649 lines
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649 lines
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#include "all.h"
/* Stores the X11 window ID of the currently focused window */
static xcb_window_t focused_id = XCB_NONE;
* Describes the X11 state we may modify (map state, position, window stack).
* There is one entry per container. The state represents the current situation
* as X11 sees it (with the exception of the order in the state_head CIRCLEQ,
* which represents the order that will be pushed to X11, while old_state_head
* represents the current order). It will be updated in x_push_changes().
typedef struct con_state {
xcb_window_t id;
bool mapped;
bool child_mapped;
/* For reparenting, we have a flag (need_reparent) and the X ID of the old
* frame this window was in. The latter is necessary because we need to
* ignore UnmapNotify events (by changing the window event mask). */
bool need_reparent;
xcb_window_t old_frame;
Rect rect;
Rect window_rect;
bool initial;
char *name;
CIRCLEQ_ENTRY(con_state) state;
CIRCLEQ_ENTRY(con_state) old_state;
} con_state;
CIRCLEQ_HEAD(state_head, con_state) state_head =
CIRCLEQ_HEAD(old_state_head, con_state) old_state_head =
* Returns the container state for the given frame. This function always
* returns a container state (otherwise, there is a bug in the code and the
* container state of a container for which x_con_init() was not called was
* requested).
static con_state *state_for_frame(xcb_window_t window) {
con_state *state;
CIRCLEQ_FOREACH(state, &state_head, state)
if (state->id == window)
return state;
/* TODO: better error handling? */
ELOG("No state found\n");
return NULL;
* Initializes the X11 part for the given container. Called exactly once for
* every container from con_new().
void x_con_init(Con *con) {
/* TODO: maybe create the window when rendering first? we could then even
* get the initial geometry right */
uint32_t mask = 0;
uint32_t values[2];
/* our own frames should not be managed */
values[0] = 1;
/* We want to know when… */
values[1] = FRAME_EVENT_MASK;
Rect dims = { -15, -15, 10, 10 };
con->frame = create_window(conn, dims, XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT, XCURSOR_CURSOR_POINTER, false, mask, values);
con->gc = xcb_generate_id(conn);
xcb_create_gc(conn, con->gc, con->frame, 0, 0);
struct con_state *state = scalloc(sizeof(struct con_state));
state->id = con->frame;
state->mapped = false;
state->initial = true;
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(&state_head, state, state);
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(&old_state_head, state, old_state);
LOG("adding new state for window id 0x%08x\n", state->id);
* Re-initializes the associated X window state for this container. You have
* to call this when you assign a client to an empty container to ensure that
* its state gets updated correctly.
void x_reinit(Con *con) {
struct con_state *state;
if ((state = state_for_frame(con->frame)) == NULL) {
ELOG("window state not found\n");
LOG("resetting state %p to initial\n", state);
state->initial = true;
state->child_mapped = false;
memset(&(state->window_rect), 0, sizeof(Rect));
* Reparents the child window of the given container (necessary for sticky
* containers). The reparenting happens in the next call of x_push_changes().
void x_reparent_child(Con *con, Con *old) {
struct con_state *state;
if ((state = state_for_frame(con->frame)) == NULL) {
ELOG("window state for con not found\n");
state->need_reparent = true;
state->old_frame = old->frame;
* Moves a child window from Container src to Container dest.
void x_move_win(Con *src, Con *dest) {
struct con_state *state_src, *state_dest;
if ((state_src = state_for_frame(src->frame)) == NULL) {
ELOG("window state for src not found\n");
if ((state_dest = state_for_frame(dest->frame)) == NULL) {
ELOG("window state for dest not found\n");
Rect zero;
memset(&zero, 0, sizeof(Rect));
if (memcmp(&(state_dest->window_rect), &(zero), sizeof(Rect)) == 0) {
memcpy(&(state_dest->window_rect), &(state_src->window_rect), sizeof(Rect));
* Kills the window decoration associated with the given container.
void x_con_kill(Con *con) {
con_state *state;
xcb_destroy_window(conn, con->frame);
state = state_for_frame(con->frame);
CIRCLEQ_REMOVE(&state_head, state, state);
CIRCLEQ_REMOVE(&old_state_head, state, old_state);
/* Invalidate focused_id to correctly focus new windows with the same ID */
focused_id = XCB_NONE;
* Returns true if the client supports the given protocol atom (like WM_DELETE_WINDOW)
static bool window_supports_protocol(xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t atom) {
xcb_get_property_cookie_t cookie;
xcb_get_wm_protocols_reply_t protocols;
bool result = false;
cookie = xcb_get_wm_protocols_unchecked(conn, window, atoms[WM_PROTOCOLS]);
if (xcb_get_wm_protocols_reply(conn, cookie, &protocols, NULL) != 1)
return false;
/* Check if the client’s protocols have the requested atom set */
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < protocols.atoms_len; i++)
if (protocols.atoms[i] == atom)
result = true;
return result;
* Kills the given X11 window using WM_DELETE_WINDOW (if supported).
