Based on <>
Adapted to apply cleanly to GNU IceCat.

# HG changeset patch
# User Honza Bambas <>
# Date 1528830658 14400
# Node ID 431fa5dd4016bdab7e4bb0d3c4df85468fe337b0
# Parent  e8e9e1ef79f2a18c61ec1b87cfb214c8d4960f8e
Bug 1413868. r=valentin, a=RyanVM

diff --git a/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp b/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp
--- a/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp
+++ b/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp
@@ -4,16 +4,17 @@
  * file, You can obtain one at */
 #include "mozilla/dom/ContentParent.h"
 #include "mozilla/dom/ContentChild.h"
 #include "mozilla/ipc/GeckoChildProcessHost.h"
 #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
 #include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
+#include "mozilla/FilePreferences.h"
 #include "mozilla/ChaosMode.h"
 #include "mozilla/IOInterposer.h"
 #include "mozilla/Likely.h"
 #include "mozilla/MemoryChecking.h"
 #include "mozilla/Poison.h"
 #include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
 #include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h"
 #include "mozilla/Services.h"
@@ -4304,16 +4305,20 @@ XREMain::XRE_mainRun()
       // Need to write out the fact that the profile has been removed and potentially
       // that the selected/default profile changed.
+  // As FilePreferences need the profile directory, we must initialize right here.
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::InitDirectoriesWhitelist();
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::InitPrefs();
   nsCString userAgentLocale;
   // Try a localized string first. This pref is always a localized string in
   // IceCatMobile, and might be elsewhere, too.
   if (NS_SUCCEEDED(Preferences::GetLocalizedCString("general.useragent.locale", &userAgentLocale))) {
     CrashReporter::AnnotateCrashReport(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("useragent_locale"), userAgentLocale);
diff --git a/toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp b/toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp
--- a/toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp
+++ b/toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp
@@ -46,16 +46,17 @@
 #include "nsX11ErrorHandler.h"
 #include "nsGDKErrorHandler.h"
 #include "base/at_exit.h"
 #include "base/command_line.h"
 #include "base/message_loop.h"
 #include "base/process_util.h"
 #include "chrome/common/child_process.h"
+#include "mozilla/FilePreferences.h"
 #include "mozilla/ipc/BrowserProcessSubThread.h"
 #include "mozilla/ipc/GeckoChildProcessHost.h"
 #include "mozilla/ipc/IOThreadChild.h"
 #include "mozilla/ipc/ProcessChild.h"
 #include "ScopedXREEmbed.h"
 #include "mozilla/plugins/PluginProcessChild.h"
 #include "mozilla/dom/ContentProcess.h"
@@ -680,16 +681,18 @@ XRE_InitChildProcess(int aArgc,
       ::SetProcessShutdownParameters(0x280 - 1, SHUTDOWN_NORETRY);
 #if defined(MOZ_SANDBOX) && defined(XP_WIN)
       // We need to do this after the process has been initialised, as
       // InitLoggingIfRequired may need access to prefs.
+      mozilla::FilePreferences::InitDirectoriesWhitelist();
+      mozilla::FilePreferences::InitPrefs();
 #if defined(MOZ_CONTENT_SANDBOX) && !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK)
diff --git a/xpcom/io/FilePreferences.cpp b/xpcom/io/FilePreferences.cpp
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpcom/io/FilePreferences.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+* file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "FilePreferences.h"
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
+#include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
+#include "nsDirectoryServiceUtils.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace FilePreferences {
+static bool sBlockUNCPaths = false;
+typedef nsTArray<nsString> Paths;
+static Paths& PathArray()
+  static Paths sPaths;
+  return sPaths;
+static void AllowDirectory(char const* directory)
+  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file;
+  NS_GetSpecialDirectory(directory, getter_AddRefs(file));
+  if (!file) {
+    return;
+  }
+  nsString path;
+  if (NS_FAILED(file->GetTarget(path))) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // The whitelist makes sense only for UNC paths, because this code is used
+  // to block only UNC paths, hence, no need to add non-UNC directories here
+  // as those would never pass the check.
+  if (!StringBeginsWith(path, NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\"))) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!PathArray().Contains(path)) {
+    PathArray().AppendElement(path);
+  }
+void InitPrefs()
+  sBlockUNCPaths = Preferences::GetBool("network.file.disable_unc_paths", false);
+void InitDirectoriesWhitelist()
+  // NS_GRE_DIR is the installation path where the binary resides.
+  AllowDirectory(NS_GRE_DIR);
+  // parts of the profile we store permanent and local-specific data.
