organize code in modules

This commit is contained in:
nixo 2020-05-12 15:19:36 +02:00
parent abe82f31a6
commit 625f5aed51
6 changed files with 193 additions and 123 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
(include "hooks.scm") (use-modules (ice-9 match))
(use-modules (ice-9 popen))
(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))
(use-modules (gri3 wm))
(use-modules (gri3 bindings))
(use-modules (gri3 hooks))
(define mode "default")
(define devel #t)
@ -7,10 +16,10 @@
(list c " &")))) (list c " &"))))
;; (include "i3.scm") ;; (include "i3.scm")
(define font "pango:Fira Mono 12") (define font "pango:Hack 8")
;; (run-shell-command "./i3bar -b 0") ;; (run-shell-command "./i3bar -b 0")
;; (set-font ) ;; xkb_keysym_from_name(symbol, XKB_KEYSYM_NO_FLAGS)
(define (reload) (define (reload)
(display "Reloading (with refresh)!\n") (display "Reloading (with refresh)!\n")
@ -18,43 +27,9 @@
(refresh)) (refresh))
(define (urxvt) (define (urxvt)
(display "Starting urxvt\n") (if devel
(run-shell-command "urxvt")) (run-shell-command "urxvt")
(run-shell-command "urxvtc")))
;; (define (config-bars)
;; (bar-start)
;; (set-bar-position "top")
;; (bar-finish)
;; ;; 2 bars
;; (bar-start)
;; (set-bar-position "bottom")
;; (bar-finish)
;; (i3bar))
;; ;; (i3bar)
;; ;; (i3-exec "" "" urxvt)
;; (define (cw)
;; (change-workspace "3"))
(define (cw1)
(change-workspace "1"))
(define (cw2)
(let ((resp (change-workspace "2")))
(if (not (boolean? resp))
(format #f "~A ~A" (car resp) (cadr resp)))))
(define (cwz)
(let ((resp (change-workspace "z")))
(if (not (boolean? resp))
(format #f "~A ~A" (car resp) (cadr resp)))))
;; (define (default)
;; (change-workspace "default"))
(use-modules (ice-9 popen))
(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))
(define (run-and-read command) (define (run-and-read command)
(let* ((port (open-input-pipe command)) (let* ((port (open-input-pipe command))
@ -62,91 +37,50 @@
(close-pipe port) (close-pipe port)
str)) str))
(define (eval-expr) ;; (define (urxvt) (display "URXVT"))
(run-shell-command (format #f "./i3-msg ~S" (run-and-read "echo '' | dmenu"))))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "Return" "" "" "" "" (define (eval-expr) (run-shell-command (format #f "./i3-msg ~S" (run-and-read "echo '' | dmenu"))))
(lambda () (urxvt)))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "space" "" "" "" "" (define (run-program) (run-shell-command "dmenu_run"))
(lambda () (eval-expr)))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "r" "" "" "" "" (define-mode-map "M-SPC" 'program-launcher)
(lambda () (reload)))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "1" "" "" "" "" (add-key-binding (kbd "M-m") urxvt)
(lambda () (cw1))) (add-key-binding (kbd "M-RET") urxvt)
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "2" "" "" "" "" (add-key-binding (kbd "M-SPC") run-program)
(lambda () (cw2))) (add-key-binding (kbd "M-q") kill-window)
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "z" "" "" "" "" (add-key-binding (kbd "M-r") reload)
(lambda () (cwz)))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "v" "" "" "" "" (add-key-binding (kbd "M-r") reload)
(lambda () (split "vertical")))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "h" "" "" "" ""
(lambda () (split "horizontal")))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "q" "" "" "" "" ;; Change layout
