INSTALL=install ifndef DEBUG DEBUG=1 endif PREFIX=/usr # The escaping is absurd, but we need to escape for shell, sed, make, define GIT_VERSION:="$(shell git describe --tags --always) ($(shell git log --pretty=format:%cd --date=short -n1), branch $(shell [ -f .git/HEAD ] && sed 's/ref: refs\/heads\/\(.*\)/\\\\\\"\1\\\\\\"/g' .git/HEAD || echo 'unknown'))" # Fallback for libyajl 1 which did not include yajl_version.h. We need # YAJL_MAJOR from that file to decide which code path should be used. CFLAGS += -idirafter yajl-fallback CFLAGS += -Wall CFLAGS += -pipe CFLAGS += -Iinclude CFLAGS += -g CFLAGS += -DI3BAR_VERSION=\"${GIT_VERSION}\" LDFLAGS += -lev LDFLAGS += -lyajl LDFLAGS += -lxcb LDFLAGS += -lX11 LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/lib ifeq ($(DEBUG),1) CFLAGS += -g3 else CFLAGS += -O2 endif .SILENT: .PHONY: install clean