delete old release notes

Michael Stapelberg 2014-06-15 18:27:03 +02:00
parent e07c49f4fb
commit df3f588cb5
9 changed files with 0 additions and 763 deletions

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@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
│ Release notes for i3 v4.2 │
This is the second release of the new major version of i3, v4.2. It is
considered stable. All users of i3 are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
A big change with this release is (again) a new parser for commands. You might
get the impression that we like rewriting parsers, but check the commit message
of commit a532f5a for rationale on this decision.
A more visible change to users is the introduction of a scratchpad command:
This is useful to have a permanent editor session ready whenever you need it.
Or your music player. Or email client? Or $programming-language REPL? Give it a
Also, you are finally able to move workspaces between the different outputs if
you are using multiple monitors. You can rename workspaces on the fly and
identify named workspaces by their number. So you can rename "1: www" to "1:
code" with one simple rename command and all your keybindings will still work.
A subtle indicator of the split state of containers has been introduced: In
case you are in a split container with precisely one window (a situation which
you could not recognize by looking at your screen previously), i3 will
highlight the bottom/right border of the split container in a lighter blue.
This should reduce confusion about whether you are dealing with a split
container or not.
And finally, i3bar now supports a JSON input protocol, so that with a
subsequent release of i3status, you will be able to use colors in your bar!
│ Changes in v4.2 │
• i3-sensible-*: dont call which without parameters
• i3-config-wizard: Mark the currently selected modifier with an arrow
• i3bar: kick tray clients after output configuration changed
• i3bar: kill child processes when exit()ing (they might be stopped)
• i3bar now supports a JSON input format to provide colors and more (later)
• Support different modifier keys for showing i3bar in hide mode
• bar config: add i3bar_command for non-standard setups
• Implement scratchpad functionality
• Implement 'focus output left|right|up|down'
• Implement 'workspace next_on_output|prev_on_output'
• Implement 'move workspace to output <output>'
• Implement a new parser for commands
• Implement 'workspace number <number>' to switch to named workspaces
• Implement 'move [container|window] to workspace number <number>'
• Implement 'rename workspace <old_name> to <new_name>'
• Re-implement borders in the workspace bar
• Draw a separator line after each tab in tabbed mode
• Ignore aspect ratio during fullscreen mode (fixes MPlayer subtitles)
• Correctly restore focus after in-place restarts
• Highlight the right/bottom border of split windows ("indicator")
• Install /usr/share/applications/i3.desktop so that you can select i3 as a
window manager in GNOME
• Dont migrate unfocused empty workspaces when disabling an output
• randr: Skip workspaces which are assigned to a different output when
creating a new workspace
• Implement an urgency flag criterion
• Render only once for all matching assignments
• Implement support for user configuration of constraints on floating window
• Extend move command for floating windows
• Added option to select primary display on tray_output
• Implement resize <grow|shrink> <width|height>, use it in the default config
• Replace the old fullscreen container when requesting fullscreen
• Prevent changing focus outside a container when scrolling on the
• Only resize when the left/right mouse button is used, not when scrolling
• docs: replace the refcard with an HTML version
• cfgparse: accept force-xinerama as a synonym of force_xinerama
• Implement support for 32 bit visuals (necessary for transparency)
• X11: only copy the requested region from buffer pixmaps in ExposeEvents
│ Bugfixes │
• Bugfix: Dont leak IPC file descriptors
• Bugfix: fix empty tray icon areas in i3bar
• Bugfix: properly handle workspace names with double quotes
│ Thanks! │
Thanks for testing, bugfixes, discussions and everything I forgot go out to:
Aaron Small, ablepharus, aksr, alexander, badboy, B-con, beauby, ben, biiter,
binzter, cg, cradle, darkraven, dbp, dcoppa, Don, dothebart, D Thompson,
eeemsi, f8l, Fandekasp, fernandotcl, gamo, garga, gregkh, Han, helgikrs,
Jeremy O'Brien, jjfoerch, joepd, Jose Pereira, Jure Ziberna, MasterofJOKers,
Merovius, mhcerri, migueldvb, moemoe, mseed, mxf, nh2, noxxun, Paul, Pavel
Löbl, Peter Bui, Phlogistique, phnom, piroko, rami, SardemFF7, xeen, xpt,
-- Michael Stapelberg, 2012-04-25

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@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
│ Release notes for i3 v4.3 │
This is the i3 v4.3. This version is considered stable. All users of i3 are
strongly encouraged to upgrade.
