i3 is currently distributed in the following operating systems/distributions:
The current stable version is 3.ε (transcribed 3.e because many systems still can’t handle UTF-8 in version numbers).
IMPORTANT: If you use the nVidia binary driver (which does not support XRandR at the moment), read this document for an explanation and how to enable the work-around!
Use git to follow the latest changes:
$ git clone git://code.stapelberg.de/i3
If you prefer to download a tarball, or if you cannot use git for whatever reason, you may download the current master branch from http://code.stapelberg.de/git/i3/snapshot/i3-master.tar.bz2
If you want to be notified when a new version of i3 is released, please subscribe
to the announce mailing list by sending a mail to i3-announce-subscribe@i3.zekjur.net