Merge branch 'fix-temp-path'
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ workspace bar.
The method of choice for IPC in our case is a unix socket because it has very
little overhead on both sides and is usually available without headaches in
most languages. In the default configuration file, the ipc-socket gets created
in +/tmp/i3-%u/ipc-socket.%p+ where +%u+ is your UNIX username and +%p+ is the
PID of i3. You can get the socketpath from i3 by calling +i3 --get-socketpath+.
in +/tmp/i3-%u.XXXXXX/ipc-socket.%p+ where +%u+ is your UNIX username, +%p+ is
the PID of i3 and XXXXXX is a string of random characters from the portable
filename character set (see mkdtemp(3)). You can get the socketpath from i3 by
calling +i3 --get-socketpath+.
All i3 utilities, like +i3-msg+ and +i3-input+ will read the +I3_SOCKET_PATH+
X11 property, stored on the X11 root window.
@ -643,16 +643,19 @@ programs to get information from i3, such as the current workspaces
(to display a workspace bar), and to control i3.
The IPC socket is enabled by default and will be created in
+/tmp/i3-%u/ipc-socket.%p+ where +%u+ is your UNIX username and +%p+ is the PID
of i3.
+/tmp/i3-%u.XXXXXX/ipc-socket.%p+ where +%u+ is your UNIX username, +%p+ is
the PID of i3 and XXXXXX is a string of random characters from the portable
filename character set (see mkdtemp(3)).
You can override the default path through the environment-variable +I3SOCK+ or
by specifying the +ipc-socket+ directive. This is discouraged, though, since i3
does the right thing by default.
does the right thing by default. If you decide to change it, it is strongly
recommended to set this to a location in your home directory so that no other
user can create that directory.
ipc-socket /tmp/i3-ipc.sock
ipc-socket ~/.i3/i3-ipc.sock
You can then use the +i3-msg+ application to perform any command listed in
@ -294,9 +294,10 @@ exec /usr/bin/i3 -V -d all >> ~/.i3/logfile
=== I3SOCK
This variable overwrites the IPC socket path (placed in
/tmp/i3-%u/ipc-socket.%p by default, where %u is replaced with your UNIX
username and %p is replaced with i3’s PID). The IPC socket is used by external
programs like i3-msg(1) or i3bar(1).
/tmp/i3-%u.XXXXXX/ipc-socket.%p by default, where %u is replaced with your UNIX
username, %p is replaced with i3’s PID and XXXXXX is a string of random
characters from the portable filename character set (see mkdtemp(3))). The IPC
socket is used by external programs like i3-msg(1) or i3bar(1).
@ -234,25 +234,36 @@ static char **append_argument(char **original, char *argument) {
char *get_process_filename(const char *prefix) {
char *dir = getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR");
/* dir stores the directory path for this and all subsequent calls so that
* we only create a temporary directory once per i3 instance. */
static char *dir = NULL;
if (dir == NULL) {
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());
const char *username = pw ? pw->pw_name : "unknown";
sasprintf(&dir, "/tmp/i3-%s", username);
} else {
/* Check if XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set. If so, we use XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/i3 */
if ((dir = getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"))) {
char *tmp;
sasprintf(&tmp, "%s/i3", dir);
dir = tmp;
if (!path_exists(dir)) {
if (mkdir(dir, 0700) == -1) {
return NULL;
} else {
/* If not, we create a (secure) temp directory using the template
* /tmp/i3-<user>.XXXXXX */
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());
const char *username = pw ? pw->pw_name : "unknown";
sasprintf(&dir, "/tmp/i3-%s.XXXXXX", username);
/* mkdtemp modifies dir */
if (mkdtemp(dir) == NULL) {
return NULL;
char *filename;
sasprintf(&filename, "%s/%s.%d", dir, prefix, getpid());
return filename;
@ -20,9 +20,20 @@ EOT
# ensure XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set
# See which files exist in /tmp before to not mistakenly check an already
# existing tmpdir of another i3 instance.
my @files_before = </tmp/i3-*>;
my $pid = launch_with_config($config, 1);
my @files_after = </tmp/i3-*>;
@files_after = grep { !($_ ~~ @files_before) } @files_after;
is(@files_after, 1, 'one new temp directory');
my $folder = "/tmp/i3-" . getpwuid(getuid());
like($files_after[0], qr/^$folder/, 'temp directory matches expected pattern');
$folder = $files_after[0];
ok(-d $folder, "folder $folder exists");
my $socketpath = "$folder/ipc-socket." . $pid;
ok(-S $socketpath, "file $socketpath exists and is a socket");
Reference in New Issue