#undef I3__FILE__ #define I3__FILE__ "tree.c" /* * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab * * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE) * * tree.c: Everything that primarily modifies the layout tree data structure. * */ #include "all.h" struct Con *croot; struct Con *focused; struct all_cons_head all_cons = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(all_cons); /* * Create the pseudo-output __i3. Output-independent workspaces such as * __i3_scratch will live there. * */ static Con *_create___i3(void) { Con *__i3 = con_new(croot, NULL); FREE(__i3->name); __i3->name = sstrdup("__i3"); __i3->type = CT_OUTPUT; __i3->layout = L_OUTPUT; con_fix_percent(croot); x_set_name(__i3, "[i3 con] pseudo-output __i3"); /* For retaining the correct position/size of a scratchpad window, the * dimensions of the real outputs should be multiples of the __i3 * pseudo-output. Ensuring that is the job of scratchpad_fix_resolution() * which gets called after this function and after detecting all the * outputs (or whenever an output changes). */ __i3->rect.width = 1280; __i3->rect.height = 1024; /* Add a content container. */ DLOG("adding main content container\n"); Con *content = con_new(NULL, NULL); content->type = CT_CON; FREE(content->name); content->name = sstrdup("content"); content->layout = L_SPLITH; x_set_name(content, "[i3 con] content __i3"); con_attach(content, __i3, false); /* Attach the __i3_scratch workspace. */ Con *ws = con_new(NULL, NULL); ws->type = CT_WORKSPACE; ws->num = -1; ws->name = sstrdup("__i3_scratch"); ws->layout = L_SPLITH; con_attach(ws, content, false); x_set_name(ws, "[i3 con] workspace __i3_scratch"); ws->fullscreen_mode = CF_OUTPUT; return __i3; } /* * Loads tree from 'path' (used for in-place restarts). * */ bool tree_restore(const char *path, xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geometry) { char *globbed = resolve_tilde(path); if (!path_exists(globbed)) { LOG("%s does not exist, not restoring tree\n", globbed); free(globbed); return false; } /* TODO: refactor the following */ croot = con_new(NULL, NULL); croot->rect = (Rect) { geometry->x, geometry->y, geometry->width, geometry->height}; focused = croot; tree_append_json(focused, globbed, NULL); DLOG("appended tree, using new root\n"); croot = TAILQ_FIRST(&(croot->nodes_head)); DLOG("new root = %p\n", croot); Con *out = TAILQ_FIRST(&(croot->nodes_head)); DLOG("out = %p\n", out); Con *ws = TAILQ_FIRST(&(out->nodes_head)); DLOG("ws = %p\n", ws); /* For in-place restarting into v4.2, we need to make sure the new * pseudo-output __i3 is present. */ if (strcmp(out->name, "__i3") != 0) { DLOG("Adding pseudo-output __i3 during inplace restart\n"); Con *__i3 = _create___i3(); /* Ensure that it is the first output, other places in the code make * that assumption. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&(croot->nodes_head), __i3, nodes); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&(croot->nodes_head), __i3, nodes); } return true; } /* * Initializes the tree by creating the root node. The CT_OUTPUT Cons below the * root node are created in randr.c for each Output. * */ void tree_init(xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geometry) { croot = con_new(NULL, NULL); FREE(croot->name); croot->name = "root"; croot->type = CT_ROOT; croot->layout = L_SPLITH; croot->rect = (Rect) { geometry->x, geometry->y, geometry->width, geometry->height}; _create___i3(); } /* * Opens an empty container in the current container * */ Con *tree_open_con(Con *con, i3Window *window) { if (con == NULL) { /* every focusable Con has a parent (outputs have parent root) */ con = focused->parent; /* If the parent is an output, we are on a workspace. In this case, * the new container needs to be opened as a leaf of the workspace. */ if (con->parent->type == CT_OUTPUT && con->type != CT_DOCKAREA) { con = focused; } /* If the currently focused container is a floating container, we * attach the new container to the currently focused spot in its * workspace. */ if (con->type == CT_FLOATING_CON) { con = con_descend_tiling_focused(con->parent); if (con->type != CT_WORKSPACE) con = con->parent; } DLOG("con = %p\n", con); } assert(con != NULL); /* 3. create the container and attach it to its parent */ Con *new = con_new(con, window); new->layout = L_SPLITH; /* 4: re-calculate child->percent for each child */ con_fix_percent(con); return new; } static bool _is_con_mapped(Con *con) { Con *child; TAILQ_FOREACH (child, &(con->nodes_head), nodes) if (_is_con_mapped(child)) return true; return