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* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
* © 2009-2010 Michael Stapelberg and contributors
* See file LICENSE for license information.
* xcb.c: Helper functions for easier usage of XCB
#include "all.h"
TAILQ_HEAD(cached_fonts_head, Font) cached_fonts = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(cached_fonts);
unsigned int xcb_numlock_mask;
* Loads a font for usage, getting its height. This function is used very often, so it
* maintains a cache.
i3Font *load_font(xcb_connection_t *conn, const char *pattern) {
/* Check if we got the font cached */
i3Font *font;
TAILQ_FOREACH(font, &cached_fonts, fonts)
if (strcmp(font->pattern, pattern) == 0)
return font;
i3Font *new = smalloc(sizeof(i3Font));
xcb_void_cookie_t font_cookie;
xcb_list_fonts_with_info_cookie_t info_cookie;
/* Send all our requests first */
new->id = xcb_generate_id(conn);
font_cookie = xcb_open_font_checked(conn, new->id, strlen(pattern), pattern);
info_cookie = xcb_list_fonts_with_info(conn, 1, strlen(pattern), pattern);
check_error(conn, font_cookie, "Could not open font");
/* Get information (height/name) for this font */
xcb_list_fonts_with_info_reply_t *reply = xcb_list_fonts_with_info_reply(conn, info_cookie, NULL);
exit_if_null(reply, "Could not load font \"%s\"\n", pattern);
if (asprintf(&(new->name), "%.*s", xcb_list_fonts_with_info_name_length(reply),
xcb_list_fonts_with_info_name(reply)) == -1)
die("asprintf() failed\n");
new->pattern = sstrdup(pattern);
new->height = reply->font_ascent + reply->font_descent;
/* Insert into cache */
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&cached_fonts, new, fonts);
return new;
* Returns the colorpixel to use for the given hex color (think of HTML).
* The hex_color has to start with #, for example #FF00FF.
* NOTE that get_colorpixel() does _NOT_ check the given color code for validity.
* This has to be done by the caller.
uint32_t get_colorpixel(char *hex) {
char strgroups[3][3] = {{hex[1], hex[2], '\0'},
{hex[3], hex[4], '\0'},
{hex[5], hex[6], '\0'}};
uint32_t rgb16[3] = {(strtol(strgroups[0], NULL, 16)),
(strtol(strgroups[1], NULL, 16)),
(strtol(strgroups[2], NULL, 16))};
return (rgb16[0] << 16) + (rgb16[1] << 8) + rgb16[2];
* Convenience wrapper around xcb_create_window which takes care of depth, generating an ID and checking
* for errors.
xcb_window_t create_window(xcb_connection_t *conn, Rect dims, uint16_t window_class,
enum xcursor_cursor_t cursor, bool map, uint32_t mask, uint32_t *values) {
xcb_window_t root = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(xcb_get_setup(conn)).data->root;
xcb_window_t result = xcb_generate_id(conn);
xcb_cursor_t cursor_id = xcb_generate_id(conn);
/* If the window class is XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_ONLY, depth has to be 0 */
uint16_t depth = (window_class == XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_ONLY ? 0 : XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT);
result, /* the window id */
root, /* parent == root */
dims.x, dims.y, dims.width, dims.height, /* dimensions */
0, /* border = 0, we draw our own */
XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_COPY_FROM_PARENT, /* copy visual from parent */
/* Set the cursor */
if (xcursor_supported) {
values[0] = xcursor_get_cursor(cursor);
xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, result, mask, values);
} else {
i3Font *cursor_font = load_font(conn, "cursor");
int xcb_cursor = xcursor_get_xcb_cursor(cursor);
xcb_create_glyph_cursor(conn, cursor_id, cursor_font->id, cursor_font->id,
xcb_cursor, xcb_cursor + 1, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 65535, 65535);
xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, result, XCB_CW_CURSOR, &cursor_id);
xcb_free_cursor(conn, cursor_id);
/* Map the window (= make it visible) */
if (map)
xcb_map_window(conn, result);
return result;
* Changes a single value in the graphic context (so one doesnt have to define an array of values)
void xcb_change_gc_single(xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_gcontext_t gc, uint32_t mask, uint32_t value) {
xcb_change_gc(conn, gc, mask, &value);
* Draws a line from x,y to to_x,to_y using the given color
void xcb_draw_line(xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_drawable_t drawable, xcb_gcontext_t gc,
uint32_t colorpixel, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t to_x, uint32_t to_y) {
xcb_change_gc_single(conn, gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, colorpixel);
xcb_point_t points[] = {{x, y}, {to_x, to_y}};
xcb_poly_line(conn, XCB_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, drawable, gc, 2, points);
* Draws a rectangle from x,y with width,height using the given color
void xcb_draw_rect(xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_drawable_t drawable, xcb_gcontext_t gc,
uint32_t colorpixel, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
xcb_change_gc_single(conn, gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, colorpixel);
xcb_rectangle_t rect = {x, y, width, height};
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, drawable, gc, 1, &rect);
* Generates a configure_notify event and sends it to the given window
* Applications need this to think theyve configured themselves correctly.