void x_window_kill(xcb_window_t window) {
/* if this window does not support WM_DELETE_WINDOW, we kill it the hard way */
if (!window_supports_protocol(window, atoms[WM_DELETE_WINDOW])) {
LOG("Killing window the hard way\n");
xcb_kill_client(conn, window);
xcb_client_message_event_t ev;
memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(xcb_client_message_event_t));
ev.response_type = XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE;
ev.window = window;
ev.type = atoms[WM_PROTOCOLS];
ev.format = 32;
ev.data.data32[0] = atoms[WM_DELETE_WINDOW];
ev.data.data32[1] = XCB_CURRENT_TIME;
LOG("Sending WM_DELETE to the client\n");
xcb_send_event(conn, false, window, XCB_EVENT_MASK_NO_EVENT, (char*)&ev);
* Draws the decoration of the given container onto its parent.
void x_draw_decoration(Con *con) {
/* This code needs to run for:
* • leaf containers
* • non-leaf containers which are in a stacking container
* It does not need to run for:
* • floating containers (they don’t have a decoration)
if ((!con_is_leaf(con) && con->parent->layout != L_STACKED) ||
con->type == CT_FLOATING_CON)
DLOG("decoration should be rendered for con %p\n", con);
/* 1: find out which colors to use */
struct Colortriple *color;
if (con->urgent)
color = &config.client.urgent;
else if (con == focused)
color = &config.client.focused;
else if (con == TAILQ_FIRST(&(con->parent->focus_head)))
color = &config.client.focused_inactive;
color = &config.client.unfocused;
Con *parent = con->parent;
int border_style = con_border_style(con);
/* 2: draw a rectangle in border color around the client */
if (border_style != BS_NONE && con_is_leaf(con)) {
Rect br = con_border_style_rect(con);
Rect *r = &(con->rect);
#if 0
DLOG("con->rect spans %d x %d\n", con->rect.width, con->rect.height);
DLOG("border_rect spans (%d, %d) with %d x %d\n", border_rect.x, border_rect.y, border_rect.width, border_rect.height);
DLOG("window_rect spans (%d, %d) with %d x %d\n", con->window_rect.x, con->window_rect.y, con->window_rect.width, con->window_rect.height);
/* These rectangles represents the border around the child window
* (left, bottom and right part). We don’t just fill the whole
* rectangle because some childs are not freely resizable and we want
* their background color to "shine through". */
xcb_change_gc_single(conn, con->gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, color->background);
xcb_rectangle_t borders[] = {
{ 0, 0, br.x, r->height },
{ 0, r->height + br.height + br.y, r->width, r->height },
{ r->width + br.width + br.x, 0, r->width, r->height }
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, con->frame, con->gc, 3, borders);
/* 1pixel border needs an additional line at the top */
if (border_style == BS_1PIXEL) {
xcb_rectangle_t topline = { br.x, 0, con->rect.width + br.width + br.x, br.y };
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, con->frame, con->gc, 1, &topline);
/* if this is a borderless/1pixel window, we don’t * need to render the
* decoration. */
if (border_style != BS_NORMAL) {
DLOG("border style not BS_NORMAL, aborting rendering of decoration\n");
/* 3: paint the bar */
xcb_change_gc_single(conn, parent->gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, color->background);
xcb_rectangle_t drect = { con->deco_rect.x, con->deco_rect.y, con->deco_rect.width, con->deco_rect.height };
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, parent->frame, parent->gc, 1, &drect);
/* 4: draw the two lines in border color */
xcb_draw_line(conn, parent->frame, parent->gc, color->border,
con->deco_rect.x, /* x */
con->deco_rect.y, /* y */
con->deco_rect.x + con->deco_rect.width, /* to_x */
con->deco_rect.y); /* to_y */
xcb_draw_line(conn, parent->frame, parent->gc, color->border,
con->deco_rect.x, /* x */
con->deco_rect.y + con->deco_rect.height - 1, /* y */
con->deco_rect.x + con->deco_rect.width, /* to_x */
con->deco_rect.y + con->deco_rect.height - 1); /* to_y */
/* 5: draw the title */
i3Font *font = load_font(conn, config.font);
uint32_t values[] = { color->text, color->background, font->id };
xcb_change_gc(conn, parent->gc, mask, values);
int text_offset_y = font->height + (con->deco_rect.height - font->height) / 2 - 1;
struct Window *win = con->window;
if (win == NULL || win->name_x == NULL) {
/* this is a non-leaf container, we need to make up a good description */
// TODO: use a good description instead of just "another container"
strlen("another container"),
con->deco_rect.x + 2,
con->deco_rect.y + text_offset_y,
"another container"
int indent_level = 0,
indent_mult = 0;
Con *il_parent = con->parent;
if (il_parent->type != L_STACKED) {
while (1) {
DLOG("il_parent = %p, layout = %d\n", il_parent, il_parent->layout);
if (il_parent->layout == L_STACKED)
if (il_parent->type == CT_WORKSPACE)
il_parent = il_parent->parent;
DLOG("indent_level = %d, indent_mult = %d\n", indent_level, indent_mult);
int indent_px = (indent_level * 5) * indent_mult;
if (win->uses_net_wm_name)
con->deco_rect.x + 2 + indent_px,
con->deco_rect.y + text_offset_y,
con->deco_rect.x + 2 + indent_px,
con->deco_rect.y + text_offset_y,
* This function pushes the properties of each node of the layout tree to
* X11 if they have changed (like the map state, position of the window, …).
