Copied from upstream:

# HG changeset patch
# User Jonathan Kew <>
# Date 1456760339 0
# Node ID ec9cff7bb5439b2b4c1249ff9376d07a80172c27
# Parent  6f4d5130238790fa5810c76ffeb9eccc65efa8c9
Bug 1248876 - Update graphite2 to upstream release 1.3.6. r=jrmuizel a=sledru

diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla b/gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
--- a/gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/README.mozilla
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-This directory contains the Graphite2 library release 1.3.5 from
+This directory contains the Graphite2 library release 1.3.6 from
 See gfx/graphite2/ for update procedure.
-Also includes two post-1.3.5 fixes:
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Font.h b/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Font.h
--- a/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Font.h
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/include/graphite2/Font.h
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
     either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version.
 #pragma once
 #include "graphite2/Types.h"
 #define GR2_VERSION_MAJOR   1
 #define GR2_VERSION_MINOR   3
-#define GR2_VERSION_BUGFIX  5
+#define GR2_VERSION_BUGFIX  6
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C"
 typedef struct gr_face          gr_face;
 typedef struct gr_font          gr_font;
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/ b/gfx/graphite2/
--- a/gfx/graphite2/
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/
@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@
 if [ "x$RELEASE" == "x" ]
     echo "Must provide the version number to be used."
     exit 1
 foo=`basename $0`
 TMPFILE=`mktemp -t ${foo}` || exit 1
 curl -L "$TARBALL" -o "$TMPFILE"
 tar -x -z -C gfx/graphite2/ --strip-components 1 -f "$TMPFILE" || exit 1
 rm "$TMPFILE"
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/CmapCache.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/CmapCache.cpp
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/CmapCache.cpp
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/CmapCache.cpp
@@ -33,43 +33,43 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
 using namespace graphite2;
 const void * bmp_subtable(const Face::Table & cmap)
     const void * stbl;
     if (!cmap.size()) return 0;
-    if (TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 3, 1, cmap.size()), cmap.size())
-     || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 3, cmap.size()), cmap.size())
-     || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 2, cmap.size()), cmap.size())
-     || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 1, cmap.size()), cmap.size())
-     || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 0, cmap.size()), cmap.size()))
+    if (TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 3, 1, cmap.size()), cmap + cmap.size())
+     || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 3, cmap.size()), cmap + cmap.size())
+     || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 2, cmap.size()), cmap + cmap.size())
+     || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 1, cmap.size()), cmap + cmap.size())
+     || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable4(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 0, cmap.size()), cmap + cmap.size()))
         return stbl;
     return 0;
 const void * smp_subtable(const Face::Table & cmap)
     const void * stbl;
     if (!cmap.size()) return 0;
-    if (TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable12(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 3, 10, cmap.size()), cmap.size())
-     || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable12(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 4, cmap.size()), cmap.size()))
+    if (TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable12(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 3, 10, cmap.size()), cmap + cmap.size())
+     || TtfUtil::CheckCmapSubtable12(stbl = TtfUtil::FindCmapSubtable(cmap, 0, 4, cmap.size()), cmap + cmap.size()))
         return stbl;
     return 0;
 template <unsigned int (*NextCodePoint)(const void *, unsigned int, int *),
           uint16 (*LookupCodePoint)(const void *, unsigned int, int)>
 bool cache_subtable(uint16 * blocks[], const void * cst, const unsigned int limit)
     int rangeKey = 0;
