/* * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab * * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager * © 2009 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE) * * include/configuration.h: Contains all structs/variables for the configurable * part of i3 as well as functions handling the configuration file (calling * the parser (src/config_parse.c) with the correct path, switching key * bindings mode). * */ #pragma once #include "libi3.h" #include #include "queue.h" #include "i3.h" typedef struct Config Config; typedef struct Barconfig Barconfig; extern char *current_configpath; extern char *current_config; extern Config config; extern SLIST_HEAD(modes_head, Mode) modes; extern TAILQ_HEAD(barconfig_head, Barconfig) barconfigs; /** * Used during the config file lexing/parsing to keep the state of the lexer * in order to provide useful error messages in yyerror(). * */ struct context { bool has_errors; bool has_warnings; int line_number; char *line_copy; const char *filename; char *compact_error; /* These are the same as in YYLTYPE */ int first_column; int last_column; }; /** * Part of the struct Config. It makes sense to group colors for background, * border and text as every element in i3 has them (window decorations, bar). * */ struct Colortriple { color_t border; color_t background; color_t text; color_t indicator; color_t child_border; }; /** * Holds a user-assigned variable for parsing the configuration file. The key * is replaced by value in every following line of the file. * */ struct Variable { char *key; char *value; char *next_match; SLIST_ENTRY(Variable) variables; }; /** * The configuration file can contain multiple sets of bindings. Apart from the * default set (name == "default"), you can specify other sets and change the * currently active set of bindings by using the "mode " command. * */ struct Mode { char *name; bool pango_markup; struct bindings_head *bindings; SLIST_ENTRY(Mode) modes; }; /** * Holds part of the configuration (the part which is not already in dedicated * structures in include/data.h). * */ struct Config { const char *terminal; i3Font font; char *ipc_socket_path; char *restart_state_path; layout_t default_layout; int container_stack_limit; int container_stack_limit_value; int default_border_width; int default_floating_border_width; /** Default orientation for new containers */ int default_orientation; /** By default, focus follows mouse. If the user explicitly wants to * turn this off (and instead rely only on the keyboard for changing * focus), we allow them to do this with this relatively special option. * It is not planned to add any different focus models. */ bool disable_focus_follows_mouse; /** By default, when switching focus to a window on a different output * (e.g. focusing a window on workspace 3 on output VGA-1, coming from * workspace 2 on LVDS-1), the mouse cursor is warped to the center of * that window. * * With the mouse_warping option, you can control when the mouse cursor * should be warped. "none" disables warping entirely, whereas "output" * is the default behavior described above. */ warping_t mouse_warping; /** Remove borders if they are adjacent to the screen edge. * This is useful if you are reaching scrollbar on the edge of the * screen or do not want to waste a single pixel of displayspace. * By default, this is disabled. */ hide_edge_borders_mode_t hide_edge_borders; /** By default, a workspace bar is drawn at the bottom of the screen. * If you want to have a more fancy bar, it is recommended to replace * the whole bar by dzen2, for example using the i3-wsbar script which * comes with i3. Thus, you can turn it off entirely. */ bool disable_workspace_bar; /** When focus wrapping is enabled (the default), attempting to * move focus past the edge of the screen (in other words, in a * direction in which there are no more containers to focus) will * cause the focus to wrap to the opposite edge of the current * container. When it is disabled, nothing happens; the current * focus is preserved. * * Additionally, focus wrapping may be forced. Think of the * following layout: Horizontal workspace with a tabbed con on the * left of the screen and a terminal on the right of the * screen. You are in the second container in the tabbed container * and focus to the right. By default, i3 will set focus to the * terminal on the right. If you are in the first container in the * tabbed container however, focusing to the left will * wrap. Setting focus_wrapping to FOCUS_WRAPPING_FORCE forces i3 * to always wrap, which will result in you having to use "focus * parent" more often. */ focus_wrapping_t focus_wrapping; /** By default, use the RandR API for multi-monitor setups. * Unfortunately, the nVidia binary graphics driver doesn't support * this API. Instead, it only support the less powerful Xinerama API, * which can be enabled by this option. * * Note: this option takes only effect on the initial startup (eg. * reconfiguration is not possible). On startup, the list of screens * is fetched once and never updated. */ bool force_xinerama; /** Don’t use RandR 1.5 for querying outputs. */ bool disable_randr15; /** Overwrites output detection (for testing), see src/fake_outputs.c */ char *fake_outputs; /** Automatic workspace back and forth switching. If this is set, a * switch to the currently active workspace will switch to the * previously focused one instead, making it possible to fast toggle * between two workspaces. */ bool workspace_auto_back_and_forth; /** By default, urgency is cleared immediately when switching to another * workspace leads to focusing the con with the urgency hint. When having * multiple windows on that workspace, the user needs to guess which * application raised the event. To prevent this, the reset of the urgency * flag can be delayed using an urgency timer. */ float workspace_urgency_timer; /** Behavior when a window sends a NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message. */ enum { /* Focus if the target workspace is visible, set urgency hint otherwise. */ FOWA_SMART, /* Always set the urgency hint. */ FOWA_URGENT, /* Always focus the window. */ FOWA_FOCUS, /* Ignore the request (no focus, no urgency hint). */ FOWA_NONE } focus_on_window_activation; /** Specifies whether or not marks should be