con->mapped; } /* * Closes the given container including all children. * Returns true if the container was killed or false if just WM_DELETE was sent * and the window is expected to kill itself. * * The dont_kill_parent flag is specified when the function calls itself * recursively while deleting a containers children. * * The force_set_focus flag is specified in the case of killing a floating * window: tree_close() will be invoked for the CT_FLOATINGCON (the parent * container) and focus should be set there. * */ bool tree_close(Con *con, kill_window_t kill_window, bool dont_kill_parent, bool force_set_focus) { bool was_mapped = con->mapped; Con *parent = con->parent; if (!was_mapped) { /* Even if the container itself is not mapped, its children may be * mapped (for example split containers don't have a mapped window on * their own but usually contain mapped children). */ was_mapped = _is_con_mapped(con); } /* remove the urgency hint of the workspace (if set) */ if (con->urgent) { con->urgent = false; con_update_parents_urgency(con); workspace_update_urgent_flag(con_get_workspace(con)); } /* Get the container which is next focused */ Con *next = con_next_focused(con); DLOG("next = %p, focused = %p\n", next, focused); DLOG("closing %p, kill_window = %d\n", con, kill_window); Con *child, *nextchild; bool abort_kill = false; /* We cannot use TAILQ_FOREACH because the children get deleted * in their parent’s nodes_head */ for (child = TAILQ_FIRST(&(con->nodes_head)); child;) { nextchild = TAILQ_NEXT(child, nodes); DLOG("killing child=%p\n", child); if (!tree_close(child, kill_window, true, false)) abort_kill = true; child = nextchild; } if (abort_kill) { DLOG("One of the children could not be killed immediately (WM_DELETE sent), aborting.\n"); return false; } if (con->window != NULL) { if (kill_window != DONT_KILL_WINDOW) { x_window_kill(con->window->id, kill_window); return false; } else { xcb_void_cookie_t cookie; /* Ignore any further events by clearing the event mask, * unmap the window, * then reparent it to the root window. */ xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, con->window->id, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, (uint32_t[]) {XCB_NONE}); xcb_unmap_window(conn, con->window->id); cookie = xcb_reparent_window(conn, con->window->id, root, 0, 0); /* Ignore X11 errors for the ReparentWindow request. * X11 Errors are returned when the window was already destroyed */ add_ignore_event(cookie.sequence, 0); /* We are no longer handling this window, thus set WM_STATE to * WM_STATE_WITHDRAWN (see ICCCM */ long data[] = {XCB_ICCCM_WM_STATE_WITHDRAWN, XCB_NONE}; cookie = xcb_change_property(conn, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, con->window->id, A_WM_STATE, A_WM_STATE, 32, 2, data); /* Ignore X11 errors for the ReparentWindow request. * X11 Errors are returned when the window was already destroyed */ add_ignore_event(cookie.sequence, 0); } FREE(con->window->class_class); FREE(con->window->class_instance); i3string_free(con->window->name); FREE(con->window->ran_assignments); FREE(con->window); } Con *ws = con_get_workspace(con); /* Figure out which container to focus next before detaching 'con'. */ if (con_is_floating(con)) { if (con == focused) { DLOG("This is the focused container, i need to find another one to focus. I start looking at ws = %p\n", ws); next = con_next_focused(parent); dont_kill_parent = true; DLOG("Alright, focusing %p\n", next); } else { next = NULL; } } /* Detach the container so that it will not be rendered anymore. */ con_detach(con); /* disable urgency timer, if needed */ if (con->urgency_timer != NULL) { DLOG("Removing urgency timer of con %p\n", con); workspace_update_urgent_flag(ws); ev_timer_stop(main_loop, con->urgency_timer); FREE(con->urgency_timer); } if (con->type != CT_FLOATING_CON) { /* If the container is *not* floating, we might need to re-distribute * percentage values for the resized containers. */ con_fix_percent(parent); } /* Render the tree so that the surrounding containers take up the space * which 'con' does no longer occupy. If we don’t render here, there will * be a gap in our containers and that could trigger an EnterNotify for an * underlying container, see ticket #660. * * Rendering has to be avoided when dont_kill_parent is set (when * tree_close calls itself recursively) because the tree is in a * non-renderable state during that time. */ if (!dont_kill_parent) tree_render(); /* kill the X11 part of this container */ x_con_kill(con); if (con_is_floating(con)) { DLOG("Container was floating, killing