     uint32          codePoint = NextCodePoint(cst, 0, &rangeKey),
                     prevCodePoint = 0;
-    while (codePoint != limit)
+    while (codePoint < limit)
         unsigned int block = codePoint >> 8;
         if (!blocks[block])
             blocks[block] = grzeroalloc<uint16>(0x100);
             if (!blocks[block])
                 return false;
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Code.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Code.cpp
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Code.cpp
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Code.cpp
@@ -79,18 +79,19 @@ struct context
 class Machine::Code::decoder
     struct limits;
     struct analysis
+        static const int NUMCONTEXTS = 256;
         uint8     slotref;
-        context   contexts[256];
+        context   contexts[NUMCONTEXTS];
         byte      max_ref;
         analysis() : slotref(0), max_ref(0) {};
         void set_ref(int index, bool incinsert=false) throw();
         void set_noref(int index) throw();
         void set_changed(int index) throw();
@@ -363,29 +364,33 @@ opcode Machine::Code::decoder::fetch_opc
         case ATTR_SET :
         case ATTR_ADD :
         case ATTR_SUB :
         case ATTR_SET_SLOT :
             if (--_stack_depth < 0)
             valid_upto(gr_slatMax, bc[0]);
+            if (attrCode(bc[0]) == gr_slatUserDefn)     // use IATTR for user attributes
+                failure(out_of_range_data);
         case IATTR_SET_SLOT :
             if (--_stack_depth < 0)
             if (valid_upto(gr_slatMax, bc[0]))
                 valid_upto(_max.attrid[bc[0]], bc[1]);
         case PUSH_SLOT_ATTR :
             valid_upto(gr_slatMax, bc[0]);
             valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[1]));
+            if (attrCode(bc[0]) == gr_slatUserDefn)     // use IATTR for user attributes
+                failure(out_of_range_data);
         case PUSH_GLYPH_ATTR_OBS :
             valid_upto(_max.glyf_attrs, bc[0]);
             valid_upto(_rule_length, _pre_context + int8(bc[1]));
         case PUSH_GLYPH_METRIC :
@@ -656,24 +661,24 @@ bool Machine::Code::decoder::validate_op
         return false;
     return true;
 bool Machine::Code::decoder::valid_upto(const uint16 limit, const uint16 x) const throw()
-    const bool t = x < limit;
+    const bool t = (limit != 0) && (x < limit);
     if (!t) failure(out_of_range_data);
     return t;
 bool Machine::Code::decoder::test_context() const throw()
-    if (_pre_context >= _rule_length)
+    if (_pre_context >= _rule_length || _analysis.slotref >= analysis::NUMCONTEXTS - 1)
         return false;
     return true;
@@ -681,34 +686,34 @@ void Machine::Code::failure(const status
     _status = s;
 void Machine::Code::decoder::analysis::set_ref(int index, bool incinsert) throw() {
     if (incinsert && contexts[slotref].flags.inserted) --index;
-    if (index + slotref < 0) return;
+    if (index + slotref < 0 || index + slotref >= NUMCONTEXTS) return;
     contexts[index + slotref].flags.referenced = true;
     if ((index > 0 || !contexts[index + slotref].flags.inserted) && index + slotref > max_ref) max_ref = index + slotref;
 void Machine::Code::decoder::analysis::set_noref(int index) throw() {
     if (contexts[slotref].flags.inserted) --index;
-    if (index + slotref < 0) return;
+    if (index + slotref < 0 || index + slotref >= NUMCONTEXTS) return;
     if ((index > 0 || !contexts[index + slotref].flags.inserted) && index + slotref > max_ref) max_ref = index + slotref;
 void Machine::Code::decoder::analysis::set_changed(int index) throw() {
     if (contexts[slotref].flags.inserted) --index;
-    if (index + slotref < 0) return;
+    if (index + slotref < 0 || index + slotref >= NUMCONTEXTS) return;
     contexts[index + slotref].flags.changed = true;
     if ((index > 0 || !contexts[index + slotref].flags.inserted) && index + slotref > max_ref) max_ref = index + slotref;
 void Machine::Code::release_buffers() throw()
     if (_own)
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/GlyphCache.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/GlyphCache.cpp
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/GlyphCache.cpp
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/GlyphCache.cpp
@@ -260,17 +260,17 @@ GlyphCache::Loader::Loader(const Face & 
         _head = Face::Table();
     if (!dumb_font)
         if ((m_pGlat = Face::Table(face, Tag::Glat, 0x00030000)) == NULL
