909 lines
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909 lines
34 KiB
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
* © 2009-2010 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
#include <time.h>
#include <xcb/xcb_atom.h>
#include <xcb/randr.h>
#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
#include "all.h"
/* After mapping/unmapping windows, a notify event is generated. However, we don’t want it,
since it’d trigger an infinite loop of switching between the different windows when
changing workspaces */
static SLIST_HEAD(ignore_head, Ignore_Event) ignore_events;
void add_ignore_event(const int sequence) {
struct Ignore_Event *event = smalloc(sizeof(struct Ignore_Event));
event->sequence = sequence;
event->added = time(NULL);
SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ignore_events, event, ignore_events);
* Checks if the given sequence is ignored and returns true if so.
static bool event_is_ignored(const int sequence) {
struct Ignore_Event *event;
time_t now = time(NULL);
for (event = SLIST_FIRST(&ignore_events); event != SLIST_END(&ignore_events);) {
if ((now - event->added) > 5) {
struct Ignore_Event *save = event;
event = SLIST_NEXT(event, ignore_events);
SLIST_REMOVE(&ignore_events, save, Ignore_Event, ignore_events);
} else event = SLIST_NEXT(event, ignore_events);
SLIST_FOREACH(event, &ignore_events, ignore_events) {
if (event->sequence != sequence)
/* instead of removing a sequence number we better wait until it gets
* garbage collected. it may generate multiple events (there are multiple
* enter_notifies for one configure_request, for example). */
//SLIST_REMOVE(&ignore_events, event, Ignore_Event, ignore_events);
return true;
return false;
* There was a key press. We compare this key code with our bindings table and pass
* the bound action to parse_command().
int handle_key_press(void *ignored, xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_key_press_event_t *event) {
DLOG("Keypress %d, state raw = %d\n", event->detail, event->state);
/* Remove the numlock bit, all other bits are modifiers we can bind to */
uint16_t state_filtered = event->state & ~(xcb_numlock_mask | XCB_MOD_MASK_LOCK);
DLOG("(removed numlock, state = %d)\n", state_filtered);
/* Only use the lower 8 bits of the state (modifier masks) so that mouse
* button masks are filtered out */
state_filtered &= 0xFF;
DLOG("(removed upper 8 bits, state = %d)\n", state_filtered);
if (xkb_current_group == XkbGroup2Index)
state_filtered |= BIND_MODE_SWITCH;
DLOG("(checked mode_switch, state %d)\n", state_filtered);
/* Find the binding */
Binding *bind = get_binding(state_filtered, event->detail);
/* No match? Then the user has Mode_switch enabled but does not have a
* specific keybinding. Fall back to the default keybindings (without
* Mode_switch). Makes it much more convenient for users of a hybrid
* layout (like us, ru). */
if (bind == NULL) {
state_filtered &= ~(BIND_MODE_SWITCH);
DLOG("no match, new state_filtered = %d\n", state_filtered);
if ((bind = get_binding(state_filtered, event->detail)) == NULL) {
ELOG("Could not lookup key binding (modifiers %d, keycode %d)\n",
state_filtered, event->detail);
return 1;
return 1;
#if 0
* Called with coordinates of an enter_notify event or motion_notify event
* to check if the user crossed virtual screen boundaries and adjust the
* current workspace, if so.
static void check_crossing_screen_boundary(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {
Output *output;
if ((output = get_output_containing(x, y)) == NULL) {
ELOG("ERROR: No such screen\n");
if (output == c_ws->output)
c_ws->current_row = current_row;
c_ws->current_col = current_col;
c_ws = output->current_workspace;
current_row = c_ws->current_row;
current_col = c_ws->current_col;
DLOG("We're now on output %p\n", output);
/* While usually this function is only called when the user switches
* to a different output using his mouse (and thus the output is
* empty), it may be that the following race condition occurs:
* 1) the user actives a new output (say VGA1).
* 2) the cursor is sent to the first pixel of the new VGA1, thus
* generating an enter_notify for the screen (the enter_notify
* is not yet received by i3).
* 3) i3 requeries screen configuration and maps a workspace onto the
* new output.
* 4) the enter_notify event arrives and c_ws is set to the new
* workspace but the existing windows on the new workspace are not
* focused.
