Use the original geometry for floating windows

Michael Stapelberg 2011-03-03 16:22:22 +01:00
parent b484b9ab32
commit caa1ac1a9f
3 changed files with 62 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -98,7 +98,10 @@ void floating_enable(Con *con, bool automatic) {
int deco_height = font->height + 5;
DLOG("Original rect: (%d, %d) with %d x %d\n", con->rect.x, con->rect.y, con->rect.width, con->rect.height);
nc->rect = con->rect;
nc->rect = con->geometry;
/* Raise the width/height to at least 75x50 (minimum size for windows) */
nc->rect.width = max(nc->rect.width, 75);
nc->rect.height = max(nc->rect.height, 50);
/* add pixels for the decoration */
/* TODO: dont add them when the user automatically puts new windows into
* 1pixel/borderless mode */

View File

@ -254,16 +254,15 @@ void manage_window(xcb_window_t window, xcb_get_window_attributes_cookie_t cooki
if (cwindow->dock)
want_floating = false;
/* Store the requested geometry. The width/height gets raised to at least
* 75x50 when entering floating mode, which is the minimum size for a
* window to be useful (smaller windows are usually overlays/toolbars/
* which are not managed by the wm anyways). We store the original geometry
* here because its used for dock clients. */
nc->geometry = (Rect){ geom->x, geom->y, geom->width, geom->height };
if (want_floating) {
nc->rect.x = geom->x;
nc->rect.y = geom->y;
/* We respect the geometry wishes of floating windows, as long as they
* are bigger than our minimal useful size (75x50). */
nc->rect.width = max(geom->width, 75);
nc->rect.height = max(geom->height, 50);
DLOG("geometry = %d x %d\n", nc->rect.width, nc->rect.height);
DLOG("geometry = %d x %d\n", nc->geometry.width, nc->geometry.height);
floating_enable(nc, false);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
# Test if the requested width/height is set after making the window floating.
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
my $tmp = get_unused_workspace;
cmd "workspace $tmp";
my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
# Create a floating window which is smaller than the minimum enforced size of i3
my $window = $x->root->create_child(
rect => [ 0, 0, 400, 150],
background_color => '#C0C0C0',
isa_ok($window, 'X11::XCB::Window');
sleep 0.25;
my ($absolute, $top) = $window->rect;
ok($window->mapped, 'Window is mapped');
cmp_ok($absolute->{width}, '>', 400, 'i3 raised the width');
cmp_ok($absolute->{height}, '>', 150, 'i3 raised the height');
cmd 'mode toggle';
sleep 0.25;
($absolute, $top) = $window->rect;
diag('new width: ' . $absolute->{width});
diag('new height: ' . $absolute->{height});
# we compare with a tolerance of ± 20 pixels for borders in each direction
# (overkill, but hey)
cmp_ok($absolute->{width}, '>', 400-20, 'width now > 380');
cmp_ok($absolute->{width}, '<', 400+20, 'width now < 420');
cmp_ok($absolute->{height}, '>', 150-20, 'height now > 130');
cmp_ok($absolute->{height}, '<', 150+20, 'height now < 170');
#cmp_ok($absolute->{width}, '>=', 75, 'i3 raised the width to 75');
#cmp_ok($absolute->{height}, '>=', 50, 'i3 raised the height to 50');