#!perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # # Please read the following documents before working on tests: # • http://build.i3wm.org/docs/testsuite.html # (or docs/testsuite) # # • http://build.i3wm.org/docs/lib-i3test.html # (alternatively: perldoc ./testcases/lib/i3test.pm) # # • http://build.i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html # (or docs/ipc) # # • http://onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/modern_perl_a4.pdf # (unless you are already familiar with Perl) # # Verifies that entire outputs can be saved and restored properly by i3. # Ticket: #1306 # Bug still in: 4.8-26-gf96ec19 use i3test; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use IO::Handle; my $ws = fresh_workspace; ################################################################################ # Append a new workspace with a name. ################################################################################ ok(!workspace_exists('ws_new'), 'workspace "ws_new" does not exist yet'); my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); print $fh <<'EOT'; // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et { // workspace with 1 children "border": "pixel", "floating": "auto_off", "layout": "splith", "percent": null, "type": "workspace", "name": "ws_new", "nodes": [ { "border": "pixel", "floating": "auto_off", "geometry": { "height": 268, "width": 484, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "name": "vals@w00t: ~", "percent": 1, "swallows": [ { "class": "^URxvt$" // "instance": "^urxvt$", // "title": "^vals\\@w00t\\:\\ \\~$" } ], "type": "con" } ] } EOT $fh->flush; cmd "append_layout $filename"; ok(workspace_exists('ws_new'), 'workspace "ws_new" exists now'); does_i3_live; close($fh); ################################################################################ # Append a new workspace with a name that clashes with an existing workspace. ################################################################################ my @old_workspaces = @{get_workspace_names()}; cmd "append_layout $filename"; my @new_workspaces = @{get_workspace_names()}; cmp_ok(scalar @new_workspaces, '>', scalar @old_workspaces, 'more workspaces than before'); my %created_workspaces = map { ($_, 1) } @new_workspaces; delete $created_workspaces{$_} for @old_workspaces; diag('created workspaces = ' . Dumper(keys %created_workspaces)); cmp_ok(scalar keys %created_workspaces, '>', 0, 'new workspaces appeared'); ################################################################################ # Append a new workspace without a name. ################################################################################ ok(!workspace_exists('unnamed'), 'workspace "unnamed" does not exist yet'); ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); print $fh <<'EOT'; // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et { // workspace with 1 children "border": "pixel", "floating": "auto_off", "layout": "splith", "percent": null, "type": "workspace", "nodes": [ { "border": "pixel", "floating": "auto_off", "geometry": { "height": 268, "width": 484, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "name": "vals@w00t: ~", "percent": 1, "swallows": [ { "class": "^URxvt$" // "instance": "^urxvt$", // "title": "^vals\\@w00t\\:\\ \\~$" } ], "type": "con" } ] } EOT $fh->flush; cmd "append_layout $filename"; ok(workspace_exists('unnamed'), 'workspace "unnamed" exists now'); ################################################################################ # Append a workspace with a numeric name, ensure it has ->num set. ################################################################################ ok(!workspace_exists('4'), 'workspace "4" does not exist yet'); ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); print $fh <<'EOT'; // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et { // workspace with 1 children "border": "pixel", "floating": "auto_off", "layout": "splith", "percent": null, "type": "workspace", "name": "4", "nodes": [ { "border": "pixel", "floating": "auto_off", "geometry": { "height": 268, "width": 484, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "name": "vals@w00t: ~", "percent": 1, "swallows": [ { "class": "^URxvt$" // "instance": "^urxvt$", // "title": "^vals\\@w00t\\:\\ \\~$" } ], "type": "con" } ] } EOT $fh->flush; cmd "append_layout $filename"; ok(workspace_exists('4'), 'workspace "4" exists now'); $ws = get_ws("4"); is($ws->{num}, 4, 'workspace number is 4'); ################################################################################ # Append a workspace with a numeric name, with the “type” property at the end # of the JSON blurb (which is valid and sometimes happens). ################################################################################ ok(!workspace_exists('5'), 'workspace "5" does not exist yet'); ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); print $fh <<'EOT'; // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et { // workspace with 1 children "border": "pixel", "floating": "auto_off", "layout": "splith", "percent": null, "name": "5", "nodes": [ { "border": "pixel", "floating": "auto_off", "geometry": { "height": 268, "width": 484, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "name": "vals@w00t: ~", "percent": 1, "swallows": [ { "class": "^URxvt$" // "instance": "^urxvt$", // "title": "^vals\\@w00t\\:\\ \\~$" } ], "type": "con" } ], "type": "workspace" } EOT $fh->flush; cmd "append_layout $filename"; ok(workspace_exists('5'), 'workspace "5" exists now'); $ws = get_ws("5"); is($ws->{num}, 5, 'workspace number is 5'); done_testing;