* Therefore, we re-set the focus here to be sure it’s correct. */
Client *first_client = SLIST_FIRST(&(c_ws->focus_stack));
if (first_client != NULL)
set_focus(global_conn, first_client, true);
* When the user moves the mouse pointer onto a window, this callback gets called.
int handle_enter_notify(void *ignored, xcb_connection_t *conn,
xcb_enter_notify_event_t *event) {
Con *con;
DLOG("enter_notify for %08x, mode = %d, detail %d, serial %d\n",
event->event, event->mode, event->detail, event->sequence);
DLOG("coordinates %x, %x\n", event->event_x, event->event_y);
if (event->mode != XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_NORMAL) {
DLOG("This was not a normal notify, ignoring\n");
return 1;
/* Some events are not interesting, because they were not generated
* actively by the user, but by reconfiguration of windows */
if (event_is_ignored(event->sequence))
return 1;
/* Get container by frame or by child window */
if ((con = con_by_frame_id(event->event)) == NULL)
con = con_by_window_id(event->event);
/* If not, then the user moved his cursor to the root window. In that case, we adjust c_ws */
if (con == NULL) {
DLOG("Getting screen at %d x %d\n", event->root_x, event->root_y);
//check_crossing_screen_boundary(event->root_x, event->root_y);
return 1;
/* see if the user entered the window on a certain window decoration */
int layout = con->layout;
Con *child;
TAILQ_FOREACH(child, &(con->nodes_head), nodes)
if (rect_contains(child->deco_rect, event->event_x, event->event_y)) {
LOG("using child %p / %s instead!\n", child, child->name);
con = child;
/* for stacked/tabbed layout we do not want to change focus when the user
* enters the window at the decoration of any child window. */
if (layout == L_STACKED || layout == L_TABBED) {
con = TAILQ_FIRST(&(con->parent->focus_head));
LOG("using focused %p / %s instead\n", con, con->name);
#if 0
if (client->workspace != c_ws && client->workspace->output == c_ws->output) {
/* This can happen when a client gets assigned to a different workspace than
* the current one (see src/mainx.c:reparent_window). Shortly after it was created,
* an enter_notify will follow. */
DLOG("enter_notify for a client on a different workspace but the same screen, ignoring\n");
return 1;
if (config.disable_focus_follows_mouse)
return 1;
Con *next = con;
while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&(next->focus_head)))
next = TAILQ_FIRST(&(next->focus_head));
return 1;
#if 0
* When the user moves the mouse but does not change the active window
* (e.g. when having no windows opened but moving mouse on the root screen
* and crossing virtual screen boundaries), this callback gets called.
int handle_motion_notify(void *ignored, xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_motion_notify_event_t *event) {
/* Skip events where the pointer was over a child window, we are only
* interested in events on the root window. */
if (event->child != 0)
return 1;
check_crossing_screen_boundary(event->root_x, event->root_y);
return 1;
* Called when the keyboard mapping changes (for example by using Xmodmap),
* we need to update our key bindings then (re-translate symbols).
int handle_mapping_notify(void *ignored, xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_mapping_notify_event_t *event) {
if (event->request != XCB_MAPPING_KEYBOARD &&
event->request != XCB_MAPPING_MODIFIER)
return 0;
DLOG("Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys\n");
xcb_refresh_keyboard_mapping(keysyms, event);
grab_all_keys(conn, false);
return 0;
* A new window appeared on the screen (=was mapped), so let’s manage it.
int handle_map_request(void *prophs, xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_map_request_event_t *event) {
xcb_get_window_attributes_cookie_t cookie;
cookie = xcb_get_window_attributes_unchecked(conn, event->window);
DLOG("window = 0x%08x, serial is %d.\n", event->window, event->sequence);
manage_window(event->window, cookie, false);
return 1;
#if 0
* Configure requests are received when the application wants to resize windows on their own.