floating container\n"); tree_close(parent, DONT_KILL_WINDOW, false, (con == focused)); DLOG("parent container killed\n"); } free(con->name); FREE(con->deco_render_params); TAILQ_REMOVE(&all_cons, con, all_cons); free(con); /* in the case of floating windows, we already focused another container * when closing the parent, so we can exit now. */ if (!next) { DLOG("No next container, i will just exit now\n"); return true; } if (was_mapped || con == focused) { if ((kill_window != DONT_KILL_WINDOW) || !dont_kill_parent || con == focused) { DLOG("focusing %p / %s\n", next, next->name); if (next->type == CT_DOCKAREA) { /* Instead of focusing the dockarea, we need to restore focus to the workspace */ con_focus(con_descend_focused(output_get_content(next->parent))); } else { if (!force_set_focus && con != focused) DLOG("not changing focus, the container was not focused before\n"); else con_focus(next); } } else { DLOG("not focusing because we're not killing anybody\n"); } } else { DLOG("not focusing, was not mapped\n"); } /* check if the parent container is empty now and close it */ if (!dont_kill_parent) CALL(parent, on_remove_child); return true; } /* * Closes the current container using tree_close(). * */ void tree_close_con(kill_window_t kill_window) { assert(focused != NULL); /* There *should* be no possibility to focus outputs / root container */ assert(focused->type != CT_OUTPUT); assert(focused->type != CT_ROOT); if (focused->type == CT_WORKSPACE) { DLOG("Workspaces cannot be close, closing all children instead\n"); Con *child, *nextchild; for (child = TAILQ_FIRST(&(focused->focus_head)); child;) { nextchild = TAILQ_NEXT(child, focused); DLOG("killing child=%p\n", child); tree_close(child, kill_window, false, false); child = nextchild; } return; } /* Kill con */ tree_close(focused, kill_window, false, false); } /* * Splits (horizontally or vertically) the given container by creating a new * container which contains the old one and the future ones. * */ void tree_split(Con *con, orientation_t orientation) { if (con_is_floating(con)) { DLOG("Floating containers can't be split.\n"); return; } if (con->type == CT_WORKSPACE) { if (con_num_children(con) < 2) { DLOG("Just changing orientation of workspace\n"); con->layout = (orientation == HORIZ) ? L_SPLITH : L_SPLITV; return; } else { /* if there is more than one container on the workspace * move them into a new container and handle this instead */ con = workspace_encapsulate(con); } } Con *parent = con->parent; /* Force re-rendering to make the indicator border visible. */ FREE(con->deco_render_params); FREE(parent->deco_render_params); /* if we are in a container whose parent contains only one * child (its split functionality is unused so far), we just change the * orientation (more intuitive than splitting again) */ if (con_num_children(parent) == 1 && (parent->layout == L_SPLITH || parent->layout == L_SPLITV)) { parent->layout = (orientation == HORIZ) ? L_SPLITH : L_SPLITV; DLOG("Just changing orientation of existing container\n"); return; } DLOG("Splitting in orientation %d\n", orientation); /* 2: replace it with a new Con */ Con *new = con_new(NULL, NULL); TAILQ_REPLACE(&(parent->nodes_head), con, new, nodes); TAILQ_REPLACE(&(parent->focus_head), con, new, focused); new->parent = parent; new->layout = (orientation == HORIZ) ? L_SPLITH : L_SPLITV; /* 3: swap 'percent' (resize factor) */ new->percent = con->percent; con->percent = 0.0; /* 4: add it as a child to the new Con */ con_attach(con, new, false); } /* * Moves focus one level up. Returns true if focus changed. * */ bool level_up(void) { /* Skip over floating containers and go directly to the grandparent * (which should always be a workspace) */ if (focused->parent->type == CT_FLOATING_CON) { con_focus(focused->parent->parent); return true; } /* We can focus up to the workspace, but not any higher in the tree */ if ((focused->parent->type != CT_CON && focused->parent->type != CT_WORKSPACE) || focused->type == CT_WORKSPACE) { ELOG("'focus parent': Focus is already on the workspace, cannot go higher than that.