;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2013 Nikita Karetnikov <nikita@karetnikov.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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(define-module (guix scripts hash)
  #:use-module (guix base32)
  #:use-module (gcrypt hash)
  #:use-module (guix serialization)
  #:use-module (guix ui)
  #:use-module (guix scripts)
  #:use-module (guix base16)
  #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
  #:use-module (rnrs files)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-37)
  #:export (guix-hash))

;;; Command-line options.

(define %default-options
  ;; Alist of default option values.
  `((format . ,bytevector->nix-base32-string)))

(define (show-help)
  (display (G_ "Usage: gcrypt hash [OPTION] FILE
Return the cryptographic hash of FILE.

Supported formats: 'nix-base32' (default), 'base32', and 'base16' ('hex'
and 'hexadecimal' can be used as well).\n"))
  (format #t (G_ "
  -x, --exclude-vcs      exclude version control directories"))
  (format #t (G_ "
  -f, --format=FMT       write the hash in the given format"))
  (format #t (G_ "
  -r, --recursive        compute the hash on FILE recursively"))
  (display (G_ "
  -h, --help             display this help and exit"))
  (display (G_ "
  -V, --version          display version information and exit"))

(define %options
  ;; Specification of the command-line options.
  (list (option '(#\x "exclude-vcs") #f #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (alist-cons 'exclude-vcs? #t result)))
        (option '(#\f "format") #t #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (define fmt-proc
                    (match arg
                      ((or "base16" "hex" "hexadecimal")
                       (leave (G_ "unsupported hash format: ~a~%")

                  (alist-cons 'format fmt-proc
                              (alist-delete 'format result))))
        (option '(#\r "recursive") #f #f
                (lambda (opt name arg result)
                  (alist-cons 'recursive? #t result)))
        (option '(#\h "help") #f #f
                (lambda args
                  (exit 0)))
        (option '(#\V "version") #f #f
                (lambda args
                  (show-version-and-exit "gcrypt hash")))))

;;; Entry point.

(define (guix-hash . args)
  (define (parse-options)
    ;; Return the alist of option values.
    (parse-command-line args %options (list %default-options)
                        #:build-options? #f))

  (define (vcs-file? file stat)
    (case (stat:type stat)
       (member (basename file) '(".bzr" ".git" ".hg" ".svn" "CVS")))
       ;; Git sub-modules have a '.git' file that is a regular text file.
       (string=? (basename file) ".git"))

  (let* ((opts (parse-options))
         (args (filter-map (match-lambda
                            (('argument . value)
                            (_ #f))
                           (reverse opts)))
         (fmt  (assq-ref opts 'format))
         (select? (if (assq-ref opts 'exclude-vcs?)
                      (negate vcs-file?)
                      (const #t))))

    (define (file-hash file)
      ;; Compute the hash of FILE.
      ;; Catch and gracefully report possible '&nar-error' conditions.
        (if (assoc-ref opts 'recursive?)
            (let-values (((port get-hash) (open-sha256-port)))
              (write-file file port #:select? select?)
              (force-output port)
            (match file
              ("-" (port-sha256 (current-input-port)))
              (_   (call-with-input-file file port-sha256))))))

    (match args
       (catch 'system-error
         (lambda ()
           (format #t "~a~%" (fmt (file-hash file))))
         (lambda args
           (leave (G_ "~a~%")
                  (strerror (system-error-errno args))))))
       (leave (G_ "wrong number of arguments~%"))))))