displayed in the window * decoration. Marks starting with a "_" will be ignored either way. */ bool show_marks; /** Title alignment options. */ enum { ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_RIGHT } title_align; /** The default border style for new windows. */ border_style_t default_border; /** The default border style for new floating windows. */ border_style_t default_floating_border; /** The modifier which needs to be pressed in combination with your mouse * buttons to do things with floating windows (move, resize) */ uint32_t floating_modifier; /** Maximum and minimum dimensions of a floating window */ int32_t floating_maximum_width; int32_t floating_maximum_height; int32_t floating_minimum_width; int32_t floating_minimum_height; /* Color codes are stored here */ struct config_client { color_t background; struct Colortriple focused; struct Colortriple focused_inactive; struct Colortriple unfocused; struct Colortriple urgent; struct Colortriple placeholder; } client; struct config_bar { struct Colortriple focused; struct Colortriple unfocused; struct Colortriple urgent; } bar; /** What should happen when a new popup is opened during fullscreen mode */ enum { /* display (and focus) the popup when it belongs to the fullscreen * window only. */ PDF_SMART = 0, /* leave fullscreen mode unconditionally */ PDF_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN = 1, /* just ignore the popup, that is, don’t map it */ PDF_IGNORE = 2, } popup_during_fullscreen; /* The number of currently parsed barconfigs */ int number_barconfigs; }; /** * Holds the status bar configuration (i3bar). One of these structures is * created for each 'bar' block in the config. * */ struct Barconfig { /** Automatically generated ID for this bar config. Used by the bar process * to request a specific configuration. */ char *id; /** Number of outputs in the outputs array */ int num_outputs; /** Outputs on which this bar should show up on. We use an array for * simplicity (since we store just strings). */ char **outputs; /* List of outputs on which the tray is allowed to be shown, in order. * The special value "none" disables it (per default, it will be shown) and * the special value "primary" enabled it on the primary output. */ TAILQ_HEAD(tray_outputs_head, tray_output_t) tray_outputs; /* Padding around the tray icons. */ int tray_padding; /** Path to the i3 IPC socket. This option is discouraged since programs * can find out the path by looking for the I3_SOCKET_PATH property on the * root window! */ char *socket_path; /** Bar display mode (hide unless modifier is pressed or show in dock mode or always hide in invisible mode) */ enum { M_DOCK = 0, M_HIDE = 1, M_INVISIBLE = 2 } mode; /* The current hidden_state of the bar, which indicates whether it is hidden or shown */ enum { S_HIDE = 0, S_SHOW = 1 } hidden_state; /** Bar modifier (to show bar when in hide mode). */ uint32_t modifier; TAILQ_HEAD(bar_bindings_head, Barbinding) bar_bindings; /** Bar position (bottom by default). */ enum { P_BOTTOM = 0, P_TOP = 1 } position; /** Command that should be run to execute i3bar, give a full path if i3bar is not * in your $PATH. * By default just 'i3bar' is executed. */ char *i3bar_command; /** Command that should be run to get a statusline, for example 'i3status'. * Will be passed to the shell. */ char *status_command; /** Font specification for all text rendered on the bar. */ char *font; /** A custom separator to use instead of a vertical line. */ char *separator_symbol; /** Hide workspace buttons? Configuration option is 'workspace_buttons no' * but we invert the bool to get the correct default when initializing with * zero. */ bool hide_workspace_buttons; /** Strip workspace numbers? Configuration option is * 'strip_workspace_numbers yes'. */ bool strip_workspace_numbers; /** Strip workspace name? Configuration option is * 'strip_workspace_name yes'. */ bool strip_workspace_name; /** Hide mode button? Configuration option is 'binding_mode_indicator no' * but we invert the bool for the same reason as hide_workspace_buttons.*/ bool hide_binding_mode_indicator; /** Enable verbose mode? Useful for debugging purposes. */ bool verbose; struct bar_colors { char *background; char *statusline; char *separator; char *focused_background; char *focused_statusline; char *focused_separator; char *focused_workspace_border; char *focused_workspace_bg; char *focused_workspace_text; char *active_workspace_border; char *active_workspace_bg; char *active_workspace_text; char *inactive_workspace_border; char *inactive_workspace_bg; char *inactive_workspace_text; char *urgent_workspace_border; char *urgent_workspace_bg; char *urgent_workspace_text; char *binding_mode_border; char *binding_mode_bg; char *binding_mode_text; } colors; TAILQ_ENTRY(Barconfig) configs; }; /** * Defines a mouse command to be executed instead of the default behavior when * clicking on the non-statusline part of i3bar. * */ struct Barbinding { /** The button to be used (e.g., 1 for "button1"). */ int input_code; /** The command which is to be executed for this button. */ char *command; /** If true, the command will be executed after the button is released. */ bool release; TAILQ_ENTRY(Barbinding) bindings; }; struct tray_output_t { char *output; TAILQ_ENTRY(tray_output_t) tray_outputs; }; /** * Finds the configuration file to use (either the one specified by * override_configpath), the user’s one or the system default) and calls * parse_file(). * * If you specify override_configpath, only this path is used to look for a * configuration file. * * If use_nagbar is false, don't try to start i3-nagbar but log the errors to * stdout/stderr instead. * */ bool parse_configuration(const char *override_configpath, bool use_nagbar); /** * (Re-)loads the configuration file (sets useful defaults before). * * If you specify override_configpath, only this path is used to look for a * configuration file. * */ void load_configuration(const char *override_configfile, bool reload); /** * Ungrabs all keys, to be called before re-grabbing the keys because of a * mapping_notify event or a configuration file reload * */ void ungrab_all_keys(xcb_connection_t *conn); /** * Sends the current bar configuration as an event to all barconfig_update listeners. * */ void update_barconfig(void);