#!/usr/bin/env perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use AnyEvent::I3; use File::Temp; use File::Spec; use File::Basename; use v5.10; use IPC::Cmd qw[can_run]; my %options = ( gv => 1, save => undef, help => 0, ); my $result = GetOptions( "gv!" => \$options{gv}, "save=s" => \$options{save}, "help|?" => \$options{help}, ); pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitcode => 0) if $options{help}; # prerequisites check so we can be specific about failures caused # by not having these tools in the path can_run('asy') or die 'Please install asymptote'; can_run('gv') or die 'Please install gv' unless !$options{gv}; my $i3 = i3(); my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv; my $tmp = File::Temp->new(UNLINK => 0, SUFFIX => '.asy'); say $tmp "import drawtree;"; say $tmp "treeLevelStep = 2cm;"; sub dump_node { my ($n, $parent) = @_; my $o = ($n->{orientation} eq 'none' ? "u" : ($n->{orientation} eq 'horizontal' ? "h" : "v")); my $w = (defined($n->{window}) ? $n->{window} : "N"); my $na = ($n->{name} or "[Empty]"); $na =~ s/#/\\#/g; $na =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $na =~ s/&/\\&/g; $na =~ s/_/\\_/g; $na =~ s/~/\\textasciitilde{}/g; my $type = 'leaf'; if (!defined($n->{window})) { $type = $n->{layout}; } my $marks = $n->{marks} ? ' [' . join('][', @{$n->{marks}}) . ']' : ''; my $name = qq|``$na'' ($type)$marks|; print $tmp "TreeNode n" . $n->{id} . " = makeNode("; print $tmp "n" . $parent->{id} . ", " if defined($parent); print $tmp "\"" . $name . "\");\n"; dump_node($_, $n) for @{$n->{nodes}}; } sub find_node_with_name { my ($node, $name) = @_; return $node if ($node->{name} eq $name); for my $child (@{$node->{nodes}}) { my $res = find_node_with_name($child, $name); return $res if defined($res); } return undef; } my $start = shift; my $root; if ($start) { # Find the specified node in the tree $root = find_node_with_name($tree, $start); } else { $root = $tree; } dump_node($root); say $tmp "draw(n" . $root->{id} . ", (0, 0));"; close($tmp); my $rep = "$tmp"; $rep =~ s/asy$/eps/; if ($options{gv}) { my $tmp_dir = dirname($rep); $options{save} = File::Spec->rel2abs($options{save}) if $options{save}; chdir($tmp_dir); } else { $rep = basename($rep); # Output in current dir. } system("asy $tmp"); # Create the .eps file. system("gv --scale=-1000 --noresize --widgetless $rep") if $options{gv}; if ($options{save}) { system("mv $rep ${options{save}}"); } elsif ($options{gv}) { system("rm $rep"); } system("rm $tmp"); __END__ =head1 NAME dump-asy.pl - Render the layout tree using asymptote =head1 SYNOPSIS dump-asy.pl [workspace] =head1 EXAMPLE Render the entire tree, run: ./dump-asy.pl Render the tree starting from the node with the specified name, run: ./dump-asy.pl 'name' Render the entire tree, save in file 'file.eps' and show using gv, run: ./dump-asy.pl --save file.eps =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--gv> =item B<--no-gv> Enable or disable showing the result through gv. If disabled, an .eps file will be saved in the current working directory. Enabled by default. =item B<--save> Save result using the specified file-name. If omitted, no file will be saved when using '--gv' or a random name will be used when using '--no-gv'. =back