#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # from gi.repository import GObject, Gtk from .drawing import Drawing from .svg import JsonSvg import json import time import gi import logging gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger('drawingperspective') def relative_time(seconds): MIN = 60 H = 60 * MIN DAY = 24 * H WEEK = 7 * DAY if seconds < 30: return 'just now' if seconds < 5 * MIN: return 'a few minutes ago' if seconds < H: return f'{int(seconds/MIN/10) * 10} minutes ago' if seconds < DAY: return f'{int(seconds/H)} hours ago' if seconds < 4 * WEEK: return f'{int(seconds/DAY)} days ago' return 'a long time ago' @Gtk.Template(resource_path="/org/freedesktop/TuhiGui/ui/DrawingPerspective.ui") class DrawingPerspective(Gtk.Stack): __gtype_name__ = "DrawingPerspective" image_battery = Gtk.Template.Child() flowbox_drawings = Gtk.Template.Child() spinner_sync = Gtk.Template.Child() label_last_sync = Gtk.Template.Child() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.known_drawings = [] self.last_sync_time = 0 self._sync_label_timer = GObject.timeout_add_seconds(60, self._update_sync_label) self._update_sync_label() def _update_drawings(self, device, pspec): for ts in reversed(sorted(self.device.drawings_available)): if ts in self.known_drawings: continue self.known_drawings.append(ts) js = json.loads(self.device.json(ts)) svg = JsonSvg(js) drawing = Drawing(svg) self.flowbox_drawings.add(drawing) @GObject.Property def device(self): return self._device @device.setter def device(self, device): self._device = device device.connect('notify::connected', self._on_connected) device.connect('notify::listening', self._on_listening_stopped) device.connect('notify::sync-state', self._on_sync_state) device.connect('notify::battery-percent', self._on_battery_changed) device.connect('notify::battery-state', self._on_battery_changed) device.connect('notify::drawings-available', self._update_drawings) self._on_battery_changed(device, None) self._update_drawings(self.device, None) # We always want to sync on startup logger.debug(f'{device.name} - starting to listen') device.start_listening() @GObject.Property def name(self): return "drawing_perspective" def _on_battery_changed(self, device, pspec): if device.battery_percent > 80: fill = 'full' elif device.battery_percent > 40: fill = 'good' elif device.battery_percent > 10: fill = 'low' else: fill = 'caution' if device.battery_state == 1: state = '-charging' else: state = '' batt_icon_name = f'battery-{fill}{state}-symbolic' _, isize = self.image_battery.get_icon_name() self.image_battery.set_from_icon_name(batt_icon_name, isize) self.image_battery.set_tooltip_text(f'{device.battery_percent}%') def _on_sync_state(self, device, pspec): if device.sync_state: self.spinner_sync.start() else: self.spinner_sync.stop() self.last_sync_time = time.time() self._update_sync_label() def _update_sync_label(self): now = time.time() self.label_last_sync.set_text(f'{relative_time(now - self.last_sync_time)}') return True def _on_connected(self, device, pspec): # Turns out we don't really care about whether the device is # connected or not, it has little effect on how we work here pass def _on_listening_stopped(self, device, pspec): if not device.listening: logger.debug(f'{device.name} - listening stopped, restarting') # We never want to stop listening device.start_listening()