 * i3bar - an xcb-based status- and ws-bar for i3
 * © 2010-2011 Axel Wagner and contributors
 * See file LICNSE for license information
#ifndef XCB_H_
#define XCB_H_

#include <stdint.h>
//#include "outputs.h"

struct xcb_color_strings_t {
    char *bar_fg;
    char *bar_bg;
    char *active_ws_fg;
    char *active_ws_bg;
    char *inactive_ws_fg;
    char *inactive_ws_bg;
    char *focus_ws_bg;
    char *focus_ws_fg;
    char *urgent_ws_bg;
    char *urgent_ws_fg;

typedef struct xcb_colors_t xcb_colors_t;

 * Initialize xcb and use the specified fontname for text-rendering
char *init_xcb();

 * Initialize the colors
void init_colors(const struct xcb_color_strings_t *colors);

 * Cleanup the xcb-stuff.
 * Called once, before the program terminates.
void clean_xcb();

 * Get the earlier requested atoms and save them in the prepared data-structure
void get_atoms();

 * Destroy the bar of the specified output
void destroy_window(i3_output *output);

 * Reallocate the statusline-buffer
void realloc_sl_buffer();

 * Reconfigure all bars and create new for newly activated outputs
void reconfig_windows();

 * Render the bars, with buttons and statusline
void draw_bars();

 * Redraw the bars, i.e. simply copy the buffer to the barwindow
void redraw_bars();

 * Predicts the length of text based on cached data.
 * The string has to be encoded in ucs2 and glyph_len has to be the length
 * of the string (in glyphs).
uint32_t predict_text_extents(xcb_char2b_t *text, uint32_t length);