             || (m_pGloc = Face::Table(face, Tag::Gloc)) == NULL
-            || m_pGloc.size() < 6)
+            || m_pGloc.size() < 8)
             _head = Face::Table();
         const byte    * p = m_pGloc;
         int       version = be::read<uint32>(p);
         const uint16    flags = be::read<uint16>(p);
         _num_attrs = be::read<uint16>(p);
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Pass.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Pass.cpp
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Pass.cpp
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Pass.cpp
@@ -233,17 +233,17 @@ bool Pass::readRules(const byte * rule_m
     m_codes = new Code [m_numRules*2];
     const size_t prog_pool_sz = vm::Machine::Code::estimateCodeDataOut(ac_end - ac_data + rc_end - rc_data);
     m_progs = gralloc<byte>(prog_pool_sz);
     byte * prog_pool_free = m_progs,
          * prog_pool_end  = m_progs + prog_pool_sz;
     if (e.test(!(m_rules && m_codes && m_progs), E_OUTOFMEM)) return face.error(e);
     Rule * r = m_rules + m_numRules - 1;
-    for (size_t n = m_numRules; n; --n, --r, ac_end = ac_begin, rc_end = rc_begin)
+    for (size_t n = m_numRules; r >= m_rules; --n, --r, ac_end = ac_begin, rc_end = rc_begin)
         face.error_context((face.error_context() & 0xFFFF00) + EC_ARULE + ((n - 1) << 24));
         r->preContext = *--precontext;
         r->sort       = be::peek<uint16>(--sort_key);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
         r->rule_idx   = n - 1;
         if (r->sort > 63 || r->preContext >= r->sort || r->preContext > m_maxPreCtxt || r->preContext < m_minPreCtxt)
@@ -405,16 +405,17 @@ bool Pass::runGraphite(vm::Machine & m, 
         json::closer rules_array_closer(fsm.dbgout);
         int lc = m_iMaxLoop;
             findNDoRule(s, m, fsm);
+            if (m.status() != Machine::finished) return false;
             if (s && (s == m.slotMap().highwater() || m.slotMap().highpassed() || --lc == 0)) {
                 if (!lc)
                     s = m.slotMap().highwater();
                 lc = m_iMaxLoop;
                 if (s)
         } while (s);
@@ -495,17 +496,22 @@ void Pass::findNDoRule(Slot * & slot, Ma
     if (runFSM(fsm, slot))
         // Search for the first rule which passes the constraint
         const RuleEntry *        r = fsm.rules.begin(),
                         * const re = fsm.rules.end();
-        while (r != re && !testConstraint(*r->rule, m)) ++r;
+        while (r != re && !testConstraint(*r->rule, m))
+        {
+            ++r;
+            if (m.status() != Machine::finished)
+                return;
+        }
 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
         if (fsm.dbgout)
             if (fsm.rules.size() != 0)
                 *fsm.dbgout << json::item << json::object;
                 dumpRuleEventConsidered(fsm, *r);
@@ -530,16 +536,17 @@ void Pass::findNDoRule(Slot * & slot, Ma
             if (r != re)
                 const int adv = doAction(r->rule->action, slot, m);
+                if (m.status() != Machine::finished) return;
                 if (r->rule->action->deletes()) fsm.slots.collectGarbage(slot);
                 adjustSlot(adv, slot, fsm.slots);
     slot = slot->next();
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Segment.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Segment.cpp
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Segment.cpp
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Segment.cpp
@@ -205,18 +205,23 @@ Slot *Segment::newSlot()
 void Segment::freeSlot(Slot *aSlot)
     if (m_last == aSlot) m_last = aSlot->prev();
     if (m_first == aSlot) m_first = aSlot->next();
     if (aSlot->attachedTo())
     while (aSlot->firstChild())
-        aSlot->firstChild()->attachTo(NULL);
-        aSlot->removeChild(aSlot->firstChild());
+        if (aSlot->firstChild()->attachedTo() == aSlot)
+        {
+            aSlot->firstChild()->attachTo(NULL);
+            aSlot->removeChild(aSlot->firstChild());
+        }
+        else
+            aSlot->firstChild(NULL);
     // reset the slot incase it is reused
     ::new (aSlot) Slot(aSlot->userAttrs());
     memset(aSlot->userAttrs(), 0, m_silf->numUser() * sizeof(int16));
     // Update generation counter for debug
 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
     if (m_face->logger())
