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#!/usr/bin/env python
A Little Scheme in Python 2.7/3.8, v3.2 H31.01.13/R02.04.09 by SUZUKI Hisao
from __future__ import print_function
from sys import argv, exit
from sys import intern # for Python 3
raw_input = input # for Python 3
long = int # for Python 3
except ImportError:
class List (object):
"Empty list"
__slots__ = ()
def __iter__(self):
return iter(())
def __len__(self):
n = 0
for e in self:
n += 1
return n
NIL = List()
class Cell (List):
"Cons cell"
__slots__ = ('car', 'cdr')
def __init__(self, car, cdr):
self.car, self.cdr = car, cdr
def __iter__(self):
"Yield car, cadr, caddr and so on."
j = self
while isinstance(j, Cell):
yield j.car
j = j.cdr
if j is not NIL:
raise ImproperListError(j)
class ImproperListError (Exception):
QUOTE = intern('quote') # Use an interned string as a symbol.
IF = intern('if')
BEGIN = intern('begin')
LAMBDA = intern('lambda')
DEFINE = intern('define')
DEFINE_RECORD_TYPE = intern('define-record-type')
SETQ = intern('set!')
APPLY = intern('apply')
CALLCC = intern('call/cc')
NOCONT = () # NOCONT means there is no continuation.
# Continuation operators
THEN = intern('then')
APPLY_FUN = intern('aplly-fun')
EVAL_ARG = intern('eval-arg')
CONS_ARGS = intern('cons-args')
RESTORE_ENV = intern('restore-env')
class ApplyClass:
def __str__(self):
return '#<apply>'
class CallCcClass:
def __str__(self):
return '#<call/cc>'
APPLY_OBJ = ApplyClass()
CALLCC_OBJ = CallCcClass()
class SchemeString:
"String in Scheme"
def __init__(self, string):
self.string = string
def __repr__(self):
return '"' + self.string + '"'
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.string == other.string
class Environment (object):
"Linked list of bindings mapping symbols to values"
__slots__ = ('sym', 'val', 'next')
def __init__(self, sym, val, next):
"(env.sym is None) means the env is the frame top. "
self.sym, self.val, self.next = sym, val, next
def __iter__(self):
"Yield each binding in the linked list."
env = self
while env is not None:
yield env
env = env.next
def look_for(self, symbol):
"Search the bindings for a symbol."
for env in self:
if env.sym is symbol:
return env
raise NameError(symbol)
def prepend_defs(self, symbols, data):
"Build an environment prepending the bindings of symbols and data."
if symbols is NIL:
if data is not NIL:
raise TypeError('surplus arg: ' + stringify(data))
return self
if data is NIL:
raise TypeError('surplus param: ' + stringify(symbols))
return Environment(symbols.car, data.car,
self.prepend_defs(symbols.cdr, data.cdr))
class Closure (object):
"Lambda expression with its environment"
__slots__ = ('params', 'body', 'env')
def __init__(self, params, body, env):
self.params, self.body, self.env = params, body, env
class Intrinsic (object):
"Built-in function"
__slots__ = ('name', 'arity', 'fun')
def __init__(self, name, arity, fun):
self.name, self.arity, self.fun = name, arity, fun
def __repr__(self):
return '#<%s:%d>' % (self.name, self.arity)
def stringify(exp, quote=True):
"Convert an expression to a string."
if exp is True:
return '#t'
elif exp is False:
return '#f'
elif isinstance(exp, List):
ss = []
for element in exp:
ss.append(stringify(element, quote))
except ImproperListError as ex:
ss.append(stringify(ex.args[0], quote))
return '(' + ' '.join(ss) + ')'
elif isinstance(exp, Environment):
ss = []
for env in exp:
if env is GLOBAL_ENV:
elif env.sym is None: # marker of the frame top
return '#<' + ' '.join(ss) + '>'
elif isinstance(exp, Closure):
p, b, e = [stringify(x) for x in (exp.params, exp.body, exp.env)]
return '#<' + p + ':' + b + ':' + e + '>'
elif isinstance(exp, tuple) and len(exp) == 3:
p, v, k = [stringify(x) for x in exp]
return '#<' + p + ':' + v + ':\n ' + k + '>'
elif isinstance(exp, SchemeString) and not quote:
return exp.string
return str(exp)
def _globals(x):
"Return a list of keys of the global environment."
j, env = NIL, GLOBAL_ENV.next # Take next to skip the marker.
