Michael Stapelberg
tests: replace http:// with https:// where appropriate
This was done automatically using:
% sed -i 's,http://build.i3wm.org,https://build.i3wm.org,g ' testcases/t/*.t
2017-09-24 10:19:50 +02:00
Michael Stapelberg
tests: use i3_config arg instead of precisely one launch_with_config
This way, tests are shorter, and i3test’s invocation of launch_with_config
parallelizes work better, using dont_block => 1.
2017-09-14 21:46:20 +02:00
Michael Stapelberg
GET_TREE: serialize container type into a string
So far, this was blessed for internal use only (by virtue of not being
in the documentation), but we want to expose it for the stored layouts.
2013-12-22 21:52:49 +01:00
Sebastian Rachuj
Bugfix: Do not move focus if a container is moved across outputs
fixes #809
This makes the moving behavior more consistent. If you want to focus the
workspace you are moving to, just chain the keybinding in your config
bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move workspace 1; workspace 1
2013-02-10 17:38:17 +01:00
Michael Stapelberg
add testcase for "move workspace <output>"
2013-01-30 13:31:20 +01:00