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/Slot.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/Slot.cpp
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/Slot.cpp
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/Slot.cpp
@@ -192,16 +192,18 @@ int32 Slot::clusterMetric(const Segment 
 #define SLOTGETCOLATTR(x) { SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); return c ? int(c-> x) : 0; }
 int Slot::getAttr(const Segment *seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex) const
     if (ind == gr_slatUserDefnV1)
         ind = gr_slatUserDefn;
         subindex = 0;
+        if (seg->numAttrs() == 0)
+            return 0;
     else if (ind >= gr_slatJStretch && ind < gr_slatJStretch + 20 && ind != gr_slatJWidth)
         int indx = ind - gr_slatJStretch;
         return getJustify(seg, indx / 5, indx % 5);
     switch (ind)
@@ -269,16 +271,18 @@ int Slot::getAttr(const Segment *seg, at
         break; }
 void Slot::setAttr(Segment *seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex, int16 value, const SlotMap & map)
     if (ind == gr_slatUserDefnV1)
         ind = gr_slatUserDefn;
         subindex = 0;
+        if (seg->numAttrs() == 0)
+            return;
     else if (ind >= gr_slatJStretch && ind < gr_slatJStretch + 20 && ind != gr_slatJWidth)
         int indx = ind - gr_slatJStretch;
         return setJustify(seg, indx / 5, indx % 5, value);
     switch (ind)
@@ -416,32 +420,32 @@ bool Slot::sibling(Slot *ap)
 bool Slot::removeChild(Slot *ap)
     if (this == ap || !m_child) return false;
     else if (ap == m_child)
         Slot *nSibling = m_child->nextSibling();
-        m_child->sibling(NULL);
+        m_child->removeSibling(nSibling);
         m_child = nSibling;
         return true;
         return m_child->removeSibling(ap);
     return true;
 bool Slot::removeSibling(Slot *ap)
     if (this == ap || !m_sibling) return false;
     else if (ap == m_sibling)
         m_sibling = m_sibling->nextSibling();
-        ap->sibling(NULL);
+        if (m_sibling) ap->removeSibling(m_sibling);
         return true;
         return m_sibling->removeSibling(ap);
     return true;
 void Slot::setGlyph(Segment *seg, uint16 glyphid, const GlyphFace * theGlyph)
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/TtfUtil.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/TtfUtil.cpp
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/TtfUtil.cpp
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/TtfUtil.cpp
@@ -884,18 +884,19 @@ const void * FindCmapSubtable(const void
     return 0;
     Check the Microsoft Unicode subtable for expected values
-bool CheckCmapSubtable4(const void * pCmapSubtable4, size_t table_len /*, unsigned int maxgid*/)
+bool CheckCmapSubtable4(const void * pCmapSubtable4, const void * pCmapEnd /*, unsigned int maxgid*/)
+    size_t table_len = (const byte *)pCmapEnd - (const byte *)pCmapSubtable4;
     if (!pCmapSubtable4) return false;
     const Sfnt::CmapSubTable * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTable *>(pCmapSubtable4);
     // Bob H say some freeware TT fonts have version 1 (eg, CALIGULA.TTF) 
     // so don't check subtable version. 21 Mar 2002 spec changes version to language.
     if (be::swap(pTable->format) != 4) return false;
     const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4 * pTable4 = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat4 *>(pCmapSubtable4);
     uint16 length = be::swap(pTable4->length);
     if (length > table_len)
@@ -1044,17 +1045,17 @@ unsigned int CmapSubtable4NextCodepoint(
             *pRangeKey = nRange - 1;
         return 0xFFFF;
     int iRange = (pRangeKey) ? *pRangeKey : 0;
     // Just in case we have a bad key:
     while (iRange > 0 && be::peek<uint16>(pStartCode + iRange) > nUnicodePrev)
-    while (be::peek<uint16>(pTable->end_code + iRange) < nUnicodePrev)
+    while (iRange < nRange - 1 && be::peek<uint16>(pTable->end_code + iRange) < nUnicodePrev)
     // Now iRange is the range containing nUnicodePrev.
     unsigned int nStartCode = be::peek<uint16>(pStartCode + iRange);
     unsigned int nEndCode = be::peek<uint16>(pTable->end_code + iRange);
     if (nStartCode > nUnicodePrev)
         // Oops, nUnicodePrev is not in the cmap! Adjust so we get a reasonable
@@ -1069,36 +1070,37 @@ unsigned int CmapSubtable4NextCodepoint(
         return nUnicodePrev + 1;
     // Otherwise the next codepoint is the first one in the next range.
