << 8); i |= (uint32(msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)])); if(typeChar == 'r') return uint32(i) elseif(typeChar == 'c') return char(i) else return i end elseif(typeChar in "m") m = Array(Uint8, 4) m[1] = msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)] m[2] = msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)] m[3] = msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)] m[4] = msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)] return m elseif(typeChar in "b") len::Int32 = 0 len |= (msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)] << 24); len |= (msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)] << 16); len |= (msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)] << 8); len |= (msg.data[@incfp(arg_pos)]); return msg.data[arg_pos+(0:len-1)]; elseif(typeChar in "Ss") return stringify(msg.data[arg_pos:end]); end end return nothing; end getindex(msg::OscMsg, idx::Int) = rtosc_argument(msg, idx) function show(io::IO, msg::OscMsg) println(io, "OSC Message to ", stringify(msg.data)) println(io, " Arguments:"); for i=1:narguments(msg) showField(io, msg,i) end end function showField(io::IO, msg::OscMsg, arg_id) map = ['i' Int32; 'f' Float32; 's' String; 'b' :Blob; 'h' Int32; 't' Uint64; 'd' Float64; 'S' Symbol; 'c' Char; 'r' :RBG; 'm' :Midi; 'T' true; 'F' false; 'N' Nothing] dict = Dict{Char, Any}(map[:,1][:],map[:,2][:]) dict['I'] = Inf typeChar::Char = argType(msg, arg_id-1) value = msg[arg_id-1] if(issubtype(typeof(value), Array)) value = value' end @printf(io, " #%2d %c:", arg_id, typeChar); println(dict[typeChar]," - ", value) end end