for e in env:
j = Cell(e.sym, j)
return j
def _error(x):
"Based on SRFI-23"
raise ErrorException("Error: %s: %s" % (stringify(x.car, False),
class ErrorException (Exception):
_ = lambda n, a, f, next: Environment(intern(n), Intrinsic(n, a, f), next)
_('+', 2, lambda x: x.car + x.cdr.car,
_('-', 2, lambda x: x.car - x.cdr.car,
_('*', 2, lambda x: x.car * x.cdr.car,
_('/', 2, lambda x: x.car / x.cdr.car,
_('>', 2, lambda x: x.car > x.cdr.car,
_('>=', 2, lambda x: x.car >= x.cdr.car,
_('<', 2, lambda x: x.car < x.cdr.car,
_('<=', 2, lambda x: x.car <= x.cdr.car,
_('=', 2, lambda x: x.car == x.cdr.car,
_('and', 2, lambda x: x.car and x.cdr.car,
_('number?', 1, lambda x: isinstance(x.car, (int, float, long)),
_('error', 2, _error,
_('globals', 0, _globals,
# My custom helpers
from datetime import datetime
_('now', 0, lambda x: datetime.now(),
_('concat', -1, lambda x: ''.join((stringify(x, False) for x in x)),
_('exit', 0, lambda x: exit(),
_('eval', 1, lambda x: evaluate(x.car),
# records = {}
# def make_record_type(name, params):
# # {n: None for n in x.cdr}
# # exp, k = kdr.cdr.car, (SETQ, env.look_for(kdr.car), k)
# # def first(cons, res=()):
# # print(cons, 'res', res)
# # if cons is NIL:
# # return res
# # return first(cons.cdr, (*res, cons.car))
# # print('params:', first(params))
# # print('x:', params.car.car)
# records[name] = tuple(x for x in params.car)
# print(records)
# return params
# Records
_('record?', 1, lambda x: x.car.string in records.keys(),
_('display', 1, lambda x: print(stringify(x.car, False), end=''),
_('newline', 0, lambda x: print(),
_('read', 0, lambda x: read_expression('', ''),
_('eof-object?', 1, lambda x: isinstance(x.car, EOFError),
_('symbol?', 1, lambda x: isinstance(x.car, str),
Environment(APPLY, APPLY_OBJ,
GLOBAL_ENV = Environment(
None, None, # marker of the frame top
_('car', 1, lambda x: x.car.car,
_('cdr', 1, lambda x: x.car.cdr,
_('cons', 2, lambda x: Cell(x.car, x.cdr.car),
_('eq?', 2, lambda x: x.car is x.cdr.car,
_('equal?', 2, lambda x: x.car == x.cdr.car,
_('pair?', 1, lambda x: isinstance(x.car, Cell),
_('null?', 1, lambda x: x.car is NIL,
_('not', 1, lambda x: x.car is False,
_('list', -1, lambda x: x,
def evaluate(exp, env=GLOBAL_ENV):
"Evaluate an expression in an environment."
while True:
while True:
if isinstance(exp, Cell):
kar, kdr = exp.car, exp.cdr
if kar is QUOTE: # (quote e)
exp = kdr.car
elif kar is IF: # (if e1 e2 e3) or (if e1 e2)
exp, k = kdr.car, (THEN, kdr.cdr, k)
elif kar is BEGIN: # (begin e...)
exp = kdr.car
if kdr.cdr is not NIL:
k = (BEGIN, kdr.cdr, k)
elif kar is LAMBDA: # (lambda (v...) e...)
exp = Closure(kdr.car, kdr.cdr, env)
elif kar is DEFINE: # (define v e)
v = kdr.car
assert isinstance(v, str), v
exp, k = kdr.cdr.car, (DEFINE, v, k)
elif kar is DEFINE_RECORD_TYPE: # x = v
print(kar, kdr.car, kdr.cdr.car.car)
exp, k = kdr.cdr.car, (DEFINE_RECORD_TYPE, kdr.car, kdr.cdr.car)
exp = None
elif kar is SETQ: # (set! v e)
exp, k = kdr.cdr.car, (SETQ, env.look_for(kdr.car), k)
exp, k = kar, (APPLY, kdr, k)
elif isinstance(exp, str):
exp = env.look_for(exp).val
else: # as a number, #t, #f etc.
while True:
if k is NOCONT:
return exp
op, x, k = k
if op is THEN: # x = (e2 e3)
if exp is False:
if x.cdr is NIL:
exp = None
exp = x.cdr.car # e3
exp = x.car # e2
elif op is BEGIN: # x = (e...)
if x.cdr is not NIL: # unless tail call...
k = (BEGIN, x.cdr, k)
exp = x.car
elif op is DEFINE: # x = v
assert env.sym is None # Check for the marker.
env.next = Environment(x, exp, env.next)
exp = None
elif op is DEFINE_RECORD_TYPE: # x = v
assert env.sym is None # Check for the marker.