One rather visible change is that commands which could not be parsed properly
will now spawn i3-nagbar. In case you used "bindsym $mod+x firefox" (and
forgot the "exec" keyword) or you made a typo in your config, you will now
notice that :).
We also made the orientation (horizontal/vertical) part of the layout
mechanism: Before, we got the default layout and you could change
orientation. Now, there are two new layouts "splitv" and "splith", which
replace the default layout. The "split h" and "split v" commands continue to
work as before, they split the current container and you will end up in a
split container with layout splith (after "split h") or splitv (after
"split v").
To change a splith container into a splitv container, use either "layout
splitv" or "layout toggle split". The latter command is used in the
default config as mod+e (formerly "layout default"). In case you have
"layout default" in your config file, it is recommended to just replace
it by "layout toggle split", which will work as "layout default" did
before when pressing it once, but toggle between horizontal/vertical
when pressing it repeatedly.
The rationale behind this change is that its cleaner to have all
parameters that influence how windows are rendered in the layout itself
rather than having one special layout in combination with an additional
orientation. This enables us to change existing split containers in all
cases without breaking existing features (see ticket #464). Also, users
should feel more confident about whether they are actually splitting or
just changing an existing split container now.
As a nice side-effect, this commit brings back the "layout toggle"
feature we once had in i3 v3 (see the userguide).
Another very important change is that we now support pango for rendering text.
The default is still to use misc-fixed (X core fonts), but you can use a font
specification starting with "xft:" now, such as "xft:DejaVu Sans Mono 10" and
i3 will use pango. The sole motivation for this is NOT to have fancier window
decorations, but to support fonts which have more glyphs (think Japanese for
example) and to support right-to-left rendering (open
for an example). Supporting users from all over the planet is important, and
as such I would strongly advise distribution packagers to leave pango support
enabled. In case you are working on a very low-spec embedded device, it is
easy enough to disable pango support, see
Also, the 'layout' command now always works on the parent split container. This
allows you to do things like this:
for_window [class="XTerm"] layout tabbed
When you now open XTerm on an empty workspace, the whole workspace will be
set to tabbed. In case you want to open XTerm in its own tabbed split
container, you need to split before:
for_window [class="XTerm"] split v, layout tabbed
Furthermore, we decided to entirely ignore resize increment size hints for
tiling windows. These are set by terminal emulators (such as urxvt,
gnome-terminal, …) and specify that the window may only be resized in
multiples of the specified size. All terminal emulators cope with the window
manager ignoring these hints and by doing so, they can decide what to do with
the lost space (that is, pseudo-transparency now works without black bars in
│ Changes in v4.3 │
• docs: there now is documentation about lib::i3test and lib::i3test::Test,
the main Perl modules used by our testsuite.
• docs/refcard: update for v4
• docs/userguide: clarify the default for focus_follows_mouse and new_window
• docs/userguide: add section about implicit containers
• docs/userguide: give 'move <container|workspace> to output' its own section
• docs/ipc: document the 'window' field in the GET_TREE reply
• docs/ipc: update links to ipc libraries
• docs/ipc: make the reply sections consistent
• docs/i3bar-protocol: add example (illustration-only!) shell script
• man/ reference i3bar-protocol
• IPC: Commands now lead to proper error messages in general. If we forgot
about a specific one, please open a ticket.