(lambda () (kill))) (add-key-binding (kbd "M-w") (lambda () (layout "tabbed")))
(add-key-binding (kbd "M-s") (lambda () (layout "stacked")))
(add-key-binding (kbd "M-e") (lambda () (toggle-layout "split")))
;; Split
(add-key-binding (kbd "M-v") (lambda () (split "vertical")))
(add-key-binding (kbd "M-h") (lambda () (split "horizontal")))
;; Add workspaces
(lambda (num)
(kbd (format #f "M-~s" num))
(lambda () (change-workspace (number->string num))))
(kbd (format #f "M-S-~s" num))
(lambda () (move-to-workspace (number->string num)))))
'(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
;; Move windows
(add-key-binding (kbd "M-f") (lambda () (focus-direction "right")))
(add-key-binding (kbd "M-b") (lambda () (focus-direction "left")))
(add-key-binding (kbd "M-p") (lambda () (focus-direction "up")))
(add-key-binding (kbd "M-n") (lambda () (focus-direction "down")))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "Right" "" "" "" "" (when (and (not (defined? 'loaded)) (not devel))
(lambda () (focus-direction "right"))) (run-shell-command "setxkbmap && xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap")
(run-shell-command "emacs --daemon")
(run-shell-command "mcron")
(run-shell-command "urxvtd"))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "Left" "" "" "" ""
(lambda () (focus-direction "left")))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "Up" "" "" "" ""
(lambda () (focus-direction "up")))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "Down" "" "" "" ""
(lambda () (focus-direction "down")))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "w" "" "" "" ""
(lambda () (layout "tabbed")))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "s" "" "" "" ""
(lambda () (layout "stacked")))
(set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "e" "" "" "" ""
(lambda () (toggle-layout "split")))
;; (set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "o" "" "" "" ""
;; (lambda () (move-to-workspace "2")))
(display "Loaded\n")
;; (set-binding "bindsym" "Mod2" "Return" "" "" "" "" urxvt)
;; (set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "q" "" "" "" "" kill-window)
;; (set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "w" "" "" "" "" kill-client)
;; (set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "1" "" "" "" "" default)
;; (set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "2" "" "" "" "" cw2)
;; (set-binding "bindsym" "Mod1" "3" "" "" "" "" cw)
;; ;; Con *ws = con_get_workspace(nc)
;; ;; Con *fs = con_get_fullscreen_covering_ws(ws)
;; ;; con_move_to_output(nc, output, false);
;; ;; con_toggle_fullscreen(nc, CF_OUTPUT);
;; ;; con_move_to_output_name(nc, assignment->dest.output, true);
;; (define (move-to-workspace window workspace)
;; (display "Moving window ")
;; (display (window-name window))
;; (display " to workspace ")
;; (display workspace))
;; (define assignments
;; ;; #((matcher) assign-function)
;; `(("urxvt" ,(lambda () (move-to-workspace "O" "3")))))
;; ;; ((lambda () (+ 2 1)))
;; ;; (define (t i) (display ("ICAO")))
;; ;; ((eval '+) 1 2)
;; ;; (call-with-values (cdr `("urxvt" ,t)) 0)
;; (display "-- GUILE CONFIGURATION LOADED --\n")
(define loaded #t) (define loaded #t)
(run-shell-command "feh --randomize --bg-fill ~/memories/incipit/laptop/wallpapers/")
(run-shell-command "feh --bg-fill ~/freeze/bluescreen_0.png")
;; (split "vertical")

