#!/usr/bin/env perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # # © 2013-2014 Michael Stapelberg # # Requires perl ≥ v5.10, AnyEvent::I3 and JSON::XS use strict; use warnings qw(FATAL utf8); use Data::Dumper; use IPC::Open2; use POSIX qw(locale_h); use File::Find; use File::Basename qw(basename); use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use AnyEvent::I3; use JSON::XS; use List::Util qw(first); use v5.10; use utf8; use open ':encoding(UTF-8)'; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; binmode STDERR, ':utf8'; my $workspace; my $output; my $result = GetOptions( 'workspace=s' => \$workspace, 'output=s' => \$output, 'version' => sub { say "i3-save-tree 0.1 © 2013 Michael Stapelberg"; exit 0; }, 'help' => sub { pod2usage(-exitval => 0); }); die "Could not parse command line options" unless $result; if (!defined($workspace) && !defined($output)) { die "One of --workspace or --output need to be specified"; } unless (defined($workspace) ^ defined($output)) { die "Only one of --workspace or --output can be specified"; } my $i3 = i3(); if (!$i3->connect->recv) { die "Could not connect to i3"; } sub filter_containers { my ($tree, $pred) = @_; $_ = $tree; return $tree if $pred->(); for my $child (@{$tree->{nodes}}, @{$tree->{floating_nodes}}) { my $result = filter_containers($child, $pred); return $result if defined($result); } return undef; } sub leaf_node { my ($tree) = @_; return $tree->{type} eq 'con' && @{$tree->{nodes}} == 0 && @{$tree->{floating_nodes}} == 0; } my %allowed_keys = map { ($_, 1) } qw( type fullscreen_mode layout border current_border_width floating percent nodes floating_nodes name geometry window_properties ); sub strip_containers { my ($tree) = @_; # layout is not relevant for a leaf container delete $tree->{layout} if leaf_node($tree); # fullscreen_mode conveys no state at all, it can either be 0 or 1 and the # default is _always_ 0, so skip noop entries. delete $tree->{fullscreen_mode} if $tree->{fullscreen_mode} == 0; # names for non-leafs are auto-generated and useful only for i3 debugging delete $tree->{name} unless leaf_node($tree); delete $tree->{geometry} if zero_rect($tree->{geometry}); delete $tree->{current_border_width} if $tree->{current_border_width} == -1; for my $key (keys %$tree) { next if exists($allowed_keys{$key}); delete $tree->{$key}; } for my $key (qw(nodes floating_nodes)) { $tree->{$key} = [ map { strip_containers($_) } @{$tree->{$key}} ]; } return $tree; } my $json_xs = JSON::XS->new->pretty(1)->allow_nonref->space_before(0)->canonical(1); sub zero_rect { my ($rect) = @_; return $rect->{x} == 0 && $rect->{y} == 0 && $rect->{width} == 0 && $rect->{height} == 0; } # Dumps the containers in JSON, but with comments to explain the user what she # needs to fix. sub dump_containers { my ($tree, $ws, $last) = @_; $ws //= ""; say $ws . '{'; $ws .= (' ' x 4); if (!leaf_node($tree)) { my $desc = $tree->{layout} . ' split container'; if ($tree->{type} ne 'con') { $desc = $tree->{type}; } say "$ws// $desc with " . @{$tree->{nodes}} . " children"; } # Turn “window_properties” into “swallows” expressions, but only for leaf # nodes. It only makes sense for leaf nodes to swallow anything. if (leaf_node($tree)) { my $swallows = {}; for my $property (keys %{$tree->{window_properties}}) { $swallows->{$property} = '^' . quotemeta($tree->{window_properties}->{$property}) . '$'; } $tree->{swallows} = [ $swallows ]; } delete $tree->{window_properties}; my @keys = sort keys %$tree; for (0 .. (@keys-1)) { my $key = $keys[$_]; # Those are handled recursively, not printed. next if $key eq 'nodes' || $key eq 'floating_nodes'; # JSON::XS’s encode appends a newline chomp(my $val = $json_xs->encode($tree->{$key})); # Fix indentation. Keep in mind we are producing output to be # read/modified by a human. $val =~ s/^/$ws/mg; $val =~ s/^\s+//; # Comment out all swallows criteria, they are just suggestions. if ($key eq 'swallows') { $val =~ s,^(\s*)\s{3}",\1// ",gm; } # Append a comma unless this is the last value. # Ugly, but necessary so that we can print all values before recursing. my $comma = ($_ == (@keys-1) && @{$tree->{nodes}} == 0 && @{$tree->{floating_nodes}} == 0 ? '' : ','); say qq#$ws"$key": $val$comma#; } for my $key (qw(nodes floating_nodes)) { my $num = scalar @{$tree->{$key}}; next if !$num; say qq#$ws"$key": [#; for (0 .. ($num-1)) { dump_containers( $tree->{$key}->[$_], $ws . (' ' x 4), ($_ == ($num-1))); } say qq#$ws]#; } $ws =~ s/\s{4}$//; say $ws . ($last ? '}' : '},'); } my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv; my $dump; if (defined($workspace)) { $dump = filter_containers($tree, sub { $_->{type} eq 'workspace' && $_->{name} eq $workspace }); } else { $dump = filter_containers($tree, sub { $_->{type} eq 'output' && $_->{name} eq $output }); # Get the output’s content container (living beneath dockarea containers). $dump = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$dump->{nodes}}; } $dump = strip_containers($dump); say "// vim:ts=4:sw=4:et"; for my $key (qw(nodes floating_nodes)) { for (0 .. (@{$dump->{$key}} - 1)) { dump_containers($dump->{$key}->[$_], undef, 1); # Newlines separate containers so that one can use { and } in vim to # jump out of the current container. say ''; } } =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME i3-save-tree - save (parts of) the layout tree for restoring =head1 SYNOPSIS i3-save-tree [--workspace=name] [--output=name] =head1 DESCRIPTION Dumps a workspace (or an entire output) to stdout. The data is supposed to be edited a bit by a human, then later fed to i3 via the append_layout command. The append_layout command will create placeholder windows, arranged in the layout the input file specifies. Each container should have a swallows specification. When a window is mapped (made visible on the screen) that matches the specification, i3 will put it into that place and kill the placeholder. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--workspace=name> Specifies the workspace that should be dumped, e.g. 1. Either this or --output need to be specified. =item B<--output=name> Specifies the output that should be dumped, e.g. LVDS-1. Either this or --workspace need to be specified. =back =head1 VERSION Version 0.1 =head1 AUTHOR Michael Stapelberg, C<< <michael at i3wm.org> >> =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013 Michael Stapelberg. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD license. =cut