* We generate a synthethic configure notify event to signalize the client its "new" position.
int handle_configure_request(void *prophs, xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_configure_request_event_t *event) {
DLOG("window 0x%08x wants to be at %dx%d with %dx%d\n",
event->window, event->x, event->y, event->width, event->height);
Client *client = table_get(&by_child, event->window);
if (client == NULL) {
uint32_t mask = 0;
uint32_t values[7];
int c = 0;
#define COPY_MASK_MEMBER(mask_member, event_member) do { \
if (event->value_mask & mask_member) { \
mask |= mask_member; \
values[c++] = event->event_member; \
} \
} while (0)
xcb_configure_window(conn, event->window, mask, values);
return 1;
if (client->fullscreen) {
DLOG("Client is in fullscreen mode\n");
Rect child_rect = client->workspace->rect;
child_rect.x = child_rect.y = 0;
fake_configure_notify(conn, child_rect, client->child);
return 1;
/* Floating clients can be reconfigured */
if (client_is_floating(client)) {
i3Font *font = load_font(conn, config.font);
int mode = (client->container != NULL ? client->container->mode : MODE_DEFAULT);
/* TODO: refactor this code. we need a function to translate
* coordinates of child_rect/rect. */
if (event->value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X) {
if (mode == MODE_STACK || mode == MODE_TABBED) {
client->rect.x = event->x - 2;
} else {
if (client->titlebar_position == TITLEBAR_OFF && client->borderless)
client->rect.x = event->x;
else if (client->titlebar_position == TITLEBAR_OFF && !client->borderless)
client->rect.x = event->x - 1;
else client->rect.x = event->x - 2;
if (event->value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y) {
if (mode == MODE_STACK || mode == MODE_TABBED) {
client->rect.y = event->y - 2;
} else {
if (client->titlebar_position == TITLEBAR_OFF && client->borderless)
client->rect.y = event->y;
else if (client->titlebar_position == TITLEBAR_OFF && !client->borderless)
client->rect.y = event->y - 1;
else client->rect.y = event->y - font->height - 2 - 2;
if (event->value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_WIDTH) {
if (mode == MODE_STACK || mode == MODE_TABBED) {
client->rect.width = event->width + 2 + 2;
} else {
if (client->titlebar_position == TITLEBAR_OFF && client->borderless)
client->rect.width = event->width;
else if (client->titlebar_position == TITLEBAR_OFF && !client->borderless)
client->rect.width = event->width + (1 + 1);
else client->rect.width = event->width + (2 + 2);
if (event->value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_HEIGHT) {
if (mode == MODE_STACK || mode == MODE_TABBED) {
client->rect.height = event->height + 2;
} else {
if (client->titlebar_position == TITLEBAR_OFF && client->borderless)
client->rect.height = event->height;
else if (client->titlebar_position == TITLEBAR_OFF && !client->borderless)
client->rect.height = event->height + (1 + 1);
else client->rect.height = event->height + (font->height + 2 + 2) + 2;
DLOG("Accepted new position/size for floating client: (%d, %d) size %d x %d\n",
client->rect.x, client->rect.y, client->rect.width, client->rect.height);
/* Push the new position/size to X11 */
reposition_client(conn, client);
resize_client(conn, client);
return 1;
/* Dock clients can be reconfigured in their height */
if (client->dock) {
DLOG("Reconfiguring height of this dock client\n");
if (!(event->value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_HEIGHT)) {
DLOG("Ignoring configure request, no height given\n");
return 1;
client->desired_height = event->height;
render_workspace(conn, c_ws->output, c_ws);
return 1;
if (client->fullscreen) {
DLOG("Client is in fullscreen mode\n");
Rect child_rect = client->container->workspace->rect;
child_rect.x = child_rect.y = 0;
fake_configure_notify(conn, child_rect, client->child);
return 1;
fake_absolute_configure_notify(conn, client);
return 1;
* Configuration notifies are only handled because we need to set up ignore for
* the following enter notify events.
int handle_configure_event(void *prophs, xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_configure_notify_event_t *event) {
/* We ignore this sequence twice because events for child and frame should be ignored */
return 1;
* Gets triggered upon a RandR screen change event, that is when the user
* changes the screen configuration in any way (mode, position, …)
int handle_screen_change(void *prophs, xcb_connection_t *conn,
xcb_generic_event_t *e) {
DLOG("RandR screen change\n");
ipc_send_event("output", I3_IPC_EVENT_OUTPUT, "{\"change\":\"unspecified\"}");
return 1;
* Our window decorations were unmapped. That means, the window will be killed
* now, so we better clean up before.
