#!perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab use i3test; # Create a floating window which is smaller than the minimum enforced size of i3 my $window = open_floating_window; isa_ok($window, 'X11::XCB::Window'); my ($absolute, $top) = $window->rect; ok($window->mapped, 'Window is mapped'); cmp_ok($absolute->{width}, '>=', 75, 'i3 raised the width to 75'); cmp_ok($absolute->{height}, '>=', 50, 'i3 raised the height to 50'); ok($absolute->{x} != 0 && $absolute->{y} != 0, 'i3 did not map it to (0x0)'); $window->unmap; $window = open_floating_window(rect => [ 20, 20, 80, 90 ]); isa_ok($window, 'X11::XCB::Window'); ($absolute, $top) = $window->rect; cmp_ok($absolute->{width}, '==', 80, "i3 let the width at 80"); cmp_ok($absolute->{height}, '==', 90, "i3 let the height at 90"); cmp_ok($top->{x}, '==', 20, 'i3 mapped it to x=20'); cmp_ok($top->{y}, '==', 20, 'i3 mapped it to y=20'); $window->unmap; ##################################################################### # check that a tiling window which is then made floating still has # at least the size of its initial geometry ##################################################################### $window = open_window(rect => [ 1, 1, 80, 90 ]); isa_ok($window, 'X11::XCB::Window'); cmd 'floating enable'; sync_with_i3; ($absolute, $top) = $window->rect; cmp_ok($absolute->{width}, '==', 80, "i3 let the width at 80"); cmp_ok($absolute->{height}, '==', 90, "i3 let the height at 90"); $window->unmap; done_testing;