#!perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # # Tests the workspace_layout config option. # use i3test i3_autostart => 0; ##################################################################### # 1: check that with an empty config, cons are place next to each # other and no split containers are created ##################################################################### my $config = <<EOT; # i3 config file (v4) font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1 EOT my $pid = launch_with_config($config); my $tmp = fresh_workspace; ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet'); my $first = open_window; my $second = open_window; is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second window focused'); my @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)}; ok(@content == 2, 'two containers opened'); isnt($content[0]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout not stacked'); isnt($content[1]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout not stacked'); exit_gracefully($pid); ##################################################################### # 2: set workspace_layout stacked, check that when opening two cons, # they end up in a stacked con ##################################################################### $config = <<EOT; # i3 config file (v4) font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1 workspace_layout stacked EOT $pid = launch_with_config($config); $tmp = fresh_workspace; ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet'); $first = open_window; $second = open_window; is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second window focused'); @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)}; ok(@content == 1, 'one con at workspace level'); is($content[0]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); ##################################################################### # 3: focus parent, open two new cons, check that they end up in a stacked # con ##################################################################### cmd 'focus parent'; my $right_top = open_window; my $right_bot = open_window; @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)}; is(@content, 2, 'two cons at workspace level after focus parent'); is($content[0]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); is($content[1]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); ##################################################################### # 4: move one of the cons to the right, check that it will end up in # a stacked con ##################################################################### cmd 'move right'; @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)}; is(@content, 3, 'three cons at workspace level after move'); is($content[0]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); is($content[1]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); is($content[2]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); ##################################################################### # 5: move it to the left again, check that the stacked con is deleted ##################################################################### cmd 'move left'; @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)}; is(@content, 2, 'two cons at workspace level after moving back'); is($content[0]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); is($content[1]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); ##################################################################### # 6: move it to a different workspace, check that it ends up in a # stacked con ##################################################################### my $otmp = get_unused_workspace; cmd "move workspace $otmp"; @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)}; is(@content, 2, 'still two cons on this workspace'); is($content[0]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); is($content[1]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); @content = @{get_ws_content($otmp)}; is(@content, 1, 'one con on target workspace'); is($content[0]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); ##################################################################### # 7: toggle floating mode and check that we have a stacked con when # re-inserting a floating container. ##################################################################### $tmp = fresh_workspace; $first = open_window; cmd 'floating toggle'; cmd 'floating toggle'; $second = open_window; is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second window focused'); @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)}; ok(@content == 1, 'one con at workspace level'); is($content[0]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked'); exit_gracefully($pid); done_testing;