* It recursively traverses all children of the given node.
static void x_push_node(Con *con) {
Con *current;
con_state *state;
Rect rect = con->rect;
LOG("Pushing changes for node %p / %s\n", con, con->name);
state = state_for_frame(con->frame);
if (state->name != NULL) {
DLOG("pushing name %s for con %p\n", state->name, con);
xcb_change_property(conn, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, con->frame,
WM_NAME, STRING, 8, strlen(state->name), state->name);
if (con->window == NULL) {
/* Calculate the height of all window decorations which will be drawn on to
* this frame. */
uint32_t max_y = 0, max_height = 0;
TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &(con->nodes_head), nodes) {
Rect *dr = &(current->deco_rect);
if (dr->y >= max_y && dr->height >= max_height) {
max_y = dr->y;
max_height = dr->height;
rect.height = max_y + max_height;
if (rect.height == 0) {
DLOG("Unmapping container because it does not contain anything atm.\n");
con->mapped = false;
/* reparent the child window (when the window was moved due to a sticky
* container) */
if (state->need_reparent && con->window != NULL) {
LOG("Reparenting child window\n");
/* Temporarily set the event masks to XCB_NONE so that we won’t get
* UnmapNotify events (otherwise the handler would close the container).
* These events are generated automatically when reparenting. */
uint32_t values[] = { XCB_NONE };
xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, state->old_frame, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);
xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, con->window->id, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);
xcb_reparent_window(conn, con->window->id, con->frame, 0, 0);
values[0] = FRAME_EVENT_MASK;
xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, state->old_frame, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);
values[0] = CHILD_EVENT_MASK;
xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, con->window->id, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);
state->old_frame = XCB_NONE;
state->need_reparent = false;
DLOG("ignore_unmap for reparenting of con %p (win 0x%08x) is now %d\n",
con, con->window->id, con->ignore_unmap);
bool fake_notify = false;
/* set new position if rect changed */
if (memcmp(&(state->rect), &rect, sizeof(Rect)) != 0) {
LOG("setting rect (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
xcb_set_window_rect(conn, con->frame, rect);
memcpy(&(state->rect), &rect, sizeof(Rect));
fake_notify = true;
/* dito, but for child windows */
if (con->window != NULL &&
memcmp(&(state->window_rect), &(con->window_rect), sizeof(Rect)) != 0) {
LOG("setting window rect (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n",
con->window_rect.x, con->window_rect.y, con->window_rect.width, con->window_rect.height);
xcb_set_window_rect(conn, con->window->id, con->window_rect);
memcpy(&(state->window_rect), &(con->window_rect), sizeof(Rect));
fake_notify = true;
/* Map if map state changed, also ensure that the child window
* is changed if we are mapped *and* in initial state (meaning the
* container was empty before, but now got a child). Unmaps are handled in
* x_push_node_unmaps(). */
if ((state->mapped != con->mapped || (con->mapped && state->initial)) &&
con->mapped) {
xcb_void_cookie_t cookie;
if (con->window != NULL) {
/* Set WM_STATE_NORMAL because GTK applications don’t want to
* drag & drop if we don’t. Also, xprop(1) needs it. */
long data[] = { XCB_WM_STATE_NORMAL, XCB_NONE };
xcb_change_property(conn, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, con->window->id,
atoms[WM_STATE], atoms[WM_STATE], 32, 2, data);
if (!state->child_mapped && con->window != NULL) {
cookie = xcb_map_window(conn, con->window->id);
LOG("mapping child window (serial %d)\n", cookie.sequence);
/* Ignore enter_notifies which are generated when mapping */
state->child_mapped = true;
cookie = xcb_map_window(conn, con->frame);
LOG("mapping container (serial %d)\n", cookie.sequence);
/* Ignore enter_notifies which are generated when mapping */
state->mapped = con->mapped;
if (fake_notify) {
LOG("Sending fake configure notify\n");
/* handle all children and floating windows of this node */
TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &(con->nodes_head), nodes)
TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &(con->floating_head), floating_windows)
if (con->type != CT_ROOT && con->type != CT_OUTPUT)
* Same idea as in x_push_node(), but this function only unmaps windows. It is
* necessary to split this up to handle new fullscreen clients properly: The
* new window needs to be mapped and focus needs to be set *before* the
* underlying windows are unmapped. Otherwise, focus will revert to the
* PointerRoot and will then be set to the new window, generating unnecessary
* FocusIn/FocusOut events.