+  AllowDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR);
+  AllowDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_LOCAL_50_DIR);
+namespace { // anon
+class Normalizer
+  Normalizer(const nsAString& aFilePath, const char16_t aSeparator);
+  bool Get(nsAString& aNormalizedFilePath);
+  bool ConsumeItem();
+  bool ConsumeSeparator();
+  bool IsEOF() { return mFilePathCursor == mFilePathEnd; }
+  bool ConsumeName();
+  bool CheckParentDir();
+  bool CheckCurrentDir();
+  nsString::const_char_iterator mFilePathCursor;
+  nsString::const_char_iterator mFilePathEnd;
+  nsDependentSubstring mItem;
+  char16_t const mSeparator;
+  nsTArray<nsDependentSubstring> mStack;
+Normalizer::Normalizer(const nsAString& aFilePath, const char16_t aSeparator)
+  : mFilePathCursor(aFilePath.BeginReading())
+  , mFilePathEnd(aFilePath.EndReading())
+  , mSeparator(aSeparator)
+bool Normalizer::ConsumeItem()
+  if (IsEOF()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  nsString::const_char_iterator nameBegin = mFilePathCursor;
+  while (mFilePathCursor != mFilePathEnd) {
+    if (*mFilePathCursor == mSeparator) {
+      break; // don't include the separator
+    }
+    ++mFilePathCursor;
+  }
+  mItem.Rebind(nameBegin, mFilePathCursor);
+  return true;
+bool Normalizer::ConsumeSeparator()
+  if (IsEOF()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (*mFilePathCursor != mSeparator) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  ++mFilePathCursor;
+  return true;
+bool Normalizer::Get(nsAString& aNormalizedFilePath)
+  aNormalizedFilePath.Truncate();
+  if (IsEOF()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (ConsumeSeparator()) {
+    aNormalizedFilePath.Append(mSeparator);
+  }
+  if (IsEOF()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (ConsumeSeparator()) {
+    aNormalizedFilePath.Append(mSeparator);
+  }
+  while (!IsEOF()) {
+    if (!ConsumeName()) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  for (auto const& name : mStack) {
+    aNormalizedFilePath.Append(name);
+  }
+  return true;
+bool Normalizer::ConsumeName()
+  if (!ConsumeItem()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (CheckCurrentDir()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (CheckParentDir()) {
+    if (!mStack.Length()) {
+      // This means there are more \.. than valid names
+      return false;
+    }
+    mStack.RemoveElementAt(mStack.Length() - 1);
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (mItem.IsEmpty()) {
+    // this means an empty name (a lone slash), which is illegal
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (ConsumeSeparator()) {
+    mItem.Rebind(mItem.BeginReading(), mFilePathCursor);
+  }
+  mStack.AppendElement(mItem);
+  return true;
+bool Normalizer::CheckCurrentDir()
+  if (mItem == NS_LITERAL_STRING(".")) {
+    ConsumeSeparator();
+    // EOF is acceptable
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool Normalizer::CheckParentDir()
+  if (mItem == NS_LITERAL_STRING("..")) {
+    ConsumeSeparator();
+    // EOF is acceptable
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+} // anon
+bool IsBlockedUNCPath(const nsAString& aFilePath)
+  if (!sBlockUNCPaths) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!StringBeginsWith(aFilePath, NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\"))) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  nsAutoString normalized;
+  if (!Normalizer(aFilePath, L'\\').Get(normalized)) {
+    // Broken paths are considered invalid and thus inaccessible
+    return true;
+  }
+  for (const auto& allowedPrefix : PathArray()) {
+    if (StringBeginsWith(normalized, allowedPrefix)) {
+      if (normalized.Length() == allowedPrefix.Length()) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      if (normalized[allowedPrefix.Length()] == L'\\') {
+        return false;
+      }
+      // When we are here, the path has a form "\\path\prefixevil"
+      // while we have an allowed prefix of "\\path\prefix".
+      // Note that we don't want to add a slash to the end of a prefix
+      // so that opening the directory (no slash at the end) still works.
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+void testing::SetBlockUNCPaths(bool aBlock)
+  sBlockUNCPaths = aBlock;
+void testing::AddDirectoryToWhitelist(nsAString const & aPath)
+  PathArray().AppendElement(aPath);
+bool testing::NormalizePath(nsAString const & aPath, nsAString & aNormalized)
+  Normalizer normalizer(aPath, L'\\');
+  return normalizer.Get(aNormalized);
+} // ::FilePreferences
+} // ::mozilla
diff --git a/xpcom/io/FilePreferences.h b/xpcom/io/FilePreferences.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpcom/io/FilePreferences.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+* file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "nsIObserver.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace FilePreferences {
+void InitPrefs();
+void InitDirectoriesWhitelist();
+bool IsBlockedUNCPath(const nsAString& aFilePath);
+namespace testing {
+void SetBlockUNCPaths(bool aBlock);
+void AddDirectoryToWhitelist(nsAString const& aPath);
+bool NormalizePath(nsAString const & aPath, nsAString & aNormalized);
+} // FilePreferences
+} // mozilla
diff --git a/xpcom/io/ b/xpcom/io/
--- a/xpcom/io/
+++ b/xpcom/io/
@@ -79,24 +79,26 @@ EXPORTS += [
 EXPORTS.mozilla += [
+    'FilePreferences.h',
+    'FilePreferences.cpp',
diff --git a/xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.cpp b/xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.cpp
--- a/xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.cpp
+++ b/xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.cpp
@@ -41,16 +41,17 @@
 #include  <stdio.h>
 #include  <stdlib.h>
 #include  <mbstring.h>
 #include "nsXPIDLString.h"
 #include "prproces.h"
 #include "prlink.h"
+#include "mozilla/FilePreferences.h"
 #include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
 #include "SpecialSystemDirectory.h"
 #include "nsTraceRefcnt.h"
 #include "nsXPCOMCIDInternal.h"
 #include "nsThreadUtils.h"
 #include "nsXULAppAPI.h"
@@ -1162,16 +1163,20 @@ nsLocalFile::InitWithPath(const nsAStrin
   char16_t secondChar = *(++begin);
   // just do a sanity check.  if it has any forward slashes, it is not a Native path
   // on windows.  Also, it must have a colon at after the first char.