     // There is guaranteed to be a next range because there must be one that
     // ends with 0xFFFF.
     if (pRangeKey)
         *pRangeKey = iRange + 1;
-    return be::peek<uint16>(pStartCode + iRange + 1);
+    return (iRange + 1 >= nRange) ? 0xFFFF : be::peek<uint16>(pStartCode + iRange + 1);
     Check the Microsoft UCS-4 subtable for expected values.
-bool CheckCmapSubtable12(const void *pCmapSubtable12, size_t table_len /*, unsigned int maxgid*/)
+bool CheckCmapSubtable12(const void *pCmapSubtable12, const void *pCmapEnd /*, unsigned int maxgid*/)
+    size_t table_len = (const byte *)pCmapEnd - (const byte *)pCmapSubtable12;
     if (!pCmapSubtable12)  return false;
     const Sfnt::CmapSubTable * pTable = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTable *>(pCmapSubtable12);
     if (be::swap(pTable->format) != 12)
         return false;
     const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12 * pTable12 = reinterpret_cast<const Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12 *>(pCmapSubtable12);
     uint32 length = be::swap(pTable12->length);
     if (length > table_len)
         return false;
     if (length < sizeof(Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12))
         return false;
     uint32 num_groups = be::swap(pTable12->num_groups);
-    if (length != (sizeof(Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12) + (num_groups - 1) * sizeof(uint32) * 3))
+    if (num_groups > 0x10000000 || length != (sizeof(Sfnt::CmapSubTableFormat12) + (num_groups - 1) * sizeof(uint32) * 3))
         return false;
 #if 0
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_groups; ++i)
         if (be::swap(pTable12->group[i].end_char_code)  - be::swap(pTable12->group[i].start_char_code) + be::swap(pTable12->group[i].start_glyph_id) > maxgid)
             return false;
         if (i > 0 && be::swap(pTable12->group[i].start_char_code) <= be::swap(pTable12->group[i-1].end_char_code))
             return false;
@@ -1161,17 +1163,17 @@ unsigned int CmapSubtable12NextCodepoint
             *pRangeKey = nRange;
         return 0x10FFFF;
     int iRange = (pRangeKey) ? *pRangeKey : 0;
     // Just in case we have a bad key:
     while (iRange > 0 && be::swap(pTable->group[iRange].start_char_code) > nUnicodePrev)
-    while (be::swap(pTable->group[iRange].end_char_code) < nUnicodePrev)
+    while (iRange < nRange - 1 && be::swap(pTable->group[iRange].end_char_code) < nUnicodePrev)
     // Now iRange is the range containing nUnicodePrev.
     unsigned int nStartCode = be::swap(pTable->group[iRange].start_char_code);
     unsigned int nEndCode = be::swap(pTable->group[iRange].end_char_code);
     if (nStartCode > nUnicodePrev)
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/call_machine.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/call_machine.cpp
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/call_machine.cpp
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/call_machine.cpp
@@ -67,32 +67,34 @@ using namespace vm;
 struct regbank  {
     slotref         is;
     slotref *       map;
     SlotMap       & smap;
     slotref * const map_base;
     const instr * & ip;
     uint8           direction;
     int8            flags;
+    Machine::status_t & status;
 typedef bool        (* ip_t)(registers);
 // Pull in the opcode definitions
 // We pull these into a private namespace so these otherwise common names dont
 // pollute the toplevel namespace.