\n"); return false; } con_focus(focused->parent); return true; } /* * Moves focus one level down. Returns true if focus changed. * */ bool level_down(void) { /* Go down the focus stack of the current node */ Con *next = TAILQ_FIRST(&(focused->focus_head)); if (next == TAILQ_END(&(focused->focus_head))) { DLOG("cannot go down\n"); return false; } else if (next->type == CT_FLOATING_CON) { /* Floating cons shouldn't be directly focused; try immediately * going to the grandchild of the focused con. */ Con *child = TAILQ_FIRST(&(next->focus_head)); if (child == TAILQ_END(&(next->focus_head))) { DLOG("cannot go down\n"); return false; } else next = TAILQ_FIRST(&(next->focus_head)); } con_focus(next); return true; } static void mark_unmapped(Con *con) { Con *current; con->mapped = false; TAILQ_FOREACH (current, &(con->nodes_head), nodes) mark_unmapped(current); if (con->type == CT_WORKSPACE) { /* We need to call mark_unmapped on floating nodes aswell since we can * make containers floating. */ TAILQ_FOREACH (current, &(con->floating_head), floating_windows) mark_unmapped(current); } } /* * Renders the tree, that is rendering all outputs using render_con() and * pushing the changes to X11 using x_push_changes(). * */ void tree_render(void) { if (croot == NULL) return; DLOG("-- BEGIN RENDERING --\n"); /* Reset map state for all nodes in tree */ /* TODO: a nicer method to walk all nodes would be good, maybe? */ mark_unmapped(croot); croot->mapped = true; render_con(croot, false); x_push_changes(croot); DLOG("-- END RENDERING --\n"); } /* * Recursive function to walk the tree until a con can be found to focus. * */ static bool _tree_next(Con *con, char way, orientation_t orientation, bool wrap) { /* When dealing with fullscreen containers, it's necessary to go up to the * workspace level, because 'focus $dir' will start at the con's real * position in the tree, and it may not be possible to get to the edge * normally due to fullscreen focusing restrictions. */ if (con->fullscreen_mode == CF_OUTPUT && con->type != CT_WORKSPACE) con = con_get_workspace(con); /* Stop recursing at workspaces after attempting to switch to next * workspace if possible. */ if (con->type == CT_WORKSPACE) { if (con_get_fullscreen_con(con, CF_GLOBAL)) { DLOG("Cannot change workspace while in global fullscreen mode.\n"); return false; } Output *current_output = get_output_containing(con->rect.x, con->rect.y); Output *next_output; if (!current_output) return false; DLOG("Current output is %s\n", current_output->name); /* Try to find next output */ direction_t direction; if (way == 'n' && orientation == HORIZ) direction = D_RIGHT; else if (way == 'p' && orientation == HORIZ) direction = D_LEFT; else if (way == 'n' && orientation == VERT) direction = D_DOWN; else if (way == 'p' && orientation == VERT) direction = D_UP; else return false; next_output = get_output_next(direction, current_output, CLOSEST_OUTPUT); if (!next_output) return false; DLOG("Next output is %s\n", next_output->name); /* Find visible workspace on next output */ Con *workspace = NULL; GREP_FIRST(workspace, output_get_content(next_output->con), workspace_is_visible(child)); /* Show next workspace and focus appropriate container if possible. */ if (!workspace) return false; workspace_show(workspace); /* If a workspace has an active fullscreen container, one of its * children should always be focused. The above workspace_show() * should be adequate for that, so return. */ if (con_get_fullscreen_con(workspace, CF_OUTPUT)) return true; Con *focus = con_descend_direction(workspace, direction); if (focus) { con_focus(focus); x_set_warp_to(&(focus->rect)); } return true; } Con *parent = con->parent; if (con->type == CT_FLOATING_CON) { /* left/right focuses the previous/next floating container */ if (orientation == HORIZ) { Con *next; if (way == 'n') next = TAILQ_NEXT(con, floating_windows); else next = TAILQ_PREV(con, floating_head, floating_windows); /* If there is no next/previous container, wrap */ if (!next) { if (way == 'n') next = TAILQ_FIRST(&(parent->floating_head)); else next = TAILQ_LAST(&(parent->floating_head), floating_head); } /* Still no next/previous container? bail out */ if (!next) return false; con_focus(con_descend_focused(next)); return true; } else { /* up/down cycles through the Z-index */ /* TODO: implement cycling through the z-index */ return false; } } /* If the orientation does not match or there is no other con to focus, we * need to go higher in the hierarchy */ if (con_orientation(parent) != orientation || con_num_children(parent) == 1) return _tree_next(parent, way, orientation, wrap); Con *current = TAILQ_FIRST(&(parent->focus_head)); /* TODO: when can the following happen (except for floating windows, which * are handled above)? */ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&(parent->nodes_head))) { DLOG("nothing to focus\n"); return false; } Con *next; if (way == 'n') next = TAILQ_NEXT(current, nodes); else next = TAILQ_PREV(current, nodes_head, nodes); if (!next) { if (!config.force_focus_wrapping) { /* If there is no next/previous container, we check if we can focus one * when going higher (without wrapping, though). If so, we are done, if * not, we wrap */ if (_tree_next(parent, way, orientation, false)) return true; if (!wrap) return false; } if (way == 'n') next = TAILQ_FIRST(&(parent->nodes_head)); else next = TAILQ_LAST(&(parent->nodes_head), nodes_head); } /* Don't violate fullscreen focus restrictions. */ if (!con_fullscreen_permits_focusing(next)) return false; /* 3: focus choice comes in here. at the moment we will go down * until we find a window */ /* TODO: check for window, atm we only go down as far as possible */ con_focus(con_descend_focused(next)); return true; } /* * Changes focus in the given way (next/previous) and given orientation * (horizontal/vertical). * */ void tree_next(char way, orientation_t orientation) { _tree_next(focused, way, orientation, true); } /* * tree_flatten() removes pairs of redundant split containers, e.g.: * [workspace, horizontal] * [v-split] [child3] * [h-split] * [child1] [child2] * In this example, the v-split and h-split container are redundant. * Such a situation can be created by moving containers in a direction which is * not the orientation of their parent container. i3 needs to create a new * split container then and if you move containers this way multiple times, * redundant chains of split-containers can be the result. * */ void tree_flatten(Con *con) { Con *current, *child, *parent = con->parent; DLOG("Checking if I can flatten con = %p / %s\n", con, con->name); /* We only consider normal containers without windows */ if (con->type != CT_CON || parent->layout == L_OUTPUT || /* con == "content" */ con->window != NULL) goto recurse; /* Ensure it got only one child */ child = TAILQ_FIRST(&(con->nodes_head)); if (child == NULL || TAILQ_NEXT(child, nodes) != NULL) goto recurse; DLOG("child = %p, con = %p, parent = %p\n", child, con, parent); /* The child must have a different orientation than the con but the same as * the con’s parent to be redundant */ if (!con_is_split(con) || !con_is_split(child) || (con->layout != L_SPLITH && con->layout != L_SPLITV) || (child->layout != L_SPLITH && child->layout != L_SPLITV) || con_orientation(con) == con_orientation(child) || con_orientation(child) != con_orientation(parent)) goto recurse; DLOG("Alright, I have to flatten this situation now. Stay calm.\n"); /* 1: save focus */ Con *focus_next = TAILQ_FIRST(&(child->focus_head)); DLOG("detaching...\n"); /* 2: re-attach the children to the parent before con */ while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&(child->nodes_head))) { current = TAILQ_FIRST(&(child->nodes_head)); DLOG("detaching current=%p / %s\n", current, current->name); con_detach(current); DLOG("re-attaching\n"); /* We don’t use con_attach() here because for a CT_CON, the special * case handling of con_attach() does not trigger. So all it would do * is calling TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER, but with the wrong container. So we * directly use the TAILQ macros. */ current->parent = parent; TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(con, current, nodes); DLOG("attaching to focus list\n"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&(parent->focus_head), current, focused); current->percent = con->percent; } DLOG("re-attached all\n"); /* 3: restore focus, if con was focused */ if (focus_next != NULL && TAILQ_FIRST(&(parent->focus_head)) == con) { DLOG("restoring focus to focus_next=%p\n", focus_next); TAILQ_REMOVE(&(parent->focus_head), focus_next, focused); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&(parent->focus_head), focus_next, focused); DLOG("restored focus.\n"); } /* 4: close the redundant cons */ DLOG("closing redundant cons\n"); tree_close(con, DONT_KILL_WINDOW, true, false); /* Well, we got to abort the recursion here because we destroyed the * container. However, if tree_flatten() is called sufficiently often, * there can’t be the situation of having two pairs of redundant containers * at once. Therefore, we can safely abort the recursion on this level * after flattening. */ return; recurse: /* We cannot use normal foreach here because tree_flatten might close the * current container. */ current = TAILQ_FIRST(&(con->nodes_head)); while (current != NULL) { Con *next = TAILQ_NEXT(current, nodes); tree_flatten(current); current = next; } current = TAILQ_FIRST(&(con->floating_head)); while (current != NULL) { Con *next = TAILQ_NEXT(current, floating_windows); tree_flatten(current); current = next; } }