int handle_unmap_notify_event(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_unmap_notify_event_t *event) {
/* we need to ignore EnterNotify events which will be generated because a
* different window is visible now */
DLOG("UnmapNotify for 0x%08x (received from 0x%08x), serial %d\n", event->window, event->event, event->sequence);
Con *con = con_by_window_id(event->window);
if (con == NULL) {
LOG("Not a managed window, ignoring\n");
return 1;
return 1;
#if 0
if (client == NULL) {
DLOG("not a managed window. Ignoring.\n");
/* This was most likely the destroyed frame of a client which is
* currently being unmapped, so we add this sequence (again!) to
* the ignore list (enter_notify events will get sent for both,
* the child and its frame). */
return 0;
#if 0
/* Let’s see how many clients there are left on the workspace to delete it if it’s empty */
bool workspace_empty = SLIST_EMPTY(&(client->workspace->focus_stack));
bool workspace_focused = (c_ws == client->workspace);
Client *to_focus = (!workspace_empty ? SLIST_FIRST(&(client->workspace->focus_stack)) : NULL);
/* If this workspace is currently visible, we don’t delete it */
if (workspace_is_visible(client->workspace))
workspace_empty = false;
if (workspace_empty) {
client->workspace->output = NULL;
ipc_send_event("workspace", I3_IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE, "{\"change\":\"empty\"}");
/* Remove the urgency flag if set */
client->urgent = false;
return 1;
#if 0
* A destroy notify event is sent when the window is not unmapped, but
* immediately destroyed (for example when starting a window and immediately
* killing the program which started it).
* We just pass on the event to the unmap notify handler (by copying the
* important fields in the event data structure).
int handle_destroy_notify_event(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_destroy_notify_event_t *event) {
DLOG("destroy notify for 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n", event->event, event->window);
xcb_unmap_notify_event_t unmap;
unmap.sequence = event->sequence;
unmap.event = event->event;
unmap.window = event->window;
return handle_unmap_notify_event(NULL, conn, &unmap);
* Called when a window changes its title
int handle_windowname_change(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, uint8_t state,
xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t atom, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop) {
Con *con;
if ((con = con_by_window_id(window)) == NULL || con->window == NULL)
return 1;
window_update_name(con->window, prop);
return 1;
* Handles legacy window name updates (WM_NAME), see also src/window.c,
* window_update_name_legacy().
int handle_windowname_change_legacy(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, uint8_t state,
xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t atom, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop) {
Con *con;
if ((con = con_by_window_id(window)) == NULL || con->window == NULL)
return 1;
window_update_name_legacy(con->window, prop);
return 1;
* Updates the client’s WM_CLASS property
int handle_windowclass_change(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, uint8_t state,
xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t atom, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop) {
Con *con;
if ((con = con_by_window_id(window)) == NULL || con->window == NULL)
return 1;
window_update_class(con->window, prop);
return 0;
* Expose event means we should redraw our windows (= title bar)
int handle_expose_event(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_expose_event_t *event) {
Con *parent, *con;
/* event->count is the number of minimum remaining expose events for this
* window, so we skip all events but the last one */
if (event->count != 0)
return 1;
DLOG("window = %08x\n", event->window);
if ((parent = con_by_frame_id(event->window)) == NULL) {
LOG("expose event for unknown window, ignoring\n");
return 1;
TAILQ_FOREACH(con, &(parent->nodes_head), nodes) {
LOG("expose for con %p / %s\n", con, con->name);
if (con->window)
return 1;
#if 0
else {
uint32_t background_color;
if (client->urgent)
background_color = config.client.urgent.background;
/* Distinguish if the window is currently focused… */
else if (CUR_CELL != NULL && CUR_CELL->currently_focused == client)