 namespace {
 #define smap    reg.smap
 #define seg     smap.segment
 #define is
 #define ip      reg.ip
 #define map
 #define mapb    reg.map_base
 #define flags   reg.flags
 #define dir     reg.direction
+#define status  reg.status
 #include "inc/opcodes.h"
 #undef smap
 #undef seg
 #undef is
 #undef ip
 #undef map
@@ -108,17 +110,17 @@ Machine::stack_t  Machine::run(const ins
     assert(program != 0);
     // Declare virtual machine registers
     const instr   * ip = program-1;
     const byte    * dp = data;
     stack_t       * sp = _stack + Machine::STACK_GUARD,
             * const sb = sp;
-    regbank         reg = {*map, map, _map, _map.begin()+_map.context(), ip, _map.dir(), 0};
+    regbank         reg = {*map, map, _map, _map.begin()+_map.context(), ip, _map.dir(), 0, _status};
     // Run the program        
     while ((reinterpret_cast<ip_t>(*++ip))(dp, sp, sb, reg)) {}
     const stack_t ret = sp == _stack+STACK_GUARD+1 ? *sp-- : 0;
     map =;
     *map =;
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/direct_machine.cpp b/gfx/graphite2/src/direct_machine.cpp
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/direct_machine.cpp
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/direct_machine.cpp
@@ -57,36 +57,37 @@ using namespace vm;
 namespace {
 const void * direct_run(const bool          get_table_mode,
                         const instr       * program,
                         const byte        * data,
                         Machine::stack_t  * stack,
                         slotref         * & __map,
                         uint8                _dir,
+                        Machine::status_t & status,
                         SlotMap           * __smap=0)
     // We need to define and return to opcode table from within this function 
     // other inorder to take the addresses of the instruction bodies.
     #include "inc/opcode_table.h"
     if (get_table_mode)
         return opcode_table;
     // Declare virtual machine registers
-    const instr       * ip = program;
-    const byte        * dp = data;
-    Machine::stack_t  * sp = stack + Machine::STACK_GUARD,
-                * const sb = sp;
-    SlotMap         & smap = *__smap;
-    Segment          & seg = smap.segment;
-    slotref             is = *__map,
-                     * map = __map,
-              * const mapb = smap.begin()+smap.context();
-    uint8            dir = _dir;
-    int8             flags = 0;
+    const instr           * ip = program;
+    const byte            * dp = data;
+    Machine::stack_t      * sp = stack + Machine::STACK_GUARD,
+                    * const sb = sp;
+    SlotMap             & smap = *__smap;
+    Segment              & seg = smap.segment;
+    slotref                 is = *__map,
+                         * map = __map,
+                  * const mapb = smap.begin()+smap.context();
+    uint8                  dir = _dir;
+    int8                 flags = 0;
     // start the program
     goto **ip;
     // Pull in the opcode definitions
     #include "inc/opcodes.h"
@@ -95,25 +96,26 @@ const void * direct_run(const bool      
     return sp;
 const opcode_t * Machine::getOpcodeTable() throw()
     slotref * dummy;
-    return static_cast<const opcode_t *>(direct_run(true, 0, 0, 0, dummy, 0));
+    Machine::status_t dumstat = Machine::finished;
+    return static_cast<const opcode_t *>(direct_run(true, 0, 0, 0, dummy, 0, dumstat));
 Machine::stack_t  Machine::run(const instr   * program,
                                const byte    * data,
                                slotref     * & is)
     assert(program != 0);
     const stack_t *sp = static_cast<const stack_t *>(
-                direct_run(false, program, data, _stack, is, _map.dir(), &_map));
+                direct_run(false, program, data, _stack, is, _map.dir(), _status, &_map));
     const stack_t ret = sp == _stack+STACK_GUARD+1 ? *sp-- : 0;
     return ret;
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Code.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Code.h
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Code.h
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Code.h
@@ -109,17 +109,17 @@ public:
     int32 run(Machine &m, slotref * & map) const;
 size_t  Machine::Code::estimateCodeDataOut(size_t n_bc)
-    return n_bc * (sizeof(instr)+sizeof(byte));
+    return (n_bc + 1) * (sizeof(instr)+sizeof(byte));
 inline Machine::Code::Code() throw()
 : _code(0), _data(0), _data_size(0), _instr_count(0), _max_ref(0),
   _status(loaded), _constraint(false), _modify(false), _delete(false),
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Machine.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Machine.h
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Machine.h
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/Machine.h