• IPC: implement GET_VERSION to find out the i3 version
• i3-dump-log now comes with a massively more helpful error message that
should cover all the use cases.
• 'workspace number <number>' now opens a new workspace
• 'workspace number <number>' now works with the back_and_forth option
• Allow focus with target (criteria) when in fullscreen mode in some cases
• Allow focus child/parent when in fullscreen mode
• Restrict directional focus when in fullscreen mode
• Prevent moving out of fullscreen containers
• Add 'move to workspace current' (useful when used with criteria)
• replace loglevels by a global debug logging
• make: new makefile layout
• make: canonicalize path when compiling. This leads to sth like
../i3-4.2/src/main.c in backtraces, clearly identifying i3 code.
• automatically hide i3bar when its unneeded (after urgency hints)
• i3-config-wizard: use the level 0 keysym whenever its unambiguous
• i3-nagbar: use custom scripts to work around different terminal emulators
using different ways of interpreting the arguments to -e
• i3-sensible-terminal: add xfce4-terminal
• default config: require confirmation when exiting i3
• Display i3-nagbar when a command leads to an error.
• testcases: complete-run now supports --xtrace
• testcases: handle EAGAIN (fixes hangs)
• testcases: handle test bailouts
• Introduce splith/splitv layouts, remove orientation
• Implement hide_edge_borders option
• Support _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW ClientMessages
• Set I3_PID atom on the X11 root window
• Implement i3 --moreversion, handy for figuring out whether you run the
latest binary which is installed.
• i3bar: be less strict about the {"version":1} JSON header
• shm-logging: implement i3-dump-log -f (follow)
• Implement pango support
• 'move workspace number n' will now create the workspace if it doesnt exist
• Accept slashes in RandR output names
• Keep startup-notification sequences around for 30s after completion
• Introduce bindsym --release, which will trigger the binding not on the
KeyPress event, but on the KeyRelease event (useful for import(1) or
• The signalhandler does not offer you to exit i3 anymore. Instead, there is
'b' for writing a backtrace to a file in /tmp (if gdb is installed)
• Remove support for resize increment hints for tiling windows
• Exit fullscreen mode when 'scratchpad show' is executed while in fullscreen
│ Bugfixes │
• Fix floating precision bug when floating windows are moved between outputs.
• i3bar wont crash when full_text is missing or null in the JSON input
• When having "workspace number 1" in your config, there will no longer be a
stray workspace "number 1".
• i3.config.keycodes used bindsym instead of bindcode for the arrow key
resizing bindings by mistake
• Fix 'move to workspace' when used with criteria
• Handle clicks to the very left edge of i3bar
• When using i3 -C, dont send remaining arguments as an IPC command
• Fix reload crashes in rare cases
• i3bar: inform all clients of new tray selection owner (fixes tray problems
with X-Chat and possibly others)
• resizing: traverse containers up properly (fixes non-working resizing when
having a h-split within a h-split for example)
• Fix floating coordinates when moving assigned workspaces
• Properly fix floating coordinates when disabling outputs
• floating_fix_coordinates: properly deal with negative positions
• floating windows: add deco_height only when in normal border mode (fixes
initial floating window position/size when using a different default border
• Fix moving scratchpad window
• Cleanup zero-byte logfile on immediate exit (they are created by i3
--get-socketpath for example).