static void x_push_node_unmaps(Con *con) {
Con *current;
con_state *state;
LOG("Pushing changes (with unmaps) for node %p / %s\n", con, con->name);
state = state_for_frame(con->frame);
/* map/unmap if map state changed, also ensure that the child window
* is changed if we are mapped *and* in initial state (meaning the
* container was empty before, but now got a child) */
if ((state->mapped != con->mapped || (con->mapped && state->initial)) &&
!con->mapped) {
xcb_void_cookie_t cookie;
if (con->window != NULL) {
/* Set WM_STATE_WITHDRAWN, it seems like Java apps need it */
xcb_change_property(conn, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, con->window->id,
atoms[WM_STATE], atoms[WM_STATE], 32, 2, data);
cookie = xcb_unmap_window(conn, con->frame);
LOG("unmapping container (serial %d)\n", cookie.sequence);
/* we need to increase ignore_unmap for this container (if it
* contains a window) and for every window "under" this one which
* contains a window */
if (con->window != NULL) {
DLOG("ignore_unmap for con %p (frame 0x%08x) now %d\n", con, con->frame, con->ignore_unmap);
/* Ignore enter_notifies which are generated when unmapping */
state->mapped = con->mapped;
/* handle all children and floating windows of this node */
TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &(con->nodes_head), nodes)
TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &(con->floating_head), floating_windows)
* Pushes all changes (state of each node, see x_push_node() and the window
* stack) to X11.
void x_push_changes(Con *con) {
con_state *state;
bool order_changed = false;
/* X11 correctly represents the stack if we push it from bottom to top */
CIRCLEQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(state, &state_head, state) {
LOG("stack: 0x%08x\n", state->id);
con_state *prev = CIRCLEQ_PREV(state, state);
con_state *old_prev = CIRCLEQ_PREV(state, old_state);
if (prev != old_prev)
order_changed = true;
if ((state->initial || order_changed) && prev != CIRCLEQ_END(&state_head)) {
LOG("Stacking 0x%08x above 0x%08x\n", prev->id, state->id);
uint32_t mask = 0;
uint32_t values[] = {state->id, XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE};
xcb_configure_window(conn, prev->id, mask, values);
state->initial = false;
xcb_window_t to_focus = focused->frame;
if (focused->window != NULL)
to_focus = focused->window->id;
DLOG("focused_id = 0x%08x, to_focus = 0x%08x\n", focused_id, to_focus);
if (focused_id != to_focus) {
if (!focused->mapped) {
DLOG("Not updating focus (to %p / %s), focused window is not mapped.\n", focused, focused->name);
} else {
LOG("Updating focus (focused: %p / %s)\n", focused, focused->name);
xcb_set_input_focus(conn, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_POINTER_ROOT, to_focus, XCB_CURRENT_TIME);
focused_id = to_focus;
/* save the current stack as old stack */
CIRCLEQ_FOREACH(state, &state_head, state) {
CIRCLEQ_REMOVE(&old_state_head, state, old_state);
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(&old_state_head, state, old_state);
CIRCLEQ_FOREACH(state, &old_state_head, old_state) {
LOG("old stack: 0x%08x\n", state->id);
* Raises the specified container in the internal stack of X windows. The
* next call to x_push_changes() will make the change visible in X11.
void x_raise_con(Con *con) {
con_state *state;
LOG("raising in new stack: %p / %s\n", con, con->name);
state = state_for_frame(con->frame);
CIRCLEQ_REMOVE(&state_head, state, state);
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(&state_head, state, state);
* Sets the WM_NAME property (so, no UTF8, but used only for debugging anyways)
* of the given name. Used for properly tagging the windows for easily spotting
* i3 windows in xwininfo -root -all.
void x_set_name(Con *con, const char *name) {
struct con_state *state;
if ((state = state_for_frame(con->frame)) == NULL) {
ELOG("window state not found\n");
state->name = sstrdup(name);