Implement focus switching (focus left/right) for floating windows

Fixes: #475
Michael Stapelberg 2011-09-17 19:28:41 +01:00
parent fe35c80741
commit 172f3563f7
1 changed files with 28 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -421,12 +421,35 @@ static bool _tree_next(Con *con, char way, orientation_t orientation, bool wrap)
return true;
Con *parent = con->parent;
if (con->type == CT_FLOATING_CON) {
/* TODO: implement focus for floating windows */
return false;
/* left/right focuses the previous/next floating container */
if (orientation == HORIZ) {
Con *next;
if (way == 'n')
next = TAILQ_NEXT(con, floating_windows);
else next = TAILQ_PREV(con, floating_head, floating_windows);
/* If there is no next/previous container, wrap */
if (!next) {
if (way == 'n')
next = TAILQ_FIRST(&(parent->floating_head));
else next = TAILQ_LAST(&(parent->floating_head), floating_head);
Con *parent = con->parent;
/* Still no next/previous container? bail out */
if (!next)
return false;
return true;
} else {
/* up/down cycles through the Z-index */
/* TODO: implement cycling through the z-index */
return false;
/* If the orientation does not match or there is no other con to focus, we
* need to go higher in the hierarchy */