• Fix resizing floating windows by height
• Fix back_and_forth in 'workspace number' for named workspaces
• Grab server and process pending events before managing existing windows
(fixes problems with GIMP windows not being managed after an in-place
• Dont allow ConfigureRequests while in fullscreen (fixes a compatibility
issue with gnome-terminal and xfces terminal)
• Fix flickering with 1pixel border tabbed layouts
• Use _exit() instead of exit() when i3 utility programs cannot be executed
• Dont focus the wrong workspace when moving to scratchpad
│ Thanks! │
Thanks for testing, bugfixes, discussions and everything I forgot go out to:
aksr, Axel Wagner, darkraven, David Coppa, eeemsi, Felicitus, Fernando Tarlá
Cardoso Lemos, Iakov Davydov, jh, Joel Stemmer, Julius Plenz, loblik, Marcel
Hellwig, Marcus, mloskot, Moritz Bandemer, oblique, Ondrej Grover, Pavel
Löbl, Philipp Middendorf, prg, Quentin Glidic, Sebastian Ullrich, Simon
Elsbrock, somelauw, stfn, tucos, TunnelWicht, Valentin Haenel
-- Michael Stapelberg, 2012-09-19

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@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
│ Release notes for i3 v4.4 │
This is the i3 v4.4. This version is considered stable. All users of i3 are
strongly encouraged to upgrade.
An important under-the-hood change is that we now use the same parser
infrastructure for the configuration file as we do for the commands. This
makes maintenance and contributions easier and lets us finally escape the
insanity that is bison/flex.
In case there is a bug and your existing config does not work as expected
anymore, try using the --force-old-config-parser-v4.4-only flag when starting
i3 and please report a bug. This option will only be present in v4.4, so if
you dont report a bug, you are willingly breaking your own config file.
Apart from that, there have been several little fixes and additions which make
i3 pay more attention to detail, particularly in the floating window area of
the code. See the changes/bugfixes list for more information.
│ Changes in v4.4 │
• add i3-dmenu-desktop, a dmenu wrapper which parses application .desktop
files and executes them.
• also use a custom parser for the config file
• i3.xsession.desktop is now standards-compliant
• ipc: you can now subscribe to an event called 'mode' (for binding modes)
• implement "move container to workspace back_and_forth"
• implement delayed urgency hint reset
• make "move workspace number" accept a default workspace name after the
• i3bar: allow child to specify start/stop signals to use in hide mode
• i3bar: add "urgent" to protocol, it unhides i3bar when in hide mode
• make parent of urgent containers also urgent
• add descriptive title to split containers (no more "another container")
• click to focus: clicking the root window focuses the relevant workspace
• display appropriate cursors when resizing or moving floating windows
• implement variable border widths for pixel/normal
• Implement moving workspaces as if theyre regular containers
• Maintain relative positioning when moving floating windows between outputs
• Focus the relevant workspace when clicking any container
• docs/ipc: remove unnecessary newline
• docs/ipc: add a warning to use an existing library
• shmlog: remove O_TRUNC flag for shm_open, we truncate on our own
• un-fullscreen as needed when moving fullscreen containers
• improve startup sequence termination conditions
• allow floating cons to be reached using 'focus parent'
• grab keys with all permutations of lock and numlock
• allow workspace contents to be moved if there are only floating children
• allow 'focus <direction>' to move out of non-global fullscreen containers
• exit with a proper error message when there are no outputs available
• skip floating cons in focus <child|parent> and stop them from being split
• focus windows when middle-clicking
• skip floating windows in the focus stack when moving through the tree
• docs/userguide: use $mod consistently
• keycode default config: s/bindcode/bindsym/
• implement smart popup_during_fullscreen mode
• docs/testsuite: add "installing the dependencies" section
• introduce new command to rename focused workspace
• libi3: use "pango:" prefix instead of "xft:" to avoid confusion
• ipc: add "current" and "old" containers to workspace events
• i3bar: add current binding mode indicator
• resizing floating windows now obeys the minimum/maximum size
