const supported_packages = [:DataFrames, :NamedArrays, :Plots, :HypothesisTests, :CSVFiles] # Generic fallback orgshow(io::IO, Any, i; kwargs...) = show(io, i) orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", i; kwargs...) = show(io, i) # Overload types orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", t::Tuple; kwargs...) = print(io, join(t, ',')) orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", ::Nothing; kwargs...) = print(io, "") orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", a::Array{T,1}; kwargs...) where T <: Any = print(io, join(a, '\n')) # You can override this with a better one that uses some available module function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/html", i::Array{T,2}; kwargs...) where T <: Any width = get(Dict(kwargs), :width, "100") print(io, """""") content = eachrow(i) |> x -> string("", join([string("")) print(io, content, "
", join(l, "")) for l in x], "
") end function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", i::Array{T,2}; kwargs...) where T <: Any out = eachrow(i) |> x -> join([join(l, ',') for l in x], '\n') print(io, out) end function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/csv", i::Array{T,2}; kwargs...) where T <: Any orgshow(io, MIME("text/org"), i; kwargs...) end function orgstring(e::Tuple{Exception,Any}) string("ERROR,", e[1], "\n", "Stacktrace:\n", join(e[2], '\n')) end # The comma is needed to allow export as table function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", e::Tuple{Exception,Any}; kwargs...) print(io, orgstring(e)) end function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", t::NamedTuple) print(io, join(string.(keys(t)), ',')) println(io) print(io, join(t, ',')) end function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", ta::Vector{<:NamedTuple}) "This assume keys are the same. A better NamedTuple export is provided by the DataFrames (DataFrame(ta))" length(ta) <= 0 && return "" println(io, join(keys(first(ta)), ',')) for t in ta print(io, join(string.(values(t)), ',')) println(io) end end OrgAPApvalue(p) = p < 0.001 ? "< .001" : string("= ", round(p, sigdigits = 2)) function define_HypothesisTests() Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, m::MIME"text/org", test::PowerDivergenceTest; kwargs...) println(io, join(["test", "df", "N", "stat", "p-value"], ',')) print(io, join(["X^2", test.df, test.n, test.stat, pvalue(test)], ',')) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, m::MIME"text/html", test::PowerDivergenceTest; kwargs...) print(io, string("X^2", " (", test.df, ", N = ", test.n, ") = ", round(test.stat; digits = 2), ", p ", OrgAPApvalue(pvalue(test)))) end end function define_Plots() # Fallback: we will try to plot any image/png or image/svg Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, m::MIME"image/png", any; kwargs...) show(io, MIME("image/png"), plot(any; kwargs...)) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", any; kwargs...) show(io, MIME("image/svg+xml"), plot(any; kwargs...)) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, m::MIME"image/png", p::Plots.Plot; kwargs...) show(io, MIME("image/png"), plot(p; kwargs...)) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"image/png", e::Tuple{Exception,Any}; kwargs...) let p = plot(showaxis = false, grid = false, bg = :yellow) annotate!([0.5], [0.5], (orgstring(e), :red)) orgshow(io, MIME("image/png"), p; kwargs...) end end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"image/svg+xml", e::Exception; kwargs...) let p = plot(showaxis = false, grid = false, bg = :yellow) annotate!([0.5], [0.5], (string("ERROR: ", e), :red)) orgshow(io, MIME("image/svg+xml"), p; kwargs...) end end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/html", p::Plots.Plot; kwargs...) p = plot(p; kwargs...) p.attr[:html_output_format] = "png" # Plots._show(io::IO, MIME("text/html"), p::Plots.Plot; kwargs...) Plots._show(io, MIME("text/html"), p) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"image/svg+xml", p::Plots.Plot; kwargs...) show(io, MIME("image/svg+xml"), plot(p; kwargs...)) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"application/pdf", p::Plots.Plot; kwargs...) # ps, eps, tex or pdf. I think extra packages are required for all but pdf show(io, MIME("application/pdf"), plot(p; kwargs...)) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"application/postscript", p::Plots.Plot; kwargs...) show(io, MIME("application/postscript"), plot(p; kwargs...)) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"image/eps", p::Plots.Plot; kwargs...) show(io, MIME("image/eps"), plot(p; kwargs...)) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"application/x-tex", p::Plots.Plot; kwargs...) show(io, MIME("application/x-tex"), plot(p; kwargs...)) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", p::Plots.Plot; kwargs...) # png or svg p.attr[:html_output_format] = "png" orgshow(io::IO, MIME("text/html"), p::Plots.Plot; kwargs...) end end function define_DataFrames() Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/csv", d::DataFrames.DataFrame) orgshow(io, MIME("text/org"), d) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", d::DataFrames.DataFrame) out = join(string.(names(d)), ',') * '\n' out *= join([join(x, ',') for x in eachrow(d) .|> collect],'\n') print(io, out) end end function define_CSVFiles() Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/csv", d::CSVFiles.CSVFile) orgshow(io, MIME("text/org"), d) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/html", d::CSVFiles.CSVFile) show(io, MIME("text/html"), RES) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"application/json", d::CSVFiles.CSVFile) show(io, MIME("application/vnd.dataresource+json"), RES) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", d::CSVFiles.CSVFile) orgshow(io, MIME("text/org"), collect(d)) end end function define_NamedArrays() Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", na::NamedArray{T,2} where T <: Any) n = names(na) a = collect(na) # The char used by NamedArrays is '╲' but by default it's not # shown in pdf export print(io, join(string.(na.dimnames), " \\ ") * ',') print(io, join(n[2], ',') * '\n') print(io, join([join([string(n[1][i], ','), join([a[i,j] for j in 1:size(na,2) ], ',')]) for i in 1:size(na,1) ], '\n')) end Main.@eval function orgshow(io::IO, ::MIME"text/org", na::NamedArray{T,1} where T <: Any) n = names(na) a = collect(na) print(io, string(na.dimnames[1], ',', '\n')) print(io, join([join([n[1][i], a[i]], ',') for i in 1:length(n[1])], '\n')) end end define_package_functions(pkg::Symbol) = (@eval $pkg)() function OrgBabelImport(imports; forced = false) "Load dependencies. Do this before calling OrgBabelReload()" # Reload this module, so that if new packages have been imported, # we can use them to save the output !forced && isempty(imports) && return println("$imports") try Main.eval(Meta.parse( """begin $imports end""")) true catch e @show e end end function OrgBabelReload() "Defines show method based on loaded packages" for pkg in supported_packages if isdefined(Main, pkg) && (isa(getfield(Main, pkg), Module) || isa(getfield(Main, pkg), UnionAll)) define_package_functions(Symbol("define_", pkg)) end end end const Mimes = Dict(:org => "text/org", :csv => "text/csv", :png => "image/png", :svg => "image/svg+xml", :pdf => "application/pdf", :html => "text/html", :auto => "text/org", :ps => "application/postscript", :eps => "image/eps", :tex => "application/x-tex") function OrgBabelFormat(output_type::Symbol, output_file, dir, vars, src_file, silently::Bool, pure::Bool, kwargs) content = read(src_file, String) # Fake a prompt with the current input try printstyled(IOContext(stdout, :color => true), "\njulia> ", color = :blue) println(content) catch end # Dispatch on output type code = pure ? "let $vars; $content; end" : "begin $vars; $content end" if output_type == :value # Run the code result = cd(dir) do try Main.eval(Meta.parse(code)) catch e (e, stacktrace()) end end if !silently try display(MIME("text/plain"), result) catch e println("Error $e while showing results") end end # Decide output type. # If the output has an extension, use it. # else, use the exporter format. Fallback to text/org output_ext = replace(splitext(output_file)[2], "." => "") required_format = isempty(output_ext) ? :auto : Symbol(output_ext) mime = get(Mimes, required_format, "text/org") temporary_output = IOBuffer() # Output directly to org (no :file, -> save to output_file) try orgshow(temporary_output, MIME(mime), result; Base.eval(Meta.parse(kwargs))...) catch e @error "Probable ob-julia error! Please report to the author!" @error "Error: $e" print(temporary_output, "Probable ob-julia error! Please report to the author!", "Error: $e") end write(output_file, take!(temporary_output)) elseif output_type == :output temporary_output_file = tempname() open(temporary_output_file, create = true, write = true) do f redirect_stdout(f) do redirect_stderr(f) do cd(dir) do try Main.eval(Meta.parse(code)) catch e println(e) println(join(stacktrace(), '\n')) end end end end end if !silently # It's stupid to write and read it but I don't know how to # save redirect_stdout to IOBuffer or similar print(read(temporary_output_file, String)) end mv(temporary_output_file, output_file, force = true) else "ERROR: invalid ouput type" end return nothing end OrgBabelReload()