bugfix: don’t assume a workspace always has tiling cons when focusing (Thanks mseed)

Michael Stapelberg 2011-01-27 16:51:16 +01:00
parent 3e08ceaff9
commit 334e41daa4
1 changed files with 5 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -341,6 +341,11 @@ void tree_next(char way, orientation_t orientation) {
Con *current = TAILQ_FIRST(&(parent->focus_head));
assert(current != TAILQ_END(&(parent->focus_head)));
if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&(parent->nodes_head))) {
DLOG("Nothing to focus here, move along...\n");
/* 2: chose next (or previous) */
Con *next;
if (way == 'n') {