• docs/userguide: document new_float option
│ Bugfixes │
• Bugfix: get_output_next() now works with non-aligned RandR setups
• Bugfix: close empty workspaces after cross-output move
• Bugfix: fix bottom line of tabbed decoration not continuous
• Bugfix: use correct coordinates for windows which are opened on a newly
created workspace due to assignments
• Bugfix: properly react to windows being unmapped before we can reparent
• Bugfix: send non-floating window with floating parent to scratchpad
• docs/userguide: document how to "un-scratchpad" a window
• Bugfix: dont crash when dragged floating window closes
• Bugfix: draw h-split indicator at the correct position
• make the resize command honor criteria
• Bugfix: with one ws per output, dont crash on cross-output moves
• Bugfix: correctly move floating windows to invisible workspaces
• Bugfix: set workspace_layout in create_workspace_on_output
• fix fullscreen focus bug and corresponding test flaw
• i3bar: bugfix: dont send workspace command when at beginning/end of workspace
• Bugfix: force rendering when the parents orientation changed
• Bugfix: fix workspace back_and_forth after displaying a scratchpad window
│ Thanks! │
Thanks for testing, bugfixes, discussions and everything I forgot go out to:
Adrien Schildknecht, aksr, bitonic, chrysn, Conley Moorhous, darkraven, Deiz,
Emil Mikulic, Feh, flo, Francesco Mazzoli, hax404, joepd, Kacper Kowalik,
Markus, meaneye, Merovius, Michael Walle, moju, Moritz, noxxun, Oliver
Kiddle, Pauli Ervi, Pavel Löbl, Piotr, pkordy, Quentin Glidic, Sascha Kruse,
Sebastian Ullrich, Simon Elsbrock, slowpoke, strcat, Tblue, Tim, whitequark,
xeen, Yaroslav Molochko
-- Michael Stapelberg, 2012-12-12

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@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
│ Release notes for i3 v4.5 │
This is the i3 v4.5. This version is considered stable. All users of i3 are
strongly encouraged to upgrade.
Most of the changes are cleanups and bugfixes. Due to cleanups, i3 no longer
depends on flex/bison at all. Furthermore, libev ≥ 4 is now a hard dependency
(libev < 4 is not supported anymore).
One important change to note is that moving windows to a different output will
no longer move focus to that output. If you want to have the old behavior,
modify the keybindings for moving in your configfile like this:
bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move workspace 1; workspace 1
│ Changes in v4.5 │
• docs/hacking-howto: refer people to
• docs/ipc: Adds Go IPC lib to the docs.
• docs/userguide: remove obsolete sentence about client.background
• docs/userguide: be explicit about assignment processing order
• docs/userguide: be more clear about the resize command arguments
• docs/userguide: fix typo: s/11x/11px/
• i3-dmenu-desktop: dont add “geany” if “Geany” is already present
• i3-dmenu-desktop: strip newlines from dmenu ≥ 4.4
• i3-dmenu-desktop: skip files with broken utf8 but warn about it
• i3-dmenu-desktop: skip broken files (no/empty Exec=) but warn about them
• i3-dmenu-desktop: List filenames of .desktop files
• i3-dmenu-desktop: remove %i from commandline
• i3-nagbar: Work around terminals not supporting -e with quoted arguments
• i3-nagbar: use the same font as configured for i3
• i3bar: set _NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_COLORS for symbolic icons (gtk3+)
• i3bar: dont use X11 borders to avoid overlapping in hide mode
• i3bar: separator color via config; separator width and on/off via ipc
• i3bar: Allow min_width of a block in i3bar to be a string
• i3-msg: parse command replies and display errors nicely if there were
• Draw 1px tab separators left/right instead of 2px on the right only
• Render tree before destroying X11 containers upon unmap
• scratchpad show: move visible scratchpad window from another workspace to
focused workspace instead of doing nothing
• ignore MotionNotify events generated while warping the pointer
• Allow X11 servers which do not support the XKB extension.
• remove the urgency indicator when a window is closed
• wrap when moving containers to outputs with direction
• scratchpad_show: focus unfocused scratchpad window
• Split workspace instead of changing orientation
• scratchpad: always auto center on 'scratchpad show' if window hasn't been
repositioned by the user
• Add a new IPC event for changes on windows.
