#!perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # # Please read the following documents before working on tests: # • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/testsuite.html # (or docs/testsuite) # # • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/lib-i3test.html # (alternatively: perldoc ./testcases/lib/i3test.pm) # # • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html # (or docs/ipc) # # • http://onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/modern_perl_a4.pdf # (unless you are already familiar with Perl) # # Verifies that when using multiple keyboard layouts at the same time, bindings # without a specified XKB group will work in all XKB groups. # Ticket: #2062 # Bug still in: 4.11-103-gc8d51b4 # Bug introduced with commit 0e5180cae9e9295678e3f053042b559e82cb8c98 use i3test i3_config => <= 1.11)", 1 unless ExtUtils::PkgConfig->atleast_version('xcb-xkb', '1.11'); skip "setxkbmap not found", 1 if system(q|setxkbmap -print >/dev/null|) != 0; start_binding_capture; system(q|setxkbmap us,ru -option grp:alt_shift_toggle|); is(listen_for_binding( sub { xtest_key_press(107); xtest_key_release(107); xtest_sync_with_i3; }, ), 'Print', 'triggered the "Print" keybinding'); is(listen_for_binding( sub { xtest_key_press(133); # Super_L xtest_key_press(36); # Return xtest_key_release(36); # Return xtest_key_release(133); # Super_L xtest_sync_with_i3; }, ), 'Mod4+Return', 'triggered the "Mod4+Return" keybinding'); # Switch keyboard group to russian. set_xkb_group(1); is(listen_for_binding( sub { xtest_key_press(107); xtest_key_release(107); xtest_sync_with_i3; }, ), 'Print', 'triggered the "Print" keybinding'); is(listen_for_binding( sub { xtest_key_press(133); # Super_L xtest_key_press(36); # Return xtest_key_release(36); # Return xtest_key_release(133); # Super_L xtest_sync_with_i3; }, ), 'Mod4+Return', 'triggered the "Mod4+Return" keybinding'); sync_with_i3; is(scalar @i3test::XTEST::binding_events, 4, 'Received exactly 4 binding events'); # Disable the grp:alt_shift_toggle option, as we use Alt+Shift in other testcases. system(q|setxkbmap us -option|); } done_testing;