View File

@ -206,4 +206,6 @@ install_data(sources : [ 'etc/config.scm', 'etc/hooks.scm' ], install_dir : 'etc
install_data(sources : [ 'etc/config.scm', 'etc/hooks.scm' ], install_dir : 'etc/gri3/') install_data(sources : [ 'etc/config.scm', 'etc/hooks.scm' ], install_dir : 'etc/gri3/')
install_headers('include/ipc.h', subdir : 'gri3') install_headers('include/ipc.h', subdir : 'gri3')
install_subdir('share/applications', install_dir : 'share') install_subdir('share/applications', install_dir : 'share')
install_subdir('share/xsessions', install_dir : 'share') install_subdir('share/xsessions', install_dir : 'share')
# Guile library
install_subdir('share/guile', install_dir : 'share')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
(define-module (gri3 bindings)
#:use-module (gri3 wm)
#:use-module (gri3 hooks)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
(define-mode-map add-key-binding kbd key-press-hook clear-bindings))
(define *bindings* '())
(define *mode-map* '())
(define *mode* "default")
(define (sym->name sym)
(or (assoc-ref
'(("\r" . "Return")
(" " . "space"))
(define (key-press-hook param)
(let ((param (list (list-ref param 0) (list-ref param 1) (sym->name (list-ref param 2)))))
(apply format #t "~A ~A ~s\n" param)
;; (display *bindings*)
;; (newline)
(let ((binding (assoc-ref
*bindings* (list *mode* param))))
;; (display binding)
;; (newline)
(if binding
(begin (binding)
(define (clear-bindings) (set! *bindings* '()))
(define (add-key-binding key func)
(match-let (((mode (press mod keysym)) key))
;; (format #t "Binding key ~A\n" keysym)
;; get notified for key with all mods
(lambda (mod)
(bind-key keysym mod))
(list #x8 #x10 #x26 #x40))
;; Store the key+func couple in the list of hooks
(set! *bindings*
(assoc-set! *bindings* `("default" (,press ,mod ,keysym)) func))))
(define (special->keysym name)
(or (assoc-ref '( ;; ("NUL")
;; ("REM")
("RET" . "Return")
("TAB" . "Tab")
("LFD" . "Linefeed")
("ESC" . "Escape")
("SPC" . "space")
("DEL" . "Delete"))
(define (define-mode-map map mode)
(set! *mode-map* (append *mode-map* `((,map . ,mode)))))
;; modifiers
;; ("A" "C" "M" "H" "s" "S")
(define *modifiers*
;; Where's H?
'(("S" . #b00000001)
("L" . #b00000010)
("C" . #b00000100)
("M" . #b00001000)
("mod2" . #b00010000)
("mod3" . #b00100000)
("s" . #b01000000)
("mod5" . #b10000000)))
(define (mod->int mod)
(assoc-ref *modifiers* mod))
(define *key-press* 2)
;; TODO: Support multiple modifiers! Sum their int value
(define (kbd keys)
"Convert keys in our own representation. KEYS should be a string compatible
with the emacs format such as `C-h k'."
(match (let ((keys (string-split keys #\space)))
(map (lambda (key) (string-split key #\-)) keys))
(((M1 mode) (M2 key)) `((,M1 ,mode) (,*key-press* ,(mod->int M2) ,(special->keysym key))))
(((M mode) (key)) `((,M ,mode) (,*key-press* 0 ,(special->keysym key))))
(((M1 M2 key)) `(("") (,*key-press* ,(+ (mod->int M1) (mod->int M2)) ,(special->keysym key))))
(((M key)) `(("") (,*key-press* ,(mod->int M) ,(special->keysym key))))
(((key)) `(("") (,*key-press* 0 ,(special->keysym key))))
(else (display "Cannot parse kdb"))))
;; (kbd "C-RET C-k")
;; (kbd "C-RET C-k")
;; (kbd "C-RET k")
;; (kbd "C-S-1")
;; (kbd "C-h")
;; (kbd "C")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
(define-module (gri3 hooks)
#:use-module (gri3 wm)
#:export (enter-notify-hook click-hook))
(define (enter-notify-hook params)
"Function called each time the mouse focus changes window.
Param is a list with: the name of the window.
Return #f to prevent changing focus."
(not (string=? (car params) "no-focus")))
(define (click-hook params)
;; (format #t "Clicked ~A" (car params))
;; (let ((root-x root-y event-x event-y state same-screen)))
;; (not (string=? (car params) "no-focus"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
;; empty module extended by the c interface
(define-module (gri3 wm))

View File

@ -311,12 +311,11 @@ SCM guile_refresh() {
} }
static void* static void*
register_functions (void* data) { register_functions_wm(void * data) {
scm_c_define_gsubr ("bind-key", 2, 0, 0, &guile_register_keyboard_key); scm_c_define_gsubr ("bind-key", 2, 0, 0, &guile_register_keyboard_key);
scm_c_define_gsubr ("change-workspace", 1, 0, 0, &guile_change_workspace); scm_c_define_gsubr ("change-workspace", 1, 0, 0, &guile_change_workspace);
scm_c_define_gsubr ("refresh", 0, 0, 0, &guile_refresh); scm_c_define_gsubr ("refresh", 0, 0, 0, &guile_refresh);
scm_c_define_gsubr ("kill", 0, 0, 0, &guile_kill); scm_c_define_gsubr ("kill-window", 0, 0, 0, &guile_kill);
scm_c_define_gsubr ("split", 1, 0, 0, &guile_split); scm_c_define_gsubr ("split", 1, 0, 0, &guile_split);
scm_c_define_gsubr ("focus-direction", 1, 0, 0, &guile_focus_direction); scm_c_define_gsubr ("focus-direction", 1, 0, 0, &guile_focus_direction);
scm_c_define_gsubr ("layout", 1, 0, 0, &guile_layout); scm_c_define_gsubr ("layout", 1, 0, 0, &guile_layout);
@ -326,6 +325,23 @@ register_functions (void* data) {
scm_c_define_gsubr ("rename-workspace", 2, 0, 0, &guile_rename_workspace); scm_c_define_gsubr ("rename-workspace", 2, 0, 0, &guile_rename_workspace);
"toggle-layout", NULL);
static void*
register_functions (void* data) {
scm_c_define_module ("gri3 wm", register_functions_wm, data);
return NULL; return NULL;
} }