#!perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # Verifies that we can get the version number of i3 via IPC. use i3test; my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path()); $i3->connect->recv; # We explicitly send the version message because AnyEvent::I3’s 'version' sugar # method has a fallback which tries to parse the version number from i3 # --version for older versions, and we want to avoid using that. my $version = $i3->message(7, "")->recv; # We need to change this when the major version changes (but we need to touch a # lot of changes then anyways). is($version->{major}, 4, 'major version is 4'); cmp_ok($version->{minor}, '>', 0, 'minor version > 0'); is(int($version->{minor}), $version->{minor}, 'minor version is an integer'); is(int($version->{patch}), $version->{patch}, 'patch version is an integer'); like($version->{human_readable}, qr/branch/, 'human readable version contains branch name'); done_testing;