• config: accept “smart” as popup_during_fullscreen parameter
• Obey WM_SIZE_HINTS's resize increments in floating mode
• Do not move focus if a container is moved across outputs
│ Bugfixes │
• Ignore ConfigureRequests for scratchpad windows
• Correctly parse `move ... workspace *_on_output`
• i3bar: Set separator color properly when drawing
• Properly parse commands like “move workspace torrent”
• Handle nested transient popups properly
• Fix decoration rect size for windows without border
• parse outputs as "word", not "string", to ignore trailing whitespace
• fix crash when disabling output without any windows
• scratchpad: fix crash when moving last window of an invisible workspace
• fix coordinates of scratchpad windows on output changes
• call scratchpad_show() when focusing scratchpad windows via criteria
• fix continuous resize bug in floating mode, e.g. with xbmc
• fix “overlapping” --release key bindings
• fix IPC messages writes with low buffer sizes
• unregister as window manager before restarting (fixes a race condition)
• Fix bind[code|sym] --release
• remove superfluous #include <xcb/xcb_atom.h>
• Makefile: Repect AR environment variable
• i3-input: restore input focus on exit()
• Also draw right tab border for split containers
• Fix scrolling on a tabbed titlebar which contains split cons
• Correctly close floating windows
• handle MapRequests sent between i3 registering as a wm and handling events
• i3bar: fake DestroyNotify and send MANAGER ClientMessages to fix tray restarts
│ Thanks! │
Thanks for testing, bugfixes, discussions and everything I forgot go out to:
Adrien Schildknecht, alex, András Mohari, Artem Shinkarov, badboy, bafain,
cradle, dcoppa, Donald, dRbiG, eeemsi, else, emias, f8l, Francesco Mazzoli,
jasper, joepd, Kacper Kowalik, Kai, knopwob, Marcos, Marius Muja, Mats,
MeanEYE, Merovius, oblique, paolo, phlux, Piotr S. Staszewski, pnutzh4x0r,
rasi, saurabhgeek92, Sebastian Rachuj, Sebastian Ullrich, slowpoke, Steven
Allen, supplantr, Tai-Lin Chu, Tucos, Vivien Didelot, xeen
-- Michael Stapelberg, 2013-03-12

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
│ Release notes for i3 v4.5.1 │
This is the i3 v4.5.1, a bugfix release. This version is considered stable. All
users of i3 are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
This release fixes an i3 lockup when dragging floating windows from one monitor
to another.
Furthermore, in the release process for v4.5, there was a human error leading
to i3 thinking that v4.5 is a debug version, therefore allocating 25 MB of
shared memory logging ringbuffer by default.
│ Changes in v4.5.1 │
• Bugfix: Dont warp the pointer when dragging floating windows
• i3-dmenu-desktop: improve error message when dmenu cannot be found
-- Michael Stapelberg, 2013-03-18

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@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
│ Release notes for i3 v4.6 │
This is the i3 v4.6. This version is considered stable. All users of i3 are
strongly encouraged to upgrade.
The main improvement of this release is increased compatibility. We made a few
tiny code changes and hope that Mathematica and Java applications will work
better with i3 now. i3-nagbar should work with more terminal emulators than
For debugging, the shmlog and debuglog commands can be sent via IPC to enable
shared memory logging while i3 is running. For the large number of users using
a release version (i.e. a version without shared memory logging by default),
this will make debugging their issues much simpler.
i3bar now supports click events and can be hidden/shown via an i3 IPC command.