# for x, exp in ():
# env.next = Environment(x, exp, env.next)
print('OP, x, k', op, x, k, exp)
# 1. x?
# 2. x-a, x-b, x-c
env.next = Environment(x, exp, env.next)
exp = None
elif op is SETQ: # x = Environment(v, e, next)
x.val = exp
exp = None
elif op is APPLY: # x = args; exp = fun
if x is NIL:
exp, k, env = apply_function(exp, NIL, k, env)
k = (APPLY_FUN, exp, k)
while x.cdr is not NIL:
k = (EVAL_ARG, x.car, k)
x = x.cdr
exp = x.car
k = (CONS_ARGS, NIL, k)
elif op is CONS_ARGS: # x = evaluated args
args = Cell(exp, x)
op, exp, k = k
if op is EVAL_ARG: # exp = the next arg
k = (CONS_ARGS, args, k)
elif op is APPLY_FUN: # exp = evaluated fun
exp, k, env = apply_function(exp, args, k, env)
raise RuntimeError('unexpected op: %s: %s' %
(stringify(op), stringify(exp)))
elif op is RESTORE_ENV: # x = env
env = x
raise RuntimeError('bad op: %s: %s' %
(stringify(op), stringify(x)))
except ErrorException:
except Exception as ex:
msg = type(ex).__name__ + ': ' + str(ex)
if k is not NOCONT:
msg += '\n ' + stringify(k)
raise Exception(msg)
def apply_function(fun, arg, k, env):
"""Apply a function to arguments with a continuation.
It returns (result, continuation, environment).
while True:
if fun is CALLCC_OBJ:
k = _push_RESTORE_ENV(k, env)
fun, arg = arg.car, Cell(k, NIL)
elif fun is APPLY_OBJ:
fun, arg = arg.car, arg.cdr.car
if isinstance(fun, Intrinsic):
if fun.arity >= 0:
if len(arg) != fun.arity:
raise TypeError('arity not matched: ' + str(fun) + ' and '
+ stringify(arg))
return fun.fun(arg), k, env
elif isinstance(fun, Closure):
k = _push_RESTORE_ENV(k, env)
k = (BEGIN, fun.body, k)
env = Environment(None, None, # marker of the frame top
fun.env.prepend_defs(fun.params, arg))
return None, k, env
elif isinstance(fun, tuple): # as a continuation
return arg.car, fun, env
raise TypeError('wrong type to apply: ' + stringify(fun) + ' with '
+ stringify(arg) + ' instance is ' + str(type(fun)))
def _push_RESTORE_ENV(k, env):
if k is NOCONT or k[0] is not RESTORE_ENV: # unless tail call...
k = (RESTORE_ENV, env, k)
return k
def split_string_into_tokens(source_string):
"split_string_into_tokens('(a 1)') => ['(', 'a', '1', ')']"
result = []
for line in source_string.split('\n'):
ss, x = [], []
for i, e in enumerate(line.split('"')):
if i % 2 == 0:
ss.append('"' + e) # Append a string literal.
s = ' '.join(x).split(';')[0] # Ignore ;-commment.
s = s.replace("'", " ' ").replace(')', ' ) ').replace('(', ' ( ')
x = s.split()
result.extend([(ss.pop(0) if e == '#s' else e) for e in x])
assert not ss
return result
def read_from_tokens(tokens):
"""Read an expression from a list of token strings.
The list will be left with the rest of token strings, if any.
token = tokens.pop(0)
if token == '(':
y = z = Cell(NIL, NIL)
while tokens[0] != ')':
if tokens[0] == '.':
y.cdr = read_from_tokens(tokens)
if tokens[0] != ')':
raise SyntaxError(') is expected')
e = read_from_tokens(tokens)
y.cdr = Cell(e, NIL)
y = y.cdr
return z.cdr
elif token == ')':
raise SyntaxError('unexpected )')
elif token == "'":
e = read_from_tokens(tokens)
return Cell(QUOTE, Cell(e, NIL)) # 'e => (quote e)
elif token == '#f':
return False
elif token == '#t':
return True
elif token[0] == '"':
return SchemeString(token[1:])
return int(token)
except ValueError:
return float(token)
except ValueError:
return intern(token) # as a symbol
def eval(code, env=GLOBAL_ENV):
tokens = split_string_into_tokens(code)
resp = None
while tokens:
exp = read_from_tokens(tokens)
resp = evaluate(exp, env)
return resp
def load(file_name, env=GLOBAL_ENV):
"Load a source code from a file."
with open(file_name) as rf:
source_string = rf.read()
return eval(source_string, env)
def read_expression(prompt1='> ', prompt2='| '):
"Read an expression."
while True:
old = TOKENS[:]
return read_from_tokens(TOKENS)
except IndexError: # tokens have run out unexpectedly.
source_string = raw_input(prompt2 if old else prompt1)
except EOFError as ex:
return ex
TOKENS[:] = old
except SyntaxError:
del TOKENS[:] # Discard the erroneous tokens.
def read_eval_print_loop():
"Repeat read-eval-print until End-of-File."
while True:
exp = read_expression()
if isinstance(exp, EOFError):
result = evaluate(exp)
if result is not None:
print(stringify(result, True))
except Exception as ex:
# import os
# print(load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'init.scm')))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if argv[1:2]:
if argv[2:3] != ['-']: