project('tuhi', version: '0.1', license: 'GPLv2', meson_version: '>= 0.48.0') # The tag date of the project_version(), update when the version bumps. version_date='2019-07-10' # Dependencies dependency('python3', required: true) dependency('pygobject-3.0', required: true) prefix = get_option('prefix') datadir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('datadir')) localedir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('localedir')) pkgdatadir = join_paths(datadir, meson.project_name()) bindir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('bindir')) podir = join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'po') desktopdir = join_paths(datadir, 'applications') icondir = join_paths(datadir, 'icons', 'hicolor', 'scalable', 'apps') metainfodir = join_paths(datadir, 'metainfo') libexecdir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libexecdir'), 'tuhi') i18n = import('i18n') subdir('po') subdir('tuhigui/data') # Find the directory to install our Python code pymod = import('python') py3 = pymod.find_installation() python_dir = py3.get_install_dir() install_subdir('tuhigui', install_dir: python_dir, exclude_directories: ['__pycache__', 'data']) install_subdir('tuhi', install_dir: python_dir, exclude_directories: '__pycache__') # We have three startup scripts: # - tuhi: starts server and GUI # - tuhi-gui: starts the GUI only # - tuhi-server: starts the server only # # tuhi-server can run as-is, we don't need meson for it. But for the other # two we build a {name}.devel version that uses the in-tree files. # For that we need to replace a few paths, in the installed versions we just # use the normal dirs. # config_tuhi = configuration_data() config_tuhi.set('libexecdir', libexecdir) config_tuhi.set('devel', '') config_tuhi_devel = configuration_data() config_tuhi_devel.set('libexecdir', '') config_tuhi_devel.set('devel', ''' tuhi_gui = '@1@/tuhi-gui.devel' tuhi_server = '@0@/' print('Running from source tree, using local files') '''.format(meson.source_root(), meson.build_root())) config_tuhigui = configuration_data() config_tuhigui.set('pkgdatadir', pkgdatadir) config_tuhigui.set('localedir', localedir) config_tuhigui.set('devel', '') config_tuhigui_devel = config_tuhigui config_tuhigui_devel.set('pkgdatadir', join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'tuhigui', 'data')) config_tuhigui_devel.set('localedir', join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'po')) config_tuhigui_devel.set('devel', ''' sys.path.insert(1, '@0@') print('Running from source tree, using local files') '''.format(meson.source_root(), meson.build_root())) configure_file(input: '', output: 'tuhi', configuration: config_tuhi, install_dir: bindir) configure_file(input: '', output: 'tuhi.devel', configuration: config_tuhi_devel) configure_file(input: '', output: 'tuhi-gui', configuration: config_tuhigui, install_dir: libexecdir) configure_file(input: '', output: 'tuhi-gui.devel', configuration: config_tuhigui_devel) configure_file(input: '', output: 'tuhi-server', copy: true, install_dir: libexecdir) meson.add_install_script('') desktop_file = i18n.merge_file(input: 'tuhigui/data/', output: 'org.freedesktop.Tuhi.desktop', type: 'desktop', po_dir: podir, install: true, install_dir: desktopdir) conf = configuration_data() conf.set('version', meson.project_version()) conf.set('url', '') conf.set('version_date', version_date) appdata_intl = configure_file(input: 'tuhigui/data/', output: '', configuration: conf) appdata = i18n.merge_file(input: appdata_intl, output: 'org.freedesktop.Tuhi.appdata.xml', type: 'xml', po_dir: podir, install: true, install_dir: metainfodir) install_data('tuhigui/data/org.freedesktop.Tuhi.svg', install_dir: icondir) flake8 = find_program('flake8-3', required: false) if flake8.found() test('flake8', flake8, args: ['--ignore=E501,W504', join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'tuhigui/'), join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'tuhi/')]) endif desktop_validate = find_program('desktop-file-validate', required: false) if desktop_validate.found() test('desktop-file-validate', desktop_validate, args: [desktop_file]) endif appstream_util = find_program('appstream-util', required: false) if appstream_util.found() test('appstream-util validate-relax', appstream_util, args: ['validate-relax', appdata]) endif # A wrapper to start tuhi at the same time as tuhigui, used by the flatpak configure_file(input: 'tools/', output: '', copy: true)