│ Changes in v4.6 │
• docs/userguide: mention forgotten layout splitv/splith
• docs/multi-monitor: nVidia ≥ 302.17 works just fine
• docs/wsbar: update (we have i3bar now, i3-wsbar is just an example)
• docs/testsuite: Document fixes and workarounds for test failures
• man/ updated man page to include all options
• lib/i3test: clarify how to identify open_window() windows in i3 commands
• Use a saner sanity check for floating_reposition
• tabbed: floor(), put extra pixels into the last tab
• raise fullscreen windows on top of all other X11 windows
• Draw indicator border only for split layouts
• re-shuffle struct members to save a bit of memory
• Add 'NoDisplay=true' to i3.application.desktop
• Store aspect_ratio instead of weird proportional_{width,height}
• Implement shmlog command
• Implement debuglog command
• Implement unmark command
• actively delete _NET_WORKAREA on startup
• Handle the _NET_REQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS ClientMessage (java compat)
• i3bar: add click events
• i3bar: fix -b parameter, fix usage description
• i3bar: restore compatibility with libyajl version 1
• i3bar: unhide hidden i3bar when mode is active
• i3bar: fix font display height in i3bar
• i3bar: introduced i3 command for changing the hidden state and mode
• i3bar: fix wrong placement of i3bar when connecting/disconnecting outputs
• i3bar: draw workspace buttons at x=0 instead of x=1
• i3-nagbar: take our terminal execution kludge to the next level
• i3-nagbar: Bugfix: -m requires an argument (crashes if none specified)
• i3-dmenu-desktop: run commands when they dont match a .desktop file
(e.g. enter “i3 layout stacking”)
• i3-dmenu-desktop: honor Path= key
• contrib/ Fix $ and & in window titles
• contrib/ Display nicer double-quotes
• contrib/ Remove bogus default socket path
│ Bugfixes │
• Bugfix: ipc: use correct workspace in workspace change event
• Bugfix: fix floating window size with hide_edge_borders
• Bugfix: Fix parsing of comments in the config file
• Bugfix: Fix error messages for the debug log
• Bugfix: shm_unlink the correct file when handling errors
• Bugfix: Fix shm logging on FreeBSD
• Bugfix: Fix restarting with 32 bit depth windows
• Bugfix: Fix scratchpad_show on non-scratchpad windows
• Bugfix: i3bar: mark IPC fd CLOEXEC
• Bugfix: fix crash when not having tray_output configured
• Bugfix: make sure that resize will take place even if pixel is smaller
than size increments.
• Bugfix: render_con: fix height rounding in aspect ratio computation
• Bugfix: fix problem when moving fullscreen window to scratchpad
• Bugfix: Unmap windows before reparenting them to the root window
(fixes Mathematica)
• Bugfix: update parent urgency hint if a child is removed.
• Bugfix: fix bus error on OpenBSD/sparc64
• Bugfix: fix focus handling in 'floating disable' on non-visible windows
• Bugfix: ignore spaces in front of default workspace name
• Bugfix: call i3-nagbar correctly for configfiles without the font directive
• Bugfix: resize and center a scratchpad even when a criteria is used.
│ Thanks! │
Thanks for testing, bugfixes, discussions and everything I forgot go out to:
Alexander, Alexander Berntsen, Arun Persaud, badboy, Baptiste Daroussin,
Clément Bœsch, Diego Ongaro, Eelis van der Weegen, Eika Enge, enkore, Eric S.
Raymond, Franck Michea, haptix, HedgeMage, koebi, Layus, Mayhem, Merovius,
necoro, oblique, Philippe Virouleau, phillip, psychon, Simon Elsbrock, Simon
Wesp, Thomas Adam, tobiasu, vandannen, xeen, Yuxuan Shui
-- Michael Stapelberg, 2013-08-07

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@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
│ Release notes for i3 v4.7 │
This is the i3 v4.7. This version is considered stable. All users of i3 are
strongly encouraged to upgrade.
This release features a number of documentation improvements, better error
messages in various places, better tray compatibility in i3bar, and a number of
Relevant from a packaging point of view is that we have switched to the new
xcb-util-cursor library to get rid of libXcursor. The last remaining big piece
of Xlib code now is XKB, which we may be able to tackle in upcoming releases
thanks to the just released libxcb 1.10.