* The truth is, however, that we will manage them.
void fake_configure_notify(xcb_connection_t *conn, Rect r, xcb_window_t window) {
xcb_configure_notify_event_t generated_event;
generated_event.event = window;
generated_event.window = window;
generated_event.response_type = XCB_CONFIGURE_NOTIFY;
generated_event.x = r.x;
generated_event.y = r.y;
generated_event.width = r.width;
generated_event.height = r.height;
generated_event.border_width = 0;
generated_event.above_sibling = XCB_NONE;
generated_event.override_redirect = false;
xcb_send_event(conn, false, window, XCB_EVENT_MASK_STRUCTURE_NOTIFY, (char*)&generated_event);
* Generates a configure_notify_event with absolute coordinates (relative to the X root
* window, not to the clients frame) for the given client.
void fake_absolute_configure_notify(Con *con) {
Rect absolute;
if (con->window == NULL)
absolute.x = con->rect.x + con->window_rect.x;
absolute.y = con->rect.y + con->window_rect.y;
absolute.width = con->window_rect.width;
absolute.height = con->window_rect.height;
fake_configure_notify(conn, absolute, con->window->id);
* Finds out which modifier mask is the one for numlock, as the user may change this.
void xcb_get_numlock_mask(xcb_connection_t *conn) {
xcb_key_symbols_t *keysyms;
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_cookie_t cookie;
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_reply_t *reply;
xcb_keycode_t *modmap;
int mask, i;
const int masks[8] = { XCB_MOD_MASK_SHIFT,
/* Request the modifier map */
cookie = xcb_get_modifier_mapping_unchecked(conn);
/* Get the keysymbols */
keysyms = xcb_key_symbols_alloc(conn);
if ((reply = xcb_get_modifier_mapping_reply(conn, cookie, NULL)) == NULL) {
modmap = xcb_get_modifier_mapping_keycodes(reply);
/* Get the keycode for numlock */
xcb_keycode_t numlock = xcb_key_symbols_get_keycode(keysyms, XCB_NUM_LOCK);
/* For now, we only use the first keysymbol. */
xcb_keycode_t *numlock_syms = xcb_key_symbols_get_keycode(keysyms, XCB_NUM_LOCK);
if (numlock_syms == NULL)
xcb_keycode_t numlock = *numlock_syms;
/* Check all modifiers (Mod1-Mod5, Shift, Control, Lock) */
for (mask = 0; mask < 8; mask++)
for (i = 0; i < reply->keycodes_per_modifier; i++)
if (modmap[(mask * reply->keycodes_per_modifier) + i] == numlock)
xcb_numlock_mask = masks[mask];
* Raises the given window (typically client->frame) above all other windows
void xcb_raise_window(xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_window_t window) {
uint32_t values[] = { XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE };
xcb_configure_window(conn, window, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE, values);
* Prepares the given Cached_Pixmap for usage (checks whether the size of the
* object this pixmap is related to (e.g. a window) has changed and re-creates
* the pixmap if so).
void cached_pixmap_prepare(xcb_connection_t *conn, struct Cached_Pixmap *pixmap) {
DLOG("preparing pixmap\n");
/* If the Rect did not change, the pixmap does not need to be recreated */
if (memcmp(&(pixmap->rect), pixmap->referred_rect, sizeof(Rect)) == 0)
memcpy(&(pixmap->rect), pixmap->referred_rect, sizeof(Rect));
if (pixmap->id == 0 || pixmap->gc == 0) {
DLOG("Creating new pixmap...\n");
pixmap->id = xcb_generate_id(conn);
pixmap->gc = xcb_generate_id(conn);
} else {
DLOG("Re-creating this pixmap...\n");
xcb_free_gc(conn, pixmap->gc);
xcb_free_pixmap(conn, pixmap->id);
xcb_create_pixmap(conn, root_depth, pixmap->id,
pixmap->referred_drawable, pixmap->rect.width, pixmap->rect.height);
xcb_create_gc(conn, pixmap->gc, pixmap->id, 0, 0);
* Query the width of the given text (16-bit characters, UCS) with given real
* length (amount of glyphs) using the given font.
int predict_text_width(xcb_connection_t *conn, const char *font_pattern, char *text, int length) {
i3Font *font = load_font(conn, font_pattern);
xcb_query_text_extents_cookie_t cookie;
xcb_query_text_extents_reply_t *reply;
xcb_generic_error_t *error;
int width;
cookie = xcb_query_text_extents(conn, font->id, length, (xcb_char2b_t*)text);
if ((reply = xcb_query_text_extents_reply(conn, cookie, &error)) == NULL) {
ELOG("Could not get text extents (X error code %d)\n",
/* We return the rather safe guess of 7 pixels, because a
* rendering error is better than a crash. Plus, the user will
* see the error in his log. */
return 7;
width = reply->overall_width;
return width;
* Configures the given window to have the size/position specified by given rect
void xcb_set_window_rect(xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_window_t window, Rect r) {
xcb_void_cookie_t cookie;
cookie = xcb_configure_window(conn, window,
/* ignore events which are generated because we configured a window */
* Returns true if the given reply contains the given atom.
bool xcb_reply_contains_atom(xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop, xcb_atom_t atom) {
if (prop == NULL || xcb_get_property_value_length(prop) == 0)
return false;
xcb_atom_t *atoms;
if ((atoms = xcb_get_property_value(prop)) == NULL)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < xcb_get_property_value_length(prop); i++)
if (atoms[i] == atom)
return true;
return false;