   if (FindCharInReadable(L'/', begin, end)) {
+  if (FilePreferences::IsBlockedUNCPath(aFilePath)) {
+  }
   if (secondChar != L':' && (secondChar != L'\\' || firstChar != L'\\')) {
   if (secondChar == L':') {
     // Make sure we have a valid drive, later code assumes the drive letter
     // is a single char a-z or A-Z.
     if (PathGetDriveNumberW(aFilePath.Data()) == -1) {
@@ -1974,16 +1979,20 @@ nsLocalFile::CopySingleFile(nsIFile* aSo
     bool path1Remote, path2Remote;
     if (!IsRemoteFilePath(filePath.get(), path1Remote) ||
         !IsRemoteFilePath(destPath.get(), path2Remote) ||
         path1Remote || path2Remote) {
       dwCopyFlags |= COPY_FILE_NO_BUFFERING;
+  if (FilePreferences::IsBlockedUNCPath(destPath)) {
+  }
   if (!move) {
     copyOK = ::CopyFileExW(filePath.get(), destPath.get(), nullptr,
                            nullptr, nullptr, dwCopyFlags);
   } else {
     copyOK = ::MoveFileExW(filePath.get(), destPath.get(),
     // Check if copying the source file to a different volume,
diff --git a/xpcom/tests/gtest/TestFilePreferencesWin.cpp b/xpcom/tests/gtest/TestFilePreferencesWin.cpp
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpcom/tests/gtest/TestFilePreferencesWin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "mozilla/FilePreferences.h"
+#include "nsIFile.h"
+#include "nsXPCOMCID.h"
+TEST(FilePreferencesWin, Normalization)
+  nsAutoString normalized;
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("foo"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("foo"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\foo"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\foo"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("foo\\some"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("foo\\some"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\.\\foo"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\."), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\.\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\.\\."), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar\\"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar\\."), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar\\"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar\\.\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar\\"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar\\..\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar\\.."), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\..\\bar\\..\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\..\\bar"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\bar"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar\\..\\..\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar\\.\\..\\.\\..\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(normalized == NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\"));
+  bool result;
+  result = mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\.."), normalized);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+  result = mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\..\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+  result = mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\.\\..\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+  result = mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\\\bar"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+  result = mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\foo\\bar\\..\\..\\..\\..\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+  result = mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+  result = mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\.\\\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+  result = mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::NormalizePath(
+    NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\..\\\\"), normalized);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+TEST(FilePreferencesWin, AccessUNC)
+  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> lf = do_CreateInstance(NS_LOCAL_FILE_CONTRACTID);
+  nsresult rv;
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::SetBlockUNCPaths(false);
+  rv = lf->InitWithPath(NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\nice\\..\\evil\\share"));
+  ASSERT_EQ(rv, NS_OK);
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::SetBlockUNCPaths(true);
+  rv = lf->InitWithPath(NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\nice\\..\\evil\\share"));
+  mozilla::FilePreferences::testing::AddDirectoryToWhitelist(NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\nice"));
+  rv = lf->InitWithPath(NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\nice\\share"));
+  ASSERT_EQ(rv, NS_OK);
+  rv = lf->InitWithPath(NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\\\nice\\..\\evil\\share"));
diff --git a/xpcom/tests/gtest/ b/xpcom/tests/gtest/
--- a/xpcom/tests/gtest/
+++ b/xpcom/tests/gtest/
@@ -51,16 +51,21 @@ UNIFIED_SOURCES += [
 if CONFIG['MOZ_DEBUG'] and CONFIG['OS_ARCH'] not in ('WINNT') and CONFIG['OS_TARGET'] != 'Android':
     # FIXME bug 523392: TestDeadlockDetector doesn't like Windows
     # Bug 1054249: Doesn't work on Android
+        'TestFilePreferencesWin.cpp',
+    ]
 # Compile TestAllocReplacement separately so Windows headers don't pollute
 # the global namespace for other files.