TOPDIR=$(shell pwd) include $(TOPDIR)/ # Depend on the object files of all source-files in src/*.c and on all header files AUTOGENERATED:=src/ src/cfgparse.yy.c FILES:=$(filter-out $(AUTOGENERATED),$(wildcard src/*.c)) FILES:=$(FILES:.c=.o) HEADERS:=$(filter-out include/loglevels.h,$(wildcard include/*.h)) CMDPARSE_HEADERS:=include/GENERATED_call.h include/GENERATED_enums.h include/GENERATED_tokens.h # Recursively generate loglevels.h by explicitly calling make # We need this step because we need to ensure that loglevels.h will be # updated if necessary, but we also want to save rebuilds of the object # files, so we cannot let the object files depend on loglevels.h. ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),loglevels.h) #UNUSED:=$(warning Generating loglevels.h) else UNUSED:=$(shell $(MAKE) loglevels.h) endif SUBDIRS:=i3-msg i3-input i3-nagbar i3-config-wizard i3bar i3-dump-log # Depend on the specific file (.c for each .o) and on all headers src/%.o: src/%.c ${HEADERS} echo "[i3] CC $<" $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DLOGLEVEL="((uint64_t)1 << $(shell awk '/$(shell basename $< .c)/ { print NR; exit 0; }' loglevels.tmp))" -c -o $@ $< all: i3 subdirs i3: libi3/libi3.a src/cfgparse.y.o src/cfgparse.yy.o ${FILES} echo "[i3] LINK i3" $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(filter-out libi3/libi3.a,$^) $(LIBS) libi3/%.a: libi3/*.c $(MAKE) -C libi3 subdirs: for dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \ echo ""; \ echo "MAKE $$dir"; \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir; \ done loglevels.h: echo "[i3] LOGLEVELS" for file in $$(ls src/*.c src/*.y src/*.l | grep -v 'cfgparse.\(tab\|yy\).c'); \ do \ echo $$(basename $$file .c); \ done > loglevels.tmp (echo "char *loglevels[] = {"; for file in $$(cat loglevels.tmp); \ do \ echo "\"$$file\", "; \ done; \ echo "};") > include/loglevels.h; # The GENERATED_* files are actually all created from a single pass, so all # files just depend on the first one. include/GENERATED_call.h: parser-specs/commands.spec echo "[i3] Generating command parser" (cd include; ../ include/GENERATED_enums.h: include/GENERATED_call.h include/GENERATED_tokens.h: include/GENERATED_call.h # This target compiles the command parser twice: # Once with -DTEST_PARSER, creating a stand-alone executable used for tests, # and once as an object file for i3. src/commands_parser.o: src/commands_parser.c ${HEADERS} ${CMDPARSE_HEADERS} echo "[i3] CC $<" $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -DTEST_PARSER -DLOGLEVEL="((uint64_t)1 << $(shell awk '/$(shell basename $< .c)/ { print NR; exit 0; }' loglevels.tmp))" -o test.commands_parser $< $(LIBS) $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DLOGLEVEL="((uint64_t)1 << $(shell awk '/$(shell basename $< .c)/ { print NR; exit 0; }' loglevels.tmp))" -c -o $@ $< src/cfgparse.yy.o: src/cfgparse.l src/cfgparse.y.o ${HEADERS} echo "[i3] LEX $<" $(FLEX) -i -o$(@:.o=.c) $< $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DLOGLEVEL="(1 << $(shell awk '/cfgparse.l/ { print NR }' loglevels.tmp))" -c -o $@ $(@:.o=.c) src/cfgparse.y.o: src/cfgparse.y ${HEADERS} echo "[i3] YACC $<" $(BISON) --debug --verbose -b $(basename $< .y) -d $< $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DLOGLEVEL="(1 << $(shell awk '/cfgparse.y/ { print NR }' loglevels.tmp))" -c -o $@ $(< install: all echo "[i3] INSTALL" $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3 $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/i3 $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/xsessions $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications $(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3-migrate-config-to-v4 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3-sensible-editor $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3-sensible-pager $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3-sensible-terminal $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ test -e $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.config $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config test -e $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config.keycodes || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.config.keycodes $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config.keycodes $(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.xsession.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/xsessions/i3.desktop $(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.applications.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications/i3.desktop $(INSTALL) -m 0644 include/i3/ipc.h $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/i3/ for dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir install; \ done dist: distclean [ ! -d i3-${VERSION} ] || rm -rf i3-${VERSION} [ ! -e i3-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 ] || rm i3-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 mkdir i3-${VERSION} cp i3-migrate-config-to-v4 i3-sensible-* i3.config.keycodes DEPENDS LICENSE PACKAGE-MAINTAINER RELEASE-NOTES-${VERSION} i3.config i3.xsession.desktop i3.applications.desktop pseudo-doc.doxygen Makefile i3-${VERSION} cp -r src libi3 i3-msg i3-nagbar i3-config-wizard i3bar i3-dump-log yajl-fallback include man parser-specs i3-${VERSION} # Only copy toplevel documentation (important stuff) mkdir i3-${VERSION}/docs # Pre-generate documentation $(MAKE) -C docs $(MAKE) -C i3bar/doc # Cleanup τεχ output files find docs -regex ".*\.\(aux\|out\|log\|toc\|bm\|dvi\|log\)" -exec rm '{}' \; find docs -maxdepth 1 -type f ! \( -name "*.xcf" -or -name "*.svg" \) -exec cp '{}' i3-${VERSION}/docs \; # Only copy source code from i3-input mkdir i3-${VERSION}/i3-input find i3-input -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -name "*.c" -or -name "*.h" -or -name "Makefile" \) -exec cp '{}' i3-${VERSION}/i3-input \; sed -e 's/^GIT_VERSION:=\(.*\)/GIT_VERSION:=$(shell /bin/echo '${GIT_VERSION}' | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g')/g;s/^VERSION:=\(.*\)/VERSION:=${VERSION}/g' > i3-${VERSION}/ # Pre-generate a manpage to allow distributors to skip this step and save some dependencies $(MAKE) -C man cp man/*.1 i3-${VERSION}/man/ cp i3bar/doc/*.1 i3-${VERSION}/i3bar/doc/ tar cfj i3-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 i3-${VERSION} rm -rf i3-${VERSION} clean: rm -f src/*.o src/*.gcno src/cmdparse.* src/{c,h} src/cfgparse.yy.c src/cfgparse.{output,dot} loglevels.tmp include/loglevels.h include/GENERATED_* (which lcov >/dev/null 2>&1 && lcov -d . --zerocounters) || true $(MAKE) -C libi3 clean $(MAKE) -C docs clean $(MAKE) -C man clean for dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \ echo ""; \ echo "CLEAN $$dir"; \ $(MAKE) TOPDIR=$(TOPDIR) -C $$dir distclean; \ done distclean: clean rm -f i3 for dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \ echo ""; \ echo "DISTCLEAN $$dir"; \ $(MAKE) TOPDIR=$(TOPDIR) -C $$dir distclean; \ done coverage: rm -f /tmp/ rm -rf /tmp/i3-coverage lcov -d . -b . --capture -o /tmp/ genhtml -o /tmp/i3-coverage/ /tmp/