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		<h1>i3 Reference Card</h1>
		<a href="http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html">http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html</a>
			Throughout this guide, the i3 logo will be used to refer to the configured modifier.
			This is the <kbd></kbd> key (<code>Mod1</code>) by default,
			with super/<kbd></kbd> (<code>Mod4</code>) being a popular alternative.

			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd>
			<td>open new terminal
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>j</kbd>
			<td>focus left

			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>k</kbd>
			<td>focus down

			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>l</kbd>
			<td>focus up

			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>;</kbd>
			<td>focus right
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd>
			<td>toggle focus mode

	<h2>Moving windows</h2>
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd> + <kbd>j</kbd>
			<td>move window left
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd> + <kbd>k</kbd>
			<td>move window down
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd> + <kbd>l</kbd>
			<td>move window up
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd> + <kbd>;</kbd>
			<td>move window right


	<h2>Modifying windows</h2>
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>f</kbd>
			<td>toggle fullscreen
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>v</kbd>
			<td>split a window vertically
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>h</kbd>
			<td>split a window horizontally
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>r</kbd>
			<td>resize mode
	<p class="ref">Look at the “Resizing containers / windows” section of the user guide.</p>

	<h2>Changing the container layout</h2>
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>e</kbd>

			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>s</kbd>

			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>w</kbd>

			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd> + <kbd></kbd>
			<td>toggle floating
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd>
			<td>drag floating

	<h2>Using workspaces</h2>
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>0</kbd>-<kbd>9</kbd>
			<td>switch to another workspace
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd> + <kbd>0</kbd>-<kbd>9</kbd>
			<td>move a window to another workspace


	<h2>Opening applications / Closing windows</h2>
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd>d</kbd>
			<td>open application launcher (dmenu)
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd> + <kbd>q</kbd>
			<td>kill a window

	<h2>Restart / Exit</h2>
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd> + <kbd>c</kbd>
                        <td>reload the configuration file
			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd> + <kbd>r</kbd>
			<td>restart i3 inplace

			<td><img class="i3mod" src="logo-30.png" alt="" /> + <kbd></kbd> + <kbd>e</kbd>
                        <td>exit i3

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	<p id="copyright">
		Copyright © 2012, Michael Stapelberg
		<br />
		All rights reserved
		<br />
		Designed by Zeus Panchenko, updated by Moritz Bandemer
	<p id="licence">
		Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document provided
		the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.