\n ${RELEASE_VERSION} | \n i3-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.bz2 | \n $(ls -lh ../i3/i3-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.bz2 | awk -F " " {'print $5'} | sed 's/K$/ KiB/g') | \n signature | \n $(date +'%Y-%m-%d') | \n release notes | \n
\n,g" downloads/index.html
git commit -a -m "add ${RELEASE_VERSION} release"
mkdir docs/${PREVIOUS_VERSION}
tar cf - '--exclude=[0-9]\.[0-9e]*' docs | tar xf - --strip-components=1 -C docs/${PREVIOUS_VERSION}
git add docs/${PREVIOUS_VERSION}
git commit -a -m "save docs for ${PREVIOUS_VERSION}"
for i in $(find _docs -maxdepth 1 -and -type f -and \! -regex ".*\.\(html\|man\)$" -and \! -name "Makefile")
base="$(basename $i)"
[ -e "${STARTDIR}/docs/${base}" ] && cp "${STARTDIR}/docs/${base}" "_docs/${base}"
(cd _docs && make)
for i in $(find _docs -maxdepth 1 -and -type f -and \! -regex ".*\.\(html\|man\)$" -and \! -name "Makefile")
base="$(basename $i)"
[ -e "${STARTDIR}/docs/${base}" ] && cp "_docs/${base}.html" docs/
git commit -a -m "update docs for ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
# Section 4: final push instructions
echo "As a final sanity check, install the debian package and see whether i3 works."
echo "When satisfied, run:"
echo " cd ${TMPDIR}/i3"
echo " git checkout next"
echo " vi debian/changelog"
# TODO: can we just set up the remote spec properly?
echo " git push git@github.com:i3/i3 next"
echo " git push git@github.com:i3/i3 master"
echo " git push git@github.com:i3/i3 --tags"
echo ""
echo " cd ${TMPDIR}/i3.github.io"
# TODO: can we just set up the remote spec properly?
echo " git push git@github.com:i3/i3.github.io master"
echo ""
echo " cd ${TMPDIR}/debian"
echo " dput *.changes"
echo ""
echo "Announce on:"
echo " twitter"
echo " google+"
echo " mailing list"
echo " #i3 topic"