#!perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # Regression: Check if the focus stays the same when switching the layout # bug introduced by 77d0d42ed2d7ac8cafe267c92b35a81c1b9491eb use i3test; my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path()); sub check_order { my ($msg) = @_; my @ws = @{$i3->get_workspaces->recv}; my @nums = map { $_->{num} } grep { defined($_->{num}) } @ws; my @sorted = sort @nums; cmp_deeply(\@nums, \@sorted, $msg); } my $tmp = fresh_workspace; my $left = open_window; my $mid = open_window; my $right = open_window; sync_with_i3; diag("left = " . $left->id . ", mid = " . $mid->id . ", right = " . $right->id); is($x->input_focus, $right->id, 'Right window focused'); cmd 'focus left'; is($x->input_focus, $mid->id, 'Mid window focused'); cmd 'layout stacked'; is($x->input_focus, $mid->id, 'Mid window focused'); done_testing;