i3-msg(1) ========= Michael Stapelberg v4.2, August 2012 == NAME i3-msg - send messages to i3 window manager == SYNOPSIS i3-msg [-t type] [message] == IPC MESSAGE TYPES command:: The payload of the message is a command for i3 (like the commands you can bind to keys in the configuration file) and will be executed directly after receiving it. get_workspaces:: Gets the current workspaces. The reply will be a JSON-encoded list of workspaces. get_outputs:: Gets the current outputs. The reply will be a JSON-encoded list of outputs (see the reply section). get_tree:: Gets the layout tree. i3 uses a tree as data structure which includes every container. The reply will be the JSON-encoded tree. get_marks:: Gets a list of marks (identifiers for containers to easily jump to them later). The reply will be a JSON-encoded list of window marks. get_bar_config:: Gets the configuration (as JSON map) of the workspace bar with the given ID. If no ID is provided, an array with all configured bar IDs is returned instead. get_version:: Gets the version of i3. The reply will be a JSON-encoded dictionary with the major, minor, patch and human-readable version. == DESCRIPTION i3-msg is a sample implementation for a client using the unix socket IPC interface to i3. == EXAMPLES ------------------------------------------------ # Use 1-px border for current client i3-msg "border 1pixel" # You can leave out the quotes i3-msg border normal # Dump the layout tree i3-msg -t get_tree ------------------------------------------------ == ENVIRONMENT === I3SOCK If no ipc-socket is specified on the commandline, this variable is used to determine the path, at wich the unix domain socket is expected, on which to connect to i3. == SEE ALSO i3(1) == AUTHOR Michael Stapelberg and contributors