│ Changes in v4.7 │
• docs/userguide: clarify variable parsing
• docs/userguide: clarify urgent_workspace
• docs/userguide: add proper quoting for rename sample command
• docs/userguide: clarify multiple criteria
• docs/userguide: userguide: explain the difference between comma and semicolon for command chaining
• docs/hacking-howto: update to reflect parser changes
• man/i3-dump-log: document -f
• switch from libXcursor to xcb-util-cursor
• Respect workspace numbers when looking for a free workspace name
• Revert "raise fullscreen windows on top of all other X11 windows"
• i3bar: Create pixmaps using the real bar height, rather than screen height
• Add scratchpad bindings to the default config
• Close all children when closing a workspace
• i3bar: Add new bar.binding_mode_indicator configuration
• Improve error message when $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not writable
• libi3/font: Draw the text at the expected place
• libi3/font: Set DPI for the pango context
• Add ability to escape out of a mouse-resize operation
• Do not resize/reposition floating containers when moving them to scratchpad
• i3-nagbar: Set button inner-width to the width of the label
• Assigned windows open urgent when not visible
• i3bar: Only configure tray on own outputs
• Command 'move <direction>' moves across outputs
• i3bar: Handle DestroyNotify events
• i3bar: Realign tray clients on map/unmap notify
• i3bar: Group child processes for signalling
• i3bar: Print error message when status_command fails
• Remove references to PATH_MAX macro for GNU/Hurd
│ Bugfixes │
• update root geometry on output changes for “fullscreen global”
• dont flatten tabbed/stacked containers
• Fix handling of new windows with WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN
• correctly recognize assigned windows as urgent
• Fix keyboard and mouse resize in nested containers
• Reply to _NET_REQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS correctly
• Fix command parser: resizing tiling windows
• Fix output retrieval for floating cons
• Use _PATH_BSHELL to ensure using a bourne shell
• Instead of crashing, return DRAG_ABORT on UnmapNotify from drag_pointer
• Remove-child callback skips output content cons
• ignore _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW for scratchpad windows
│ Thanks! │
Thanks for testing, bugfixes, discussions and everything I forgot go out to:
Alexander Neumann, badboy, Baptiste Daroussin, Bas Pape, Deiz, Franck Michea,
Jean-Philippe Ouellet, jj, jookia, kaersten, Lancelot SIX, Leo Gaspard,
mistnim, Peter Maatman, Quentin Glidic, Sebastian Ullrich, Slava, syl20bnr,
Tony Crisci, Trung Ngo, Vivien Didelot, Xarthisius
I want to specifically thank Tony Crisci for the very valuable help with
responding to bugreports in our bugtracker. Thank you!
-- Michael Stapelberg, 2013-12-22

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
│ Release notes for i3 v4.7.1 │
This is the i3 v4.7.1. This version is considered stable. All users of i3 are
strongly encouraged to upgrade.
This is a bugfix release for v4.7.
│ Changes in v4.7.1 │
• docs/debugging: explain how to enable logging on the fly
• docs/debugging: small cleanups (versions, bzip2)
• add i3-with-shmlog.xsession.desktop
│ Bugfixes │
• only LOG() the DPI when it changes, DLOG() it otherwise
• make “move <direction>” properly send workspace focus event
• i3bar: set mapped flag on trayclient creation
• i3bar: dont show EOF status line error in favor of exit code
│ Thanks! │
Thanks for testing, bugfixes, discussions and everything I forgot go out to:
lkraav, TonyC
-- Michael Stapelberg, 2014-01-21

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
│ Release notes for i3 v4.7.2 │
This is the i3 v4.7.2. This version is considered stable. All users of i3 are
strongly encouraged to upgrade.
This is a bugfix release for v4.7.
│ Bugfixes │
• install i3-with-shmlog.xsession.desktop to the correct location
• OpenBSD currently lacks posix_fallocate()
│ Thanks! │
Thanks for testing, bugfixes, discussions and everything I forgot go out to:
David Coppa
-- Michael Stapelberg, 2014-01-23