A user may want to download the drawing multiple times. And besides, after
switching back to the default icon theme, I couldn't find a decent icon
Enable the delete button that's been hidden away so far. When clicked, we
suffix the cached json file with '.deleted'. This also causes a popup with an
undo button to appear (taken from Nautilus). When clicked, that button will
restore the drawing again.
This is really all just renaming anyway, because nothing ever gets deleted
An extra filter is needed to skip Tuhi drawings that have been deleted in the
GUI - we don't want to add the drawings we just deleted again just because
Tuhi still keeps them in cache.
This is a quickly hacked-together versions with some bits in detail, others
just sketched in. Credit goes to Piper where much of the basic structure has
been taken from, and tuhi-kete where the DBus bindings were taken from.
Current functionality allows to register a new device and save drawings from
an existing device. Missing is the bit where we can download drawings from a
newly registered device. Several buttons are present but not hooked up yet,
several UI pieces are unpolished.
This UI is designed to work with one device only right now. If you have two
devices, you'll have to manually remove them from Tuhi and add one or the
other through this tool.
The UI is minimal. If you start it and Tuhi doesn't have a device yet, it will
immediately go into search mode and start registering the device. If you have
a device, it'll just display the data.
The data Tuhi exports is downloaded immediately and converted to SVG files,
stored in $XDG_DATA_HOME/tuhigui/<timestamp>.svg. Downloading a file through
the GUI merely copies that file into the target path. No support for rotation
at this point, but could and should be added (there's a button already!)