// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. library which.test.which_impl; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart'; import 'package:which/src/which_impl.dart'; import 'util.dart'; main() { group('which', () { test('should complete to the first matching executable in candidate paths', () { var candidatePaths = getPosixCandidatePaths('z', '/x/y:/a/b/c', '/foo/bar'); return which('z', candidatePaths, false, (path, isWindows) => new Future.value(path == '/x/y/z' || path == '/a/b/c/z'), null) .then((path) => expect(path, '/x/y/z')); }); test('should call orElse if command not found', () { var candidatePaths = getPosixCandidatePaths('z', '/x/y:/a/b/c', '/foo/bar'); return which('z', candidatePaths, false, (path, isWindows) => new Future.value(false), () => '/or/else') .then((path) => expect(path, '/or/else')); }); test('should throw state error if command not found and orElse not provided', () { var future = new Future(() => which('z', [], false, (path, isWindows) => new Future.value(false), null)); expect(future, throwsStateError); }); }); group('whichSync', () { test('should return the first matching executable in candidate paths', () { var candidatePaths = getWindowsCandidatePaths('z', r'C:\x\y;C:\a\b\c', '.EXE;.BAT', r'C:\foo\bar'); var result = whichSync('find', candidatePaths, true, (path, isWindows) => path == r'C:\x\y\z.BAT' || path == r'C:\a\b\c\z.BAT', null); expect(result, r'C:\x\y\z.BAT'); }); test('should call orElse if command not found', () { var candidatePaths = getWindowsCandidatePaths('z', r'C:\x\y;C:\a\b\c', '.EXE;.BAT', r'C:\foo\bar'); var result = whichSync('find', candidatePaths, true, (path, isWindows) => false, () => r'C:\or\else'); expect(result, r'C:\or\else'); }); test('should throw state error if command not found and orElse not provided', () { expect(() => whichSync('z', [], true, (path, isWindows) => false, null), throwsStateError); }); }); }