@@ -135,17 +135,18 @@ public:
     class Code;
     enum status_t {
         finished = 0,
-        slot_offset_out_bounds
+        slot_offset_out_bounds,
+        died_early
     Machine(SlotMap &) throw();
     static const opcode_t *   getOpcodeTable() throw();
     SlotMap   & slotMap() const throw();
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/TtfUtil.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/TtfUtil.h
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/TtfUtil.h
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/TtfUtil.h
@@ -132,21 +132,21 @@ public:
     int GetLangsForNames(const void * pName, int nPlatformId, int nEncodingId,
         int *nameIdList, int cNameIds, short *langIdList);
     void SwapWString(void * pWStr, size_t nSize = 0); // throw (std::invalid_argument);
     ////////////////////////////////// cmap lookup tools 
     const void * FindCmapSubtable(const void * pCmap, int nPlatformId = 3, 
         int nEncodingId = 1, size_t length = 0);
-    bool CheckCmapSubtable4(const void * pCmap31, size_t table_len /*, unsigned int maxgid*/);
+    bool CheckCmapSubtable4(const void * pCmap31, const void * pCmapEnd /*, unsigned int maxgid*/);
     gid16 CmapSubtable4Lookup(const void * pCmapSubtabel4, unsigned int nUnicodeId, int rangeKey = 0);
     unsigned int CmapSubtable4NextCodepoint(const void *pCmap31, unsigned int nUnicodeId,
         int * pRangeKey = 0);
-    bool CheckCmapSubtable12(const void *pCmap310, size_t table_len /*, unsigned int maxgid*/);
+    bool CheckCmapSubtable12(const void *pCmap310, const void * pCmapEnd /*, unsigned int maxgid*/);
     gid16 CmapSubtable12Lookup(const void * pCmap310, unsigned int uUnicodeId, int rangeKey = 0);
     unsigned int CmapSubtable12NextCodepoint(const void *pCmap310, unsigned int nUnicodeId,
         int * pRangeKey = 0);
     ///////////////////////////////// horizontal metric data for a glyph
     bool HorMetrics(gid16 nGlyphId, const void * pHmtx, size_t lHmtxSize, 
         const void * pHhea, int & nLsb, unsigned int & nAdvWid);
diff --git a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcodes.h b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcodes.h
--- a/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcodes.h
+++ b/gfx/graphite2/src/inc/opcodes.h
@@ -71,17 +71,17 @@ of the License or (at your option) any l
 #define use_params(n)       dp += n
 #define declare_params(n)   const byte * param = dp; \
 #define push(n)             { *++sp = n; }
 #define pop()               (*sp--)
 #define slotat(x)           (map[(x)])
-#define DIE                 { is=seg.last(); EXIT(1); }
+#define DIE                 { is=seg.last(); status = Machine::died_early; EXIT(1); }
 #define POSITIONED          1
     do {} while (0);
@@ -387,30 +387,30 @@ STARTOP(attr_set)
     const attrCode      slat = attrCode(uint8(*param));
     const          int  val  = int(pop());
     if ((slat == gr_slatPosX || slat == gr_slatPosY) && (flags & POSITIONED) == 0)
-        seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), dir);
+        seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), seg.currdir());
         flags |= POSITIONED;
     int res = is->getAttr(&seg, slat, 0);
     is->setAttr(&seg, slat, 0, val + res, smap);
     const attrCode      slat = attrCode(uint8(*param));
     const          int  val  = int(pop());
     if ((slat == gr_slatPosX || slat == gr_slatPosY) && (flags & POSITIONED) == 0)
-        seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), dir);
+        seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), seg.currdir());
         flags |= POSITIONED;
     int res = is->getAttr(&seg, slat, 0);
     is->setAttr(&seg, slat, 0, res - val, smap);
@@ -429,17 +429,17 @@ STARTOP(iattr_set_slot)
     const attrCode      slat     = attrCode(uint8(param[0]));
     const int           slot_ref = int8(param[1]);
     if ((slat == gr_slatPosX || slat == gr_slatPosY) && (flags & POSITIONED) == 0)
-        seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), dir);
+        seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), seg.currdir());
         flags |= POSITIONED;
     slotref slot = slotat(slot_ref);
     if (slot)
         int res = slot->getAttr(&seg, slat, 0);
@@ -505,17 +505,17 @@ ENDOP
     const attrCode  slat     = attrCode(uint8(param[0]));
     const int           slot_ref = int8(param[1]),
                         idx      = uint8(param[2]);
     if ((slat == gr_slatPosX || slat == gr_slatPosY) && (flags & POSITIONED) == 0)
-        seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), dir);
+        seg.positionSlots(0, *smap.begin(), *(smap.end()-1), seg.currdir());
         flags |= POSITIONED;
     slotref slot = slotat(slot_ref);
     if (slot)
         int res = slot->getAttr(&seg, slat, idx);