background_color = config.client.focused.background;
/* …or if it is the focused window in a not focused container */
else background_color = config.client.focused_inactive.background;
/* Set foreground color to current focused color, line width to 2 */
uint32_t values[] = {background_color, 2};
xcb_change_gc(conn, client->titlegc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND | XCB_GC_LINE_WIDTH, values);
/* Draw the border, the ±1 is for line width = 2 */
xcb_point_t points[] = {{1, 0}, /* left upper edge */
{1, client->rect.height-1}, /* left bottom edge */
{client->rect.width-1, client->rect.height-1}, /* right bottom edge */
{client->rect.width-1, 0}}; /* right upper edge */
xcb_poly_line(conn, XCB_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, client->frame, client->titlegc, 4, points);
/* Draw a black background */
xcb_change_gc_single(conn, client->titlegc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, get_colorpixel(conn, "#000000"));
if (client->titlebar_position == TITLEBAR_OFF && !client->borderless) {
xcb_rectangle_t crect = {1, 0, client->rect.width - (1 + 1), client->rect.height - 1};
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, client->frame, client->titlegc, 1, &crect);
} else {
xcb_rectangle_t crect = {2, 0, client->rect.width - (2 + 2), client->rect.height - 2};
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, client->frame, client->titlegc, 1, &crect);
return 1;
#if 0
* Handle client messages (EWMH)
int handle_client_message(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_client_message_event_t *event) {
if (event->type == atoms[_NET_WM_STATE]) {
if (event->format != 32 || event->data.data32[1] != atoms[_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN])
return 0;
Client *client = table_get(&by_child, event->window);
if (client == NULL)
return 0;
/* Check if the fullscreen state should be toggled */
if ((client->fullscreen &&
(event->data.data32[0] == _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE ||
event->data.data32[0] == _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE)) ||
(!client->fullscreen &&
(event->data.data32[0] == _NET_WM_STATE_ADD ||
event->data.data32[0] == _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE)))
client_toggle_fullscreen(conn, client);
} else {
ELOG("unhandled clientmessage\n");
return 0;
return 1;
int handle_window_type(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, uint8_t state, xcb_window_t window,
xcb_atom_t atom, xcb_get_property_reply_t *property) {
/* TODO: Implement this one. To do this, implement a little test program which sleep(1)s
before changing this property. */
ELOG("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE changed, this is not yet implemented.\n");
return 0;
* Handles the size hints set by a window, but currently only the part necessary for displaying
* clients proportionally inside their frames (mplayer for example)
* See ICCCM for more details
int handle_normal_hints(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, uint8_t state, xcb_window_t window,
xcb_atom_t name, xcb_get_property_reply_t *reply) {
Client *client = table_get(&by_child, window);
if (client == NULL) {
DLOG("Received WM_SIZE_HINTS for unknown client\n");
return 1;
xcb_size_hints_t size_hints;
/* If the hints were already in this event, use them, if not, request them */
if (reply != NULL)
xcb_get_wm_size_hints_from_reply(&size_hints, reply);
xcb_get_wm_normal_hints_reply(conn, xcb_get_wm_normal_hints_unchecked(conn, client->child), &size_hints, NULL);
if ((size_hints.flags & XCB_SIZE_HINT_P_MIN_SIZE)) {
// TODO: Minimum size is not yet implemented
DLOG("Minimum size: %d (width) x %d (height)\n", size_hints.min_width, size_hints.min_height);
bool changed = false;
if ((size_hints.flags & XCB_SIZE_HINT_P_RESIZE_INC)) {
if (size_hints.width_inc > 0 && size_hints.width_inc < 0xFFFF)
if (client->width_increment != size_hints.width_inc) {
client->width_increment = size_hints.width_inc;
changed = true;
if (size_hints.height_inc > 0 && size_hints.height_inc < 0xFFFF)
if (client->height_increment != size_hints.height_inc) {
client->height_increment = size_hints.height_inc;
changed = true;
if (changed)
DLOG("resize increments changed\n");
int base_width = 0, base_height = 0;
/* base_width/height are the desired size of the window.
We check if either the program-specified size or the program-specified
min-size is available */
if (size_hints.flags & XCB_SIZE_HINT_BASE_SIZE) {
base_width = size_hints.base_width;
base_height = size_hints.base_height;
} else if (size_hints.flags & XCB_SIZE_HINT_P_MIN_SIZE) {
/* TODO: is this right? icccm says not */
base_width = size_hints.min_width;
base_height = size_hints.min_height;
if (base_width != client->base_width ||
base_height != client->base_height) {
client->base_width = base_width;
client->base_height = base_height;
DLOG("client's base_height changed to %d\n", base_height);
DLOG("client's base_width changed to %d\n", base_width);
changed = true;
if (changed) {
if (client->fullscreen)
DLOG("Not resizing client, it is in fullscreen mode\n");
else {
resize_client(conn, client);
/* If no aspect ratio was set or if it was invalid, we ignore the hints */
if (!(size_hints.flags & XCB_SIZE_HINT_P_ASPECT) ||
(size_hints.min_aspect_num <= 0) ||
(size_hints.min_aspect_den <= 0)) {
return 1;
double width = client->rect.width - base_width;
double height = client->rect.height - base_height;
/* Convert numerator/denominator to a double */
double min_aspect = (double)size_hints.min_aspect_num / size_hints.min_aspect_den;
double max_aspect = (double)size_hints.max_aspect_num / size_hints.min_aspect_den;
DLOG("Aspect ratio set: minimum %f, maximum %f\n", min_aspect, max_aspect);
DLOG("width = %f, height = %f\n", width, height);
/* Sanity checks, this is user-input, in a way */
if (max_aspect <= 0 || min_aspect <= 0 || height == 0 || (width / height) <= 0)
return 1;
/* Check if we need to set proportional_* variables using the correct ratio */
if ((width / height) < min_aspect) {
client->proportional_width = width;
client->proportional_height = width / min_aspect;
} else if ((width / height) > max_aspect) {
client->proportional_width = width;
client->proportional_height = width / max_aspect;
} else return 1;
client->force_reconfigure = true;
if (client->container != NULL) {
render_container(conn, client->container);
return 1;
* Handles the WM_HINTS property for extracting the urgency state of the window.
int handle_hints(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, uint8_t state, xcb_window_t window,
xcb_atom_t name, xcb_get_property_reply_t *reply) {
Client *client = table_get(&by_child, window);
if (client == NULL) {
DLOG("Received WM_HINTS for unknown client\n");
return 1;
xcb_wm_hints_t hints;
if (reply != NULL) {
if (!xcb_get_wm_hints_from_reply(&hints, reply))
return 1;
} else {
if (!xcb_get_wm_hints_reply(conn, xcb_get_wm_hints_unchecked(conn, client->child), &hints, NULL))
return 1;
Client *last_focused = SLIST_FIRST(&(c_ws->focus_stack));
if (!client->urgent && client == last_focused) {
DLOG("Ignoring urgency flag for current client\n");
return 1;
/* Update the flag on the client directly */
client->urgent = (xcb_wm_hints_get_urgency(&hints) != 0);
LOG("Urgency flag changed to %d\n", client->urgent);
redecorate_window(conn, client);
/* If the workspace this client is on is not visible, we need to redraw
* the workspace bar */
if (!workspace_is_visible(client->workspace)) {
Output *output = client->workspace->output;
render_workspace(conn, output, output->current_workspace);
return 1;
* Handles the transient for hints set by a window, signalizing that this window is a popup window
* for some other window.
* See ICCCM for more details
int handle_transient_for(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, uint8_t state, xcb_window_t window,
xcb_atom_t name, xcb_get_property_reply_t *reply) {
Client *client = table_get(&by_child, window);
if (client == NULL) {
DLOG("No such client\n");
return 1;
xcb_window_t transient_for;
if (reply != NULL) {
if (!xcb_get_wm_transient_for_from_reply(&transient_for, reply))
return 1;
} else {
if (!xcb_get_wm_transient_for_reply(conn, xcb_get_wm_transient_for_unchecked(conn, window),
&transient_for, NULL))
return 1;
if (client->floating == FLOATING_AUTO_OFF) {
DLOG("This is a popup window, putting into floating\n");
toggle_floating_mode(conn, client, true);
return 1;
* Handles changes of the WM_CLIENT_LEADER atom which specifies if this is a
* toolwindow (or similar) and to which window it belongs (logical parent).
int handle_clientleader_change(void *data, xcb_connection_t *conn, uint8_t state, xcb_window_t window,
xcb_atom_t name, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop) {
if (prop == NULL) {
prop = xcb_get_property_reply(conn, xcb_get_property_unchecked(conn,
false, window, WM_CLIENT_LEADER, WINDOW, 0, 32), NULL);
if (prop == NULL)
return 1;
Client *client = table_get(&by_child, window);
if (client == NULL)
return 1;
xcb_window_t *leader = xcb_get_property_value(prop);
if (leader == NULL)
return 1;
DLOG("Client leader changed to %08x\n", *